� _ ____ __ _ __ _
<br /> . . � �
<br /> NoN•UNIFORM CovENANTS.8orrawer rnd Lendcr Purthcr cavenant and asrec as follows: �"""���ti�9
<br /> � l9. Accele��tion;Renudies. I.ender eh�ll �ire nottca to Barrower peio� to �ccele�atlon tollowinQ Borrawer'�
<br /> lxe�cb of aey celeaKUt or���eat tA tbb Secus[ty IAStrumeat lbut not prtar to�cceleratlon un�er p�rt�raphs 13 wad 1T
<br /> uwle��tkaWe l�w p�orides otberKise).Tbe aotice�11 speclty: (�) the detault; lb)the �etlon �ulred to cure the
<br /> � � dC�MI�(C)e��E�A0�Iq1�11��Pyf hOIA�0��!tltt AOL�C!I�QIil11 t0�O��Owt��by whlch the det�ult must be cu�ed;
<br /> awd(!1 tlat fdlrre to cwro tLe deta�lt os or betore the date specifled ta the notice m�y rault in accelentlon of the�ums
<br /> - recwral iy tYb SecMNty Iratni�t�d t�te ot tlie Pro�ertr.The notke iA�11 funher in[orn�8o�ro�tr ot the rt�ht to
<br /> reiahte aher�ccekrados and t6e rt�it to 6Nse� courf action to aisert the non•exlatence ot a defiul!or �ny other
<br /> ie�eae ot BoROwer ta accekration�nd sak.I!tl�e detaMlt b not cared on or 6efore the date specif�ed tn the noNce�Lender .
<br /> �t ib option n�y reqtilro immediate psymeat in fidl ot all su�w �cured by thts Secu�tty In�trument without turther
<br /> iewnNd�1 wty inroke the pwer ot�aie a�a�y otYer reaedia pene�ttal by�pplicable I�w.Lende�shall be entltikd to
<br /> collect �Il ex�ea� incwrred t� �wrs�is� the ��aedia pro�ided in thia panQraph 19, incladin� but �ot Itmited to.
<br /> � rea�oNabb atton�y.'tea�ud caa or dtk eddena. .
<br /> , It tl�e�ower at s�k b iaraktd,Trwtee alull record�aotice ot dehult in each county in which any part ot the
<br /> Pro�ty is loeated�nd sh�ll sail coMa of sach notice in the maneer pracribed by applicable l�w to 8orrower and to the
<br /> ' otlier penau pracrlbed by applicable law.ANte�the N�ne nquired by�pplicable lsw.Trusta shall gi�e public noHce ot
<br /> ` �ale to tMe ps�oas aAd in the m�neer presc�i6ed by applicable law.Trustee.wlthout demand on Borrower,shall aep the
<br /> , Pro�ty at pabNc�uct�on to tl�e 6ig6est bidder at t6e ti�se wd place aed under the ten��designated in the notice o!sale in
<br /> ow�or more Mrceb�d in aay orde�Trusta detera�iaa.l�ustee may poatpone aalc ot dl or any pucel of tke Property by
<br /> � �wtilk su��wi,�cemeet�►t the H�and ptsce oi any pre�loualy scheduled sale.Lender or its desigaee may purchase the
<br /> . Property n a�y s�k.
<br /> . Upr recei�t af Nyrtest of the p�lce bi�,Trustee s6aa11 deli�er to tl�e purc6sse� Trasta's deed con�eyiag the
<br /> - �c�i�- �a�.-,a'c?c'��ws i.'i wc ,a w�sr.E'�a�aZiTi��i�ii�JJc jiiiu.s a�`lC i�'�YLUii~V�jii2►uiii OP�i�aNliCUiCfl41i�1t1r�IIICie1R.
<br /> 1�ustee ahall apply the�roceed�oi the sale ta the followtag order:(s)to all expenses of the sale,including.but not Iimlted
<br /> ' to,Trustee's fees a�persitted by applicable taw and re�soaable�ttorneys'fees;(b)to al!sums secured by this Securiry
<br /> InstrNment;aad(c)�ny excess to tl�e peraon or persons legaUy entttled to it.
