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_ t 1 <br />Debra Baldwin 21-0047467 <br />---DEED - - <br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />9--- 0s361 <br />THAT WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed by V <br />Milton G. Moravek and Debra A. Moravek Husband and Wife <br />to OCCiDENTALINEBRASKA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK, formerly known as NEBRASKA SAVINGS AND LOAN <br />ASSOCIATION, of Fremont and NEBRASKA STATE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, of Fremont, County of <br />Dodge, and State of Nebraska, and OCCIDENTAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, formerly krawn as <br />OCCIDENTAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, of Omaha. County of Douglas. and State of Nebraska, Trustee <br />for the benefit of Occidental /Nebraska Federal Savings Bank <br />the Beneficiary named therein, dated March 11, 1987 and recorded March l2, 1987 ,in the office <br />Of the Register of Deeds of Document no. 87 - 101331''- Sall County. Nebraska ,in Book 9t• Page.,_has been <br />paid, and said Beneficiary has requested in writing that this Deed of Reconveyance be executed and delivered <br />as confirmed by its endorsement below: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the reciuestr ,6* Ber Aclary <br />named therein, the undersigned as Trustee does by these presents, grant, remise, release 'aivid, to the <br />y or thro uy�rsaid T <br />person or persons entitled thereto the interest and estate derived to said Trustee b <br />, <br />in the following described premises but only as to such premises: <br />Lot Fifteen (15), Block Two (2); Brentwood Second Subdivision.,.,'. <br />in the City of Grand Island, Hall.Cuunty, Nebraska. <br />s <br />;Al f. <br />14 <br />TOGMEI� +NITH-iALir buildings, fixtures, improvements and appurtenances belonging to such prerniaes. <br />WITNESS my harrd this 15th ddy (of March 19 89 , f <br />(it.Presenda of OCCIDENTAUNEBRASKA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK ,. <br />X . ftMoitivice tresident <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA) STATE OF NEBRASKA) <br />Douglas ) SS' ) SS. <br />COUNTY ) COUNTY ) <br />On this 1521day ofMarch A.D., 1989 Fited for re^,ard on this day of <br />before me, a Notary Public in and for said County, per- <br />sonally appeared the above named Thomas A.D., 141 , at—o'clock—M. and recorded <br />14c :_n,.e>< y, (1120kI tlt Vice President) of said OC- �- <br />CIDENTALINEBRASKA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK, in Book o} ,page <br />Omaha, Nebraska, who is personalty known to me to <br />be the identical person and official whose name is af- <br />fixed to the foregoing Satisfaction. and he acknowledg- Register of Dcads _ <br />ed said instrument to be his voluntary act and deed <br />L and the voluntary act and deed of said By <br />OCCIDENTAIJNEBRASKA, Omaha, Nebraska, for the Deputy <br />purpose therein stated. WITNESS my hand and official <br />seal the day and year last above written, Fee . $ <br />.< t <br />.� � (rs�ltixeC! _ - -_. Register <br />Not Pubfib <br />My CommiSSlon expires x >•:c• �"rtCr -- - -- . -- _- -- Compared------- <br />Grartee .. _ Paged 1 . <br />