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_ 1 <br />l._ <br />y�. <br />-- SU9� AGf:EEMENf ' 101371 <br />QRDINATI <br />THIS At ONIEw made and entered into this day of IvIzell , 1989, by San Jac <br />Financial Services, Inc., a Texas corporation, <br />,WHEREAS,. San Jac Financial Services, Inc., a corporation under the laws of Texas <br />is the holder of a Memorandum of Assignment of Net Profits and Deed of Trust dated <br />April 15, 1988, and filed for record in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Hall <br />County, Nebraska on April 26, 1988, as Document No. 88- 182042, which Deer? of Trust was <br />executed by SunWest N.O.P., Inc. a Nevada corporation, in favor of San Jac Financial <br />Services, Inc. pertaining to the following described tract of land lying in Hall <br />County, Nebraska to wit: <br />All.of Lot One (1) and the Ncrtherly Eight (8) Feet of the vacated alley adjacent <br />her�--t*t� and an of Lots Two '(2), Three (3), Fcur (4), Five (5), Six (6), and <br />Seven. (7) and all of .'the vacated alley adjacent thereto, all in Block Thirteen <br />(13), Kernohan and ie'cex Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska; <br />WN <br />WHEREAS, San Jac Mortgage Company, a Nevada corporation is the holder of a Deed of <br />Trust dated April 15, 1988, and filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds <br />within and for Hall County, Nebraska, on April 26, 1988 as Document No. 8S- 102043, <br />which Deed of Trust vas executed by SunNest N.O.P., I=.r a Nevada corporation in favor <br />of San Jac Mortgage Company, a Nevada corporation pertaining to the above- described <br />tract of land; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, it is the desire of the party hereto to subordinate the S= -.mac Fin4zncial <br />Services, Inc. deed of trust to the San Jac Momttgage Company deed of trust,, <br />NOW, THEREEVRE, in consideration of the foregoing premises it is hereby AGREED <br />that the lien of the San Jac Financial Services, Inc. deed of trust is hereby <br />subordinate to the Tien of the San Jac Mortgage Company deed of trust. <br />IN TESiTvM11 VgT-M'REOF, the said Corporation has caused these L =asents to be <br />executed in its corporate name by its i l ?E.' . r >� iriT and its <br />SF ,r�1�•.. , <br />the day and year first above written. <br />TITLE: Vle c= <br />TITLE: AW.&E,'=X <br />STATE OF <br />COUNTY OF J— e e i,�—) <br />The foregoing <br />�rrinstr �_ <br />ume <br />n ,Jac Financial 'Se v ci es, <br />tact' Publ' c <br />SUSAN G. KING <br />Corporate • .eal, <` <br />was ackr}owledged before me jH g 2 C N Z 1989 by <br />ie �• LFt LE . tI.LL ��] lrr _�� /] _ ECCC -.AL4 ..I�SOECALiz 1-v_ of <br />., a Texas corporation, on <br />r,�l( <br />• •ltJf.. � -L� <br />Y <br />n <br />r - <br />