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1 <br />_ 1 <br />85090 -1 -20 <br />• MORTGAGE ADDENDUM . 89.... 141384 <br />The foltowine are addenda to the Mortgage. Please check the applicable addendum. The <br />addendue checked shalt be incorporated into, and recorded with, the-Mortgage. The term <br />■mortgages shall be, deemed to include *Deed of Truat,s if applicable. <br />FRA ADDENDUM <br />As long as the Mortgage is outstanding, the tender may declare all suns secured by the <br />Mortsage to be immediately due and payable if: <br />(a) alt or parQ , of the. Fr irpr,Yy is` s<i —d or otherwise transferred (other than by <br />devise, descent or oprrrt,.Oam of Lari.1,Ok'Sorrover to a purchaser or other transferee: <br />(I) xhu cannot reos.ifT04ty be expected to occupy the property as a <br />principal res.fde!nce within a '.rrxiaionoble time after the sale or transfer, all as <br />provided in Section 143(c) and.'S'43(i)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as <br />amended; or <br />(if) kQ has had a present qutitrshl.p- .interest In a principal residence <br />during any po.6i,iaf the three -year period .. no ern the date of the sate-or transfer, <br />all as provid6d:in Section 143(d) and 143('t;nQ2) of• t'te Internal Revenue•Code (except <br />that the l8f4urge 0100 percent^ shell be tabstituted for ^95 percent. ;ar more'$ where <br />the latter appears fn Se "f,on 143(d)(11); <br />at an rr!�uisition cost whiclr.'As greater than' ,'OG1 .f' tfi,- average area <br />purchase price (greater than Itat. for• terg-±.ted area restdenc�lv3 et'.t Aar. provided in <br />Section 143(e) and 143(1)(2) of the Internal 'Revenue Coda; or <br />(iv) who has an income in excess of glint established the Nebraska <br />Investment Finance Authority under its spftl:.1 :64ohla = -r_ ,aulations or program guidelines <br />In effect on the date of the sale or;;or..:". " <br />(b) Borrower fails to occupy the property ducr.ibed in the Mortgage without- <br />Lender's prior writtem- consent; or <br />(c) Borrower omits or misrepresents a material fact in an application for the <br />Mortgage. <br />References are to the Internet Revenue Code in effect on the date of execution of the <br />mortgage and are deemed to include the implementing.regutationa. <br />VA MORTGAGE ADDENDUM <br />If, so long as the Mortgage is outstanding, all or any part of the property is sold or <br />transferred by Borrower without Lenders prior written consent, other than a transfer by <br />devise, descent or by operation of low, the Lender may, at Lenders option, declare all the <br />sums secured by the Mortgage to be immediately due and payable. <br />March 17, 1989 <br />D•te <br />eorrowe <br />Timothy E. Olson <br />Borrow ev Kristine J. Olson <br />State of Nebraska <br />County. of Hall ) ss. <br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledg.ed before me this 17th day of Mar,217 tg89 <br />by <br />mnrly E. Olson and Kristine J. 0lsoxiy husband and wife, <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal at in said county, the date aforesa.ic^. <br />My COMMission Expires <br />C9NNIE b�� 11 �� Not ay Public <br />YI Coma LrtO }�"� <br />MIFA 1983 Series D <br />L <br />i- <br />s <br />i <br />t <br />�J <br />NJ <br />