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1 <br />a , peed of 'gust <br />89-' .1013'76 <br />ff00308 748 (b) <br />'leis Dad d TC" ("Security Imuument") s made on March 17 <br />89 The tutor is• Loren A. Noecker and. Sandra K. Noecker, Husband and WV* <br />{� The trustee is Commercial f csi =cal.: having and <br />�3 "altSaui�? s end Load band ltltnd .`. h#ii WW exiift <br />ind whose aW= is 221 Snuff's <br />u�c�er the laws of Nebraska <br />" Grand Island, Nebraska <br />VNiftmetie That the Borrower in consideration of the debt and test hereiratkr desrnited and creatod, and the n sum of One Dollar a� sei� convey and <br />)' to <br />him in hand paid by the Trustee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does by these presents � bargai <br />conr ers. unto the Trustee in trine, with power of sale, forever. all of the following described real estate. actuated tying and being in the County of of <br />Hall .aad&mofNebruka.towit: The East Half of the North Half (ESN #} <br />the East Two Hundred Seventy Feet (270) of Lot Eleven (11), in Vantine's Subdivision located <br />on part of the Northwest Quarter (NW$) of Section Twenty Two (22), Township Eleven • (11) North, <br />Range Nine (9) west of the 6th P.m., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The rider to the mortgage attached hereto and executed of even date herewith is incorporated <br />herein and the covenants and agreements of the rider shall amend and supplement the covenants <br />and agreements of this mortgage. <br />"THIS IS A PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE" <br />which hu the address of 1104 South SycamoTS.) Grand Island <br />Nebraska 68801 (Vpco&) ( "Property Address"); it " <br />To Have and To Bald the premises abavt described, with all the appurtenatroes thereunto belLrrVV8 and i a;ing all heating. plumbing and <br />lighting fixtures and egwpm, =I now or hereafter W..sated to or used in aonnaxion with said real �so•`n t�lr f '� t convey s <br />and coigns, forever. 'rite Borrower represents to, aaucenants wills, the Trustee, that the Borrowts # . <br />pamises: that they are fro from encurnbmnee; and that the Borrower will warrant and defend the same ii�ist7 dw i awful claims of all persons <br />whoinsoor, and the said Borrower hey rtlinq wishes all tights of homestead, and all marital rights, either in law or Ls a gty. and a other <br />cwtingenl iturests of the Borrower in and to the above.descrrlred premises. and intention being w convey hereby an a s�iiu+: title. in fee simple, <br />including all rights of homestead, and other rights and interests as aforesaid. <br />provided Ahraya, and these premis are executed and delivered unto the Trustee, in test. however for ac following purposes. <br />17 march , 19 89 , borrowed from the Lender <br />VAWWaaa. the Borrower on the .day of ------------ - - - - -- --------------- <br />the sum d Thirty Six Thousand and no /100 -- ), fijr which <br />Dollars(S 36,000.00 <br />------------------------------ - - - - -- en's ornosorynoteofeven . ate . bearigg <br />sum the Borrower has executed and delivered to the Lender Ho � hspr At per ohm m a � the ►�"�iid balance until paid. <br />interest of the rate of Eight & Eighty Eig* br r&(e 8.88 <br />The said principal <br />and interest shall be payable at th-_ office of Home Federal Savings and L( ,Ss: t Association of <br />Grand Island, 221 South Locust , or at such other place as the holder of the note <br />in Grand Inland, Ne raskp <br />may designate m wrung, in monthly »tsuuments of Two Hundred Eighty Six and 55/1130 -------------------- <br />(S 285.55 nt ), commencing on the first day of may <br />19 89 , and on the first day of each month thereafter until the principal and interest are fully paid, except that the final payment of principal <br />and interest. if not sooner paid, shall be due and payable on the first day of April <br />2019 111 1JIL <br />This tors is used in conNac A equ rena One.T me mortgage insurance Premium payment t n accordance twith theregulations i for those <br />Sections 203(b) and (i)) <br />programs. <br />tors NUD+92148- DT.1(3 88 edition) <br />Page t of 5 24 CFR 203.17(x) ► 1. <br />p.+ <br />L <br />1' <br />r <br />