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i. <br />F statue d Miftadta <br />Deed of Trust <br />85850--- 1--20 <br />321 - 1298414703 <br />This Deed of Thad ("Security Instrument ") is made on March 17 <br />1989 The trutw is . *Timothy E. Olson and Kristine J. Olson, husband and wife, jointly <br />and each in their own right, ( "Borrower "). The trustee is COMMCIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN <br />ASSOCIATION ("Trustee "). The beneficiary is <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN , which is organized and existing. <br />under the laws of The United States of America , and whose address is 1235 "N" 'Street, Lincoln, <br />Nebraska 68508 <br />( °Lender "). " . <br />WbwsoeNt: That the Borrower in consideration of the deh and trust hereinafter described and trued. and the sum of One Dollar (S I ), to <br />him in hand paid by the Trustee. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and <br />confirm. unto the Trustee in trust, with power of sak, forver, all of the following described real esttti�.situated lying and being in the County of <br />Hal ,.sc+dSm of Nebraska, to wit_ <br />Lot Ten (10), in Gilbert's Subdivision of Bloch- .One (1), of <br />Gilbert's Second Addition. to the City of Grand. Island', Hall <br />County, Nebraska <br />which has the address of 1711 North Brea wAl Grand 1 ,shd <br />tsmet► lass,; <br />Nebraska 68801 (zip code) - ( "Property Address "); <br />To Have and To HoM the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thwwrao belonging and including all heating, plumbing and <br />lighting fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate unto the Trustee, and to its successors <br />and assigns, forever. The Borrower reprt>sents to, and convenants with, the Trustee. that the Borrower has good right to sell and convey said <br />premises; that dry are free from encumb and that the Borrower will warrant and defend the w ma against the lawful claims of all persons <br />whomsoever, W.the said Borrower hereby tc'snquishts all rights of homestead, and all marital rigitz. dther in law or in equity, and all other <br />contingent inter of the Borrower in and to the abom dikscribed premises, and intention being to convey hereby-an absolute title. in fee simple. <br />including all r*", of homestead. and other rights and iripam as aforesaid. <br />Provided AJMw%A and these presents are e:s=zed and delivered unto the Trustee. in trust. however for the following purposes. <br />Whereas. tfk Borrower on the 17 W . ,day of tlarch .1989 borrowed from the Lender <br />the sum of T'venty - E Thousaad Two Hundred and no /100 <br />Dollars (S 24200.00 ), for -+tnd i. <br />sum tier. Llr,.ir, V:s has x�� and li the r rro er's r missory no(t of even date. bearing <br />inram:,of the rate of fight an gh y i�a�dre8t�ts 8.& SO %) per annum on the unpaid biplz: ce until <br />Tie tAid principal and interest shall be payable at the office of FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA7,10N OF <br />LINCOLN <br />in Lincoln, Nebraska , or at such other place i�; rile in:i6tr of the note <br />may designate im writing, in monthly installments of One Hundred Ninety Two and 64/100 <br />Dollars (S 192.64 ), commencing on the first day of May <br />19 89. and on the fiat day of i ach month thereafter until the principal and intcen if& Mf+ y paid. except that th ti e W Payment of principal <br />sod interest. if nat sooner rAut. shall be due and payable on the first day of April <br />2019. <br />This form is used in connir. fon with mortgages insured under the one- to tour - family programs of the Nfitil mg.) Housing Act (including <br />5actions 203(b) and (i)) which require a One -Time Mdrtgage Insurance Premium payment in accardancekd Zh the regulations for those <br />programs. <br />form HUDA1143- OT.1(3-M edition) <br />Page I of 5 21 CFA 203.11(a) <br />