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ANMC #000655 -1 <br />Beyersdorf <br />89- 101366 <br />SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED <br />Associates National Mortgage Corporation, a corporation <br />organized under the laws of the State -of Delaware, hereinafter <br />called "Grantor*, in consideration of One,. Dollar ($1.00) and <br />other valuable consideration received from. Grantee, does hereby <br />grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the Secretary of <br />Housing and Urban Development, his successors and assigns, herein <br />called the "Grantee", the following described-real property: <br />Lot Seventeen (17) :, in Buhrman Subdivision, an <br />addition to the: City of Grand Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOL4 , the above- described premise; .: . <br />together with all tenements, hereditaments,. and appurtenanced, <br />thereto belonging unto the Grantee and to the Grantees succes- <br />sors and assigns. <br />And the G:r3ntar does hereby covenant with the? Grantee J: <br />and with the Grantee, s successors and assigns that the Grantor is <br />lawfully seized of said premises; that Grantor has good right and <br />lawful authority to convey the same; and that Grantor warrants <br />and will defend the title to said premises against the lawful <br />claims of all persons claiming or to claim the same, or any part <br />thereof, by, through, or under said Grantor, but not otherwise. <br />Executed this lot day of March , 1989. <br />ASSOCIATES NATIONAL MORTGAGE.,. <br />CORPORATION, Grantor, <br />By: Seiany Hastings <br />Title: Vice - President <br />(Coi�pmrate Seal) f <br />Hy : F. A le Seyao <br />Title: Assis ant Secretary <br />STATE OF TEXAS ) <br />SS.: <br />COUNTY OF DALLAS ) <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me <br />this 1st day of March , 1989, by Sonny Hastings 0 <br />Vice - President ' and by F. Michele Seynou; Assistant Secretary , of <br />Associates National Mortgage Corporation, a corporation organized <br />under the laws of the State of Delaware, on behalf of the <br />corporation. <br />*do.otn�r <br />t <br />Np1AgV 9U5OG <br />• STAle OR 122:8 <br />R-otlary Public -- - <br />sgs/ 013 <br />s <br />