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<br /> _ �„!. M additional�eeuHty.Trwtor heroby Qivc�to and coate»upon B�netkiary th�rl�ht,�ewer and authorlty. durinQ the continua�ice
<br /> tlssa�Tn�ats w eolMct th� r�nt�, iww�and profita of�aid peop��tp� raNrvliy unto'I�utor the �i�ht� Pdor to uLy default by 7lruetor
<br /> p�ytnMe ot aNr ind�btdne�e�cue+�d heroby o� in p�r{��of a�r a�ro�mwnt hee,eunder,to coUect and ntain auch rente,ie�uee
<br /> °��v� �Y ���p�y�bk. Upon any such dat�ult. geaeAciary may at any Nms without notice�elther in pt:reon, by
<br /> . �ent,or by a tvo�iver W 6s�ppoint�d by�court,Rod�rithout rsgud to the adequacy oP any eacurity for the Indebtednew hereb�eecured,
<br /> �nt�e upon and taks powMion of iaid peopa�ty or�u►Y P�*t thsebof.in his o�name �uo fo�or atherwlis eoll�et such nnts, i�ues and
<br /> pratfta.ineludit�,�tl�oN p�!dw�ad w►paid.�nd�pply L1u�wa�e upnn any inde6tednea weu»d heraby.and ln�uch order a�BeneGci�ry
<br /> °��^°iD°.T�°4����P°"+ud�+�1"�Po�e�uon of taicl proparty.the rnllxtion of�ueh rent�.iwue�and prefita and the applic�tion
<br /> ther°°f�a�f°�id.�1��cure w'walve any tl�efault o�notice of d�fault herounder o�invsUdate�ny�et done pur�uaat tp rtkh notice,
<br /> b.171i0°d�v1!by'hu�toe'in the p�,yment of any indebtednaM�ecured heteby o�in th�pYdormaace of any�greeu�aat contaiaed harein,
<br /> � v��°�"'��d 1�e�b7�11�nun�dlatdY heco[ne due�nd p�yRble at the opNo�of the Heneficiary.In�uch event and upo�written raqye�t
<br /> ot B�nstici+rY. 'Ihat�e ihall �s11 the tnu�t proPe�t3'. in aaonlae�os�vith the Nebra�k�'hu�t De�d� AM,Rt public auction to the higheet
<br /> biddv. Any pee�on excep�Truetee n�p b9d at 7�urt�ee's sa1e.Truitee ah�tll aPP1Y�P����'the Mle ai followa: (1) to the e�enie
<br /> ot'tM s�b.iocludins���ble 7Swtee'a tee;(2)to the obligatioa�eeund by th9a peed af 7lruet;(31 the�urplw,if any,�hall be dimibuted
<br /> to t}N psnotu encitl�d therata.
<br /> �• �wtee ahall dsliv�r to the purcbaaer�t the eale ita deed, without wuranty, �hich ehall rnnvey to the p�uchaser the inteeest in
<br /> p��opsrty which 75rwtor had or had the po�ver to convey�t the tlme of h1�e:ecution of this Deed of Truet,and iue.h as he uu,y have
<br /> • �aquired then�R�e�. 7tustee'� deed th�ll recite the facts sho�ag thttt ths wle was conduckd in complianos with �11 the requiremente
<br /> . of 4w and of thL Ue�d of 7'rust.which reeital�hdl be primA f+�cie evldenca ot'auch aomnliane+w wnrt r.,.�t.F,.}r�a:•}?�,n�:h�ra!';n fa���°
<br /> -- =�!'�'���p•.:..'�:c�.:�,d encnmbrancen ror value.
<br /> ' ?•The power of ssle oonfemed by th9a Deed of ltivet ie not en exclueive remedy;$eneficiary may cause this Deed of'1}uat to be forecloeed
<br /> , aa s mortgage.
<br /> 8. In the�vent of the death, incapacitq, disability or reaignation of 74uetee. Eeneficiary mayr dppo�nt in writiag a succeseo� t�uetee,
<br /> and upon the recordjng of such�ppointment in the mortgage recorde of the county in which thia Deed of Truat ia rewnded,the euaeaeor
<br /> trwtee ahall be veetcd with all poxers of the odginal truatee.The hwtee is not obliged to not;fy any party hereto of pending eale unrier
<br /> ' any other Dsed of Truat or of any �¢tion or proeeeding in which 7�uator,T�vatee or Beneficiary ehrll be a party unless auc;� uction or
<br /> proceeding tr brought by the R�uetee,
<br /> 9. Thie Deed of Truat appl;ee to, jbu� tp the benefit ot; and ia binding not only on ihe partiea hereto, but on their heire, deviaees,
<br /> legateee, adminiatratore, e:ecutore, aucceaeors and ase;gna. The term Beneficiary ahall mean the holder and owner of the note eecnred '
<br /> hereby,whether or not aamed aa 8eaefici�ry herein.
<br /> 10. Requeet for Notice of Default or Notice of Sale. It ia requeated that a copy oP any Notice of Default ar Notice of Sale be mailed to '
<br /> each pereon who is named in this 7�uet Deed at the mailing eddm�e oPauch pereon ai eet out above. +-
<br /> NOTICE TO CONSUMER: 1. DO II�t 8i�f thia nas�* �o�;.e �:.::s�.� « �. v� asiti enicii�ed io a cap _
<br /> , _�._��
<br /> _ . .__ . ._ .
<br /> - -_=ai tltie—a - _ �.r_r _
<br /> p per.-3.You may prepay the unpaid balance at any tltne without penalty and may be entltled fi=:
<br /> to receive a refund of unearned ohargee in accordance wiith law. -
<br /> Signed this ?4 day of—.lu 1 y .,,A.D.19 �_. ,
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) X r �
<br /> � Hall � covrrrv ��`"
<br /> On tlus 24 �y af JU1y , A.D., 19 g� , before me,the undereigned,a Notary Public, duly
<br /> � oommiaeioned and qualified for and residing in esid county, pareonally cameR�Cherd E. DVOPdk a —
<br /> I S 1 T191@ BEl"SOII � me �Q� � be the identical person _, whose nAme � g�h 1 S � =he foregoing -
<br /> inatrument as Tn�etor and acknowledged the same to be vol- '
<br /> untery act and deed. �..
<br /> ' `Yitneae my hand and Notarial Sea]the day and year Ia ' � �
<br /> : My Commiasion expirea the 8 day ���,�M�� �� , _
<br /> or _ Februarv , is 91 s�tirY.w�TSOtt � �.�� �. �
<br /> b ic ` , '
<br /> � S`�`ATE OF �
<br /> ' County . �ss.
<br /> � EntEred in Numerical Lidex and fileci for record in tha off2cc of the Register of Deeda of said county, the
<br />. day of , 19. , at _ o'clock and
<br /> minutea M., and duly recorded in Book of
<br /> � Mortgagea page
<br /> � .
<br /> �
<br /> Register of Deeds
<br /> :-_-___
<br /> 991 E82 rNE�
<br /> Deputy
<br /> i
<br /> � � � I �.
<br /> J �
<br /> �
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