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200106804 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Lot Three (3), Section Twenty (20), Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br />Eight (8) West of the 6th P.M., Merrick County, Nebraska and shall include <br />all accretion ground and river frontage related thereto. <br />and <br />A tract of land described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of <br />the West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W 1 /2NE 1 /4) of Section Thirty -six <br />(36), running thence directly North 80 rods, thence West 50 rods, thence <br />North 80 rods, thence West 60 rods, thence South 150 rods to the South line <br />of the Quarter Section, thence East on direct line to the point of beginning, <br />and a triangular tract commencing at a point of 80 rods directly West of the <br />Quarter Post on the East side of Section 36, in Township 11, in Range 10, <br />running thence 80 rods directly West to the Northwest corner of the <br />Southeast Quarter of said Section 36, thence directly South along the West <br />line of said Southeast Quarter 17 chains and 17 links, thence a bow line back <br />to the place of beginning, said bow line being 2 chains and 3 links, in the <br />center, Southeast from a straight line between the points mentioned, said <br />triangular tract containing 20 acres and the first described tract containing 85 <br />acres, all in Section Thirty -six (36), Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br />Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, containing <br />approximately 105 acres, together with a tract for road purposes described in <br />a Warranty Deed filed September 3, 1965, in Book 148 at Page 620 of the <br />Deed Records of Hall County, Nebraska, and subject to a tract containing <br />0.222 acres, more or less, conveyed to the County of Hall, State of <br />Nebraska, by Quitclaim Deed recorded in Book 150 at Page 437 of the <br />Deeds of Records of Hall County, Nebraska, together with and subject to <br />easements for road purposes. More specifically, including the pond and <br />hunting field located to the West of the primary residence located on the <br />Property. <br />