<br /> : � -�e� �r r� = - . a: r , :�a , • , •
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<br /> _'�'� _. ..____�_._.... ..«_.....__«_.._.�.r..______._L- .- �....- �.__ __, ki�°_--____..
<br /> ��
<br /> i
<br /> � � -
<br /> �Q�_. �0424�.
<br /> R�al R. �Pl�ill��s Janis E. r�.F�i.u�pa
<br /> � 537 Heimitaga 2604 tl�ntic�].eer, Apt. E
<br /> Graind� Island� I� l58801 Grarcl Islat�d, I� 6880�
<br /> Rid� Ga�� Aobott �,r
<br /> 916 Wast P'ixst S�t'�!!B� HoOC �l5r.�!
<br /> G�a'l'1d I9ltind� NE 6880]. I.�noo�n� NE 68504
<br /> Jdv► �. Wo�].f
<br /> P. O. 800t 460
<br /> � Grand Ialaind, I� 68802
<br /> �
<br /> � by oe�ttifiecl m�il, return z+eoeiPt requested. Pos�x�e Pre��aid. on April 17, 1990.
<br /> (5) t�tANIO[t publie�heci the Natioe of Trustee's Sale, to be held cn May 22, 1990,
<br /> tst 9:OQ a.m., at fi2�e Taw�er I,d3yy of the N�11 �ty Qautha�se, 3n tha City of Gr�v�d
<br /> Island. Ha�ll OataYty, Nebrask�, whidi Na�tioe was publist�e�d in fihe Grarri Islard Dailv
<br /> . � ,��. cf Grand =slarrl, Neb�raska� onoe a w�eeac for fiv�e (5) c�or�seait�.v�e weeks, -
<br /> i wa9�at l�east t�eti�10 � tla �� or t�.o�tl'�e�yTYUStree s�Sa].e� held o�Ma �2 2 1 90�and
<br /> .
<br /> � said sale Was r�at later th�an thirty (30) days after t2�e last publicatio� of Natioe.
<br /> j �G) Gt�Ni�R oor�duct'�ed the sale of tt�e rea'1 propeYty at public auctian on May 22,
<br /> � 1990, at 9:OU a.m., ani wes aontinuec•3 to l�ay 23, 1990, at or aUout 9:00 a.m., at tl�e
<br /> 1 Io�r Io�y of t1�e Hall Oo�n�ty O�u�o�e, ain the City Of Grand Island. Hall Cb�uYtY•
<br /> � Nebraska. GZt�N1nR aooe�tsti tl�e bid of Russell E. Fl�d arid F11a M. F�id, hwband
<br /> ar�d wife, in the s�an of Fb�rty-six Zt�a�usand Fiv�e HundY+ed One arid No/100 Dollars -
<br /> ($46,501.00) as tl�e hic�hest bid u¢xxi said real pnop�ty. C�iNI�O[t has �oaplied with � `
<br /> the requiY+�ts of the' abov�e referenoe�d Deed of �'rust arrct� the ���r,�++o,r,1-� of N�i. �r
<br /> Rev. S�at. �76-1001 th�rouc�i §76-1018 (Re�ie 1986), in the exeYCise of the sale of •=�
<br /> _ � � � P�X �ribed, herein at �he Tntstee�s Sale held on May ��, 1990. [:;�` "
<br /> Zt�is deed st�all apctate to aa��y t4 Russ�11 E. FZ�ea�d ar�ci Ella M. FY�ead, husband �
<br /> and wife, CR�NTEE, without right of i�ian, the c�?Arfl�t•s title and all ric�t, .
<br /> � title, infierest axid claim of the Tnistor, ancl its suooessors in i.aterest arx� of all �
<br /> ; pezr.�cns claiming bY� thr�ou�z or undex then, in and tA the rea].
<br /> : P�P�Y. �ludin4 all � right, title, interest and clafm �n ar�d to sudi p�rcpexty `
<br /> � acqui.rad by the Z�wrtor or its suooe�sors in 3rY`.rer�st subsequent t� the e�c�ecution of �
<br /> � the Deeci of �hns�t.
<br /> �is Deed is subject to all easenpnts, r�strickians or oovennnts of revord which
<br /> ` C�I�t is no�t entitled to caiv�ey ptlrsuant to Neb. 1Z�v. Stat. �76-1010(2j� (l�eis.��e
<br /> 1986).
<br /> Dated this �P 'r'`- � .
<br /> + day of ��le , 1990 ���-`AVf,^::,.,;,��
<br /> ' ��,, r��r'•.,�fi�'� -` -''�--
<br /> i �IAL F�AL SAVa1GS AND I�N t 4�, � �''` �:.`' r• . „�
<br /> ' AS.90LIATION� Tluste� '�" �� •�•� '`-��: . � �•r'
<br /> �) � 1 ?' SI1�CE l�il =-
<br /> �':ti SL�;L r_��-;% -=
<br /> , / j`✓�.• ..`v�\1 �
<br /> witaess: �; L � OJ°•..�.• �
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<br /> � STA'TE'OF �ASI�A)
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> 0(xlNi'Y OF DWG7AS)
<br /> �A'1 t1118 ��, CJa�i OI IJ��, 159U� betfL01"E tile� Ylle�/' l6iei5itjll� IvV1i�.dL'y r�' IiC 'Li T/�
<br /> � ��X .�Zd `�""�'l I ��•Y al�F�� �l.3l1'� L j 1 'r � Vrl GG i f tr� ��E'� t ' - _—---
<br /> of Oum�ercial ��e3eral Savir�gs and Loan Association and ly lmc�wn to be the '
<br /> id�ntical person wtyose name is affixc�d to the foregoi.ng instt�+nt and ac}a�owleciged
<br /> the execa�tion thereof ta be his voluntary act and deed as surch offioer and the
<br /> volunti,ary act and � of ommercial Federal Savings and Inan As.sociation, ani the
<br /> O�zporate Seal of said oozporatian was thereto affixed by its authority. �
<br /> L �
<br /> Witness my hand and n�ta�ial seal th� date last aforesaid.
<br /> �
<br /> /� ti
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