<br />.
<br />890 --
<br />State of Nebraska Deed of Trust
<br />89r,e 100315 321- 1244372 -703
<br />This Dad of Trust. CSecurity lrostromettt') is nude on January 16th
<br />19 89 . The Utsstor b Calton L. Bretz and Mary G. Bretz, Husband and Wife
<br />(•Borrower") The trustee is
<br />FirsTier Bank, National Association, Omaha, Nebraska hide is rg Thu t and eiary' g
<br />+bids is organized and cxi +tiag
<br />Central. Mortgage Corporation OG b , +
<br />under the la ti ?: =..; '. the state of 1fit higgan .and whose +tdress is
<br />4aG43
<br />36300 Gratiot, Mt. Clemens, MI
<br />1 K. Rf the debt and trust herrinafter described and crated +a-eF t�,m S;rn r (one fZ,3�s Gi F)1 ►tfi '
<br />Wfttseateti4 a BtirttiwtL Is rVri;tde[ats, ii:'it,lrrr: i; ::
<br />hires in band poll y tits Trustee..tiue rNoe?sclt is briny adunowtealged, does By (items fir is Ga nCrJ:,. srd a rte c�iaa ,
<br />dhit lying and being to tiu>L atitnt;t'czf
<br />fkm. unto the Trtute� fo: a31 bf the 3d amat :w sal estate. sated
<br />;•'r Ha :.` ..,NrtlSrsteof Kebra&a. to wItx
<br />' Lot Two L2) , Blof^Tit a *air CG:} Sutiftvision, tar the City of G� Islam
<br />' Hall County, Nebiid".
<br />}
<br />The Riders attatriLa:d and executed of even date herewith are incorporated herein and
<br />the covenants ant "agreements of the Riders shall amend and supplement the
<br />covenants and agreements of 'the Deed of Trusi as if the Riders were a part thereof.
<br />which has the addrera of 2817 Blaine St. Grand Island
<br />Isrbraslu 68801 ("Pic V."ty Address):
<br />w Gas
<br />To Have trod To Hold (beat rr.'sw a::r.%Ar cescribei, wfllm all the appurtenances therteito belonging and includ,.iig idl heating, plumbing and
<br />lithung fixtures; and equipamm, sssv .7- limva cer atttidsei go or used In connection wX'i said real estate unto the Trzfee. and to its succr�surs
<br />aod. assigns. forever, The Bormwer repraarntv'to. and covenants with, the Trustee. that the Borrower has good right to sell and convey said
<br />prembems tisie duty are free from encurnU wwe: and that the Borrower will warrant and defend the same against the lawful claims of all per-
<br />sons whoratraw+ee`, and the mill Borrower hereby relinquishes all rights of homestead, and all marital e4j;7,,. either in law or in equity, and all
<br />of f9e Borrower in and to the above•ducribed premise. the intention being :� c . !ey hereby an absolute title. in fear
<br />other conlinpat. interests
<br />simple. lttdwUng all do:ait hotnutead. and other rightuatd lnte:regs as aforesaid.
<br />Provided Always, and a oe presents arr etecuted and delivered unto tho Trustee, in trust, however rr the fullowilig purpusus:
<br />t6 -,h , day ad January , lJ 89 . burrowed from the Lender
<br />' Wbersat, the Borrower an the
<br />dw sum of Forty TwID ThouV d Five Hundred Fifty and no/100ths ------------------ — ---- - _
<br />-
<br />' -
<br />- Dollars (ti 42.550.00 )• (rr a *; tt
<br />sum the Borrows hu exacitraA and d6v� to the Lender Borrower's promissory note of even day, bearing inwv,,, v 4: the rate of E=gh!'_ ar d'•
<br />,
<br />ninety —eight one — hundredths, t� eentum t 8.98 %) per annum on 9le :::;:aid !�:irau *- �:,t.: t: +.d.
<br />The said prindpal anti interact shall be Gi►1eUt tt she office of Central Mortgage Corporation
<br />t
<br />In 36800 Gratlot, Mt . Cle>mt r2ti'? . !f , 48043 , or at such olher a :N a II;t-,, �: iia ill tisc nci��
<br />may daalipte in Writing, in moatwy ImtaL,*"—at" "1"isree hundred forty one and 75/ 1001ib — =--- - - - --- '-
<br />-------------------- Dallus (S 341.75 ). eornrnencing on the first day of March
<br />L lq 89 , and on the first day of each rnoath thereafter until the ptindpal and interest are fully paid, eirept that the final payntent of I:r:•IS1
<br />cipal and Interest. d not Goner paid, shall be due and payable on the lint day of February
<br />g0 19 .
<br />Thf/ form is used in co neelion with mor gee insured under the ones. to tout-family programs of the National Housing Act which provide for
<br />patrbk fuoripape mawance Premium payments.
<br />Pape t Po(tr. HUD 92149 4T ((487 Hd,twn)
<br />24Cf14 203 tr(a)
<br />