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F <br />L <br />t <br />r <br />1 <br />RE- RECORDED <br />89= 101373 100315 <br />tights and benefits accruing to the Borrower under any and all oil and <br />gas feasts on said ptemiow. with the fight to receive and receipt for <br />the same and apply them to Bald indebtedness as well before as after <br />default in the coadItioaa of this instrument, and the Leader may de• <br />mand. rase for and recover any ouch payments when due and payable. <br />but sling not be required so to do. Thb assignment is to terminate and <br />become null_and void upon release of this instrument. <br />10. That the Borrower will keep the buildings upon said premises in <br />good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste upon said land, nor <br />suffer the std premises to be used for say unlawful purpose. <br />11. That if the promises, or any part thereof. be condemned under <br />the power of eminent domain. or acquired for a public use, the <br />damages awarded. the proceeds for the taking of, or the consideration <br />for such acquisition, to the extent of the fug amount of indebtedness <br />upon this instrument and the note which it is given to secure remain- <br />ing unpaid. are hereby assigned by the ftn. wer to the Leader, and <br />:Lvilbe paid forthwith to stud Lender td, Yee applied by the latter on <br />• "66!caunt eSf ' cr :ytdt m :ts3{ itallmens ;fix such indebtedness. <br />tiger furthet'iPM that sh;4E this saS+Ysn: and the' <br />;tibta secuiei .W. fcby not be eligible for -065ai `!ice radon <br />Iioiuing Adtwiihin eight months from tbcdkia b=iif:!.'iAVi ten stair._ <br />,sett cf any officer of the Department of Housing avii L!'d= <br />th r$--A t r the Seers of t and Ur. <br />if the !tower of sale is invoked. Trusiev record a notice of <br />default in each county in which any putt s.f lire Property is located <br />and shall mail copies of such notice in the n-OPer prescribed by Olt' <br />plicable law to Borrower and to the other pe:rvna prescribed by ap- <br />plicable law. After the time required by applik-4ble law. Trustee shall <br />give public nottee of sale to the persons and in ': <br />he manner prescribed <br />by applicable law. Trustee, without demand u; Burrower, shall x11 <br />the Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and <br />place and under the terms designated in the tuslity of a31c' in one et <br />more paretts and in any order Trustee detvrmi tits. Trustee may <br />postpone We of all or any parcel of the Property by public announce- <br />meat at the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. fender <br />or its designee may purchase the Property at any sale. <br />Upon sceeipt of payment of the price bid. Tauter shall deliver to <br />the purchaser Trustees deed conveying the Nrcperty. The recitals in <br />the Trusters deed shall be prima facie ce idenev of the tntih of the <br />statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the :_proecc h of the sale <br />in the follwving order: (a) to all expensed of the sale, including but <br />not lits;itedto. Trustees fees as permitted by applicable law and <br />reasattr.Mej tpomoys fees; (b) to all su::- v.- .rrd by this Security- Itt- <br />zunia�t: wzd (c) any excess to the perry;: sac persusu legally entitled <br />;;. Upoi'A �e3i Uoa =a .eT paragrapta 13 cr akzx :Went of tlic <br />property, , La -rj9er fin person. by agent o.. M� j:s icis::y appointed <br />100elopment or au o aka o nary <br />ISiab: Development dated su zett to the eight mantle � from the receiver) dWT be entitled to enter upn;a, t:r �e possession of and " <br />•3atz of this jmwu rent, doalirinji to insure said note and this mort- manage the Property and to collect the rz::a of the Property incluiL g, • . <br />gape. belnj.&=cd coot =�ve proof of vAh ineligibility), the Lender those past due. Any rents coNected by fender of the receiver shall be <br />air hold" of ilea ssois mart,: alt its option, -diduse all su= secured applied Ekc�t to payment of the costs of ins-- gener :: �z. 0'hr Prupvrq <br />y i i -it ly duo amlj� syable. Notwithstandi4 tine 6regoing. and cc seep=' of rents, Including, but z cc : 7=.iver's fees, . <br />Ug!is optiata msy not be exer -led by the lender of tlmhrli= of the premises: oa receiver's bonds and reasomm. ,r ncys fees. and then <br />note wham the atidigibWty for insurance under the Nstiaeafc Housing to the sums secured by this instrument. <br />Act is due to 'the Leader's failure to remit the mortgage insurance <br />premium to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. <br />13. That if the Borrower fags to make any payments of money when <br />the same become due, or fails to conform to and comply with any of <br />the conditions or agreements contained in this instrument. or the note <br />which it secures. then the entire principal sum and accured interest <br />shall at once become due and payable. at the election of the Lender. <br />Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following <br />Borrowers breach of any covenant or agreement in this instrument <br />(but rat prior to acceleration under paragraph 12 unless applicable <br />law provides otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a) the default; (b) <br />the action required to cure the default; (c) a date. not lees than 30 <br />days from the date the notice Is given to Borrower, by which the <br />default must be cured; and (d) that failure to cure the default on or <br />before the date spedfied In the notice may result in acceleration of the <br />slurs secured by this instrument and sale of the Property. The notice <br />sball further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after acalers- <br />Un and the right to bring a court action to assert the non- esfstence of <br />a default or any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If <br />the defaWt Is not cured em or before the date specified in the notice, <br />Lender at its option may require immediate paymeat in full of all <br />lams secured by this Instrument without further demand and may in• <br />voUa the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by ap. <br />pikaWe law. Lender shall be entitled to collect all expeum Incurred <br />in punwn= the remedlea provided in this paragraph f3', including, but <br />not limited to, reasonable attorney's fees and costs of title evidence. <br />15. Upon payment of all sums secured by thts instrus: m-A. Lender <br />shall request Trustee to reconvey the Property and shag surrender this <br />Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this instrument ty <br />Trustee. Trustee shall recanveny the Property without warranty and <br />without charge to the person or persons legally entitled to It. Such <br />person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. <br />10. fender. at its option, may from ttnsv to time remove Trustee <br />and appoint a successor trustee to any Trustee appointed hereunder by <br />an instrument recorded In the county in mhich this instrument is <br />recorded. Without conveyance of the Property, the successor truster <br />shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon Truster <br />herein and by applicable law. <br />17. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale <br />be sent to Borrowers address which is the Prupurty Address. <br />ls, if one or more riders are executed by burrower and recorded <br />together with this instrument, the covenants and xgrowwnts of each <br />such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement <br />the covenants and agreements of this instrument as if the riders) we--k: <br />a part of this instrument. <br />18. The covenants herein contail ed shall bind, and for benefits and ' <br />advantages shall inure to, the respective heirs, execute, ad• <br />mintstrators, successor$, and assigns of the parties hereto. Whenever <br />used, the singular number shall include the plural. the plural the <br />singular. and the use of any gender shall include all genders. <br />By signing below, Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms covenants contained in this Security Instrument and in any rider(s) executed by <br />Borrower and recorded with It. <br />a on e z <br />J�./ • � (seal) <br />Mary G. Bre z <br />State of Nebra4c <br />County of <br />-The G:c :t�Wr7g instrument was acbawlisdgnd betcre rrie this 16th day of <br />;q B9 ,by Calton L. Bra 1:2 and Nary G. Bretz* <br />Hushes~ 3 and Wife <br />MUM my hand arid 3"orlal seal at <br />My commission expires: RM NOTARY-State of 1104M <br />ROBERTA L NEED <br />1XV1WM.F*MV311I9W <br />January <br />Grand Island in said County. the date alusessid. <br />Page 3 HUD- 92t4301 <br />7 <br />rill <br />r' <br />rr - <br />:x= <br />
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