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<br /> Uaiform Covm�nt IS of the Securlty lruuument i�amendnd to read�s follows:
<br /> �.i. i7�i?:�:��i::.i:�:r::Gayer�I,�w;ae.aaii�i�.j�nis form of Secusity lnsuument cambines uniCorm covenu�ts tor nadon�l use
<br /> - �� aod�ioeoE oow�ants with limited vRri�tElont by jarisdictiort ta constltuk s urtiform atcurity iratmmeat cover�n=ral�csperty.Thla
<br /> �ecuirlty Iu�tnnamt�tl be soverne�by Foda�!Utw and the law of the juti�diction in which the Property Is lacated. In the event ilu�t�ny
<br /> ` : pra�riiiae or c3ause of t6is Security iastrumrnt or the Not�conflicts wlth spplicabk law.such conftict ahalt not affecc other provisions of thu �
<br /> Secudty Imtnunent a the Note which ca�be�ivrn efloct withaut the contlictlns provision,and to thi� end the proviaions of this SaurIty �
<br /> ' � Irotrwnmt aod the Note ue dec4red to be�everabk.
<br /> i
<br /> _ . Lr. '1�A,N9ll�R t1F 7'HE l�OtFa'I'Y O�A�F,NF.b7C1AL IMERF�I'IN IIO�ROWER
<br /> Ueitam CownMat 17 of the Secudty Iastrumeot is amended to re�d ss follows:
<br /> ' ' 17.�1��w�1�st NN lro�t�K�MMAtW I�NerN i�Mrr+�er.If all or any part of the Property or an intp�est therein is soW or uansferc+ed
<br /> (or if a baueAd�d intapt L�Borrow�r is sdd or traasfetred aad 9orrow�er ia not a tudwal p�rsoa)v�ithout Lender'a prior written coaseat.
<br /> � L,e�hr awy,u IROder'a oQtion, dociue�U the sunte aecured by this Se�uriry Instrument to be immedlately due and p�y�bk.Howevor�thia
<br /> , optioa a6�t1 no!be acad�ed by Lender if eaercise is not aut�h+orized by Federal law.Lender m�y w�ive the exercise af this oRtlon if:(a)Hortower
<br /> pqna to be�t+bmitta!to I.ender laformation requ9rod by Lender to evxluate the inteaded transferec as if a nta loan were hdn�made to the
<br /> q�ntaee;and(b�L,ender rwonrWy detemmiaxs that Lender's security will not be impaired by the loan assumption and that che dsk of the
<br /> • � brach ot aay earen�nt or ajree�na�t ia ehis Sc�cudty Instnunent is Acceptable to Lender.
<br /> v'u`K ci�icni
<br /> - � pormiiiod dg appucab�e iaw,uaaer may chuge a ressonxble fce as a condiNon to Lender's consent to the Iw�n usumption.
<br /> � Lender m�y aLo requlre the uansferee to keep all the promises and aaramenu made i2 c6e Note and ln this Securlty Instrnment.
<br /> "If Lender a�aclses such optlon to acoelerato.Ixnder sh+ill mail Borrower notda of acalera3Ion in�ccordance with paraarapd 11 hereof.
<br /> Such notla sl�all provide a period of not less tMn 30 days from the date the notia is m�ikd within which Borrower msy pay the�ums declued
<br /> � due.If Borro�r fall�to pay such sum�pdor to the expiration of such perlod,Lender may,without further notia or demand on Borrower,
<br /> invoke any remediea permitted by thl�Socwlty Instrument."
<br /> � "Notwlth:tarrdlr��aale or uansfer�Honower will continue to be obHasted under the Nate and this Security Instrument uNes�Lender has
<br /> rclea�ed Bo�tow�er i.a writit�.'•
<br /> � F. IAAN CHANGES : '
<br /> , 1 If the lan�ecured by the Security?nswment is sub9ect to a law which sets maximum toan chuga,and that law i�finally interpreted so �
<br /> f that tbe 9nntuest or ott�er loan char�es collected or to be collected in connection with the loan exceed permitted limiu,then:p)any such loan � ;�
<br /> � chute slaU be reduoed by the araount nea�ssary to reduce the charse to the permitted limit;and(2)u�y sum�alrqdy colk�cted from bonower .�--"
<br /> . —__._____v1�L.1�ww�wdwA ri1S 2�.«.:11 w.l..w.i ..D -�.._.�..� 1...........�� �....�_ _e:� �""�.."a__'�'_''_n. _�_.. �"_�'_'a.. _ -_ _ . __- '°- _ ..
<br /> � _ - ........r..........r.S�ZL.....IIL«...,..�..........��. iv..a'fiiG:.�s. ca u"j�i�vwc av u��c u�a ici tlrn"�vy�ccau�ut�tt�C prttxtpat vww Lawcr utC --
<br /> ' Note or by m�king a direct payment to Honower.tf a refund reduces principal,the raduction wtll be treated a�a putial prepayment under the i _
<br /> Nota -
<br /> q IN Wt1'NESS W�RFAF, �orrower lau exee�ted tMs Adj�tabk Ra1e Rlder. ,
<br /> i
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<br /> Susan C. Richards BORROWER .�
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