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<br /> � UAitam Zore�uit tS of tDe Sawitp Iratr�xnR is amended ta read u follmks:
<br /> � �s. v�ws�e�►wu�wMt�c.�r�c�w;se�.-ri��rorm o���ecuncy tnsaument combiaa uNrorm coven�ni�ra�naiien�ux -
<br /> and a�mitorm ooYp�nq�rith lbdted v�riation�by jurisdietion to rnn�titute� uniform aecurity instrumcnt covedna real praperty.71�is
<br /> 3�cwky i�uumaot shW be sovernecf by Frderal law u�d the isw af tl