<br /> 20. Lende�ta Possession. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property. Lender (in
<br /> person. by agent ar by judicinlly appointed receiver) shal)be entitled to enter upon, take possessian oP and managc the
<br /> Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those past due.Any rents cQllected by Lender or the recriver
<br /> ahall be applied Arst to payment af the costs of managcment of the Property and collection of rents,including,but not
<br /> limited to� receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys'fees,and then to thc sums secured by
<br /> , this Sccurity Instrument. �
<br /> 21.Recon�eyance.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument.l.ender shal)request Trustee to �
<br /> � reconvey the Property s�nd shall surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> _ Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Propeny withaut warranty and without charge to the persan or persons �
<br /> � Iegally entided to it.Sach person or pecsons shall pay any secordation casts. - — - j.'
<br /> 22.Subatitute Tru�tee.Lender.at its option,may from time to time rcmove'Trastee and appoint a successor trustee
<br /> to any Trustee appointod hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recorded. �_-�
<br /> Without conveyance of the Property,the successor trusta shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon -
<br /> ; Truttee herein snd by applicable law. � -.
<br /> 23. Reqaat for Noticd.Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Horrawer's -
<br /> ; address which is the PrQperty Address.
<br /> J Z4.Rlders to this Security Instrument.If one or more riders are cxecuted by Bc�rrower and recorded together with
<br /> � this Security Instrument,the covenants and agraments of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> supplement the coversants and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security
<br /> ; Instrument.[Check applicable boa(es)] �
<br /> _. ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider [� Condominium Rider Cj 2-� Family Rider ____ �
<br /> � ❑ Graduated Payment Rider [� Planned Unit Development Rider �
<br /> � ❑ Other(s) [specify] ;'+�
<br /> BY SIGNIN(3 BELOW, Borrower aceepts and agras to the terms and covenants contained in this Security
<br /> ' Instrument and in any rider(s)executM by Bonower and rceorde i�h it. ,
<br /> �
<br /> , . /
<br /> , ........................................................................................ . . liam F. (Jare� . ....�. .. .. ....... .��.ow��
<br /> � �........................................................................................ . .. .. .... ..Gt.K.2....�J.��4rr�...............(Seal)
<br /> , "�``"�"�� —8onower
<br /> Amy ,ftme Owen
<br /> SZ'ATE OF NE$RASKA. Hall C�unry �s:
<br /> On this 23.d d�y of .luly , �990 , bef'are me, thc undcrsigned, a Notary Puhlic
<br /> duly commissioned and qualified for said rounty,pernonaliy came William F. Owen and Amy June Owen,
<br /> each in his and her own �ight and as spouse of each Other , to mc knoun to hc thc . T
<br /> identical person(s) whose namefs) are s►�bs:ribed to ihe f'oregoing instrumc�at and arkn��«Irdy_ed thc rrccuti�n
<br /> thereof ;o be hi5/her �oluntar} a�� and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand and iiutarial scal at Grand Isldnd, Nebraska in,aid <<�unty, thc ,
<br /> date afaresaid. ;�-
<br /> ��t
<br /> My Commission cx ires: /-� -�1.�� "' //�/ "
<br /> � ��y�.y.,/ ., .�'�. t�...��... L:. .'�L�?--�:.. . . . . . . . . .. . . �.
<br /> ��I1At•Uf�Rl�� \��i,in 1'nhb� ��
<br /> � �hQoa�.E�p.� 1�� RLQUL•S�t f�Uk Ri•c�o:�4�i:Y:�:vc !: �c�o
<br /> T()TP.(iSTi•f•: , ;�„��
<br /> ThC undcrtiigncv iti thr holdcr ��t thc nc•ic �tt n�,l�•� .r�urr�i I+� thi� I)�•rcl �,I f iu,i. tiaiJ nntr �n n��ic,, Inrcihci ;.
<br /> w ith all othcr indchtcd��c�� �c�urctJ b} ►hi� Ucct1 ul I ru�t,ha��•hi•cti ��,ni1 iu �ull. 1�n�.u;I��'r rh� ilii t,trc) I„:.iii�i I,.��J
<br /> nc�tc or nt�tc� ttnd tliiti llccd s�f ltu,l. �thich ;iic �Iclt�cir�l iicrrh�, ,in�I t�� i:,��tn��, uiih�,�ii ;�,nr.uit� . ,ill �I,� .r,:i,
<br /> • i,�an h�•Id h�• y�,u undcr Ihit Ihrcl nf Ini,� �.� thr �������n „� �,�i,����, I�,�.�I1� .iu,ii:�l il�;�:���
<br /> I)atc: �
<br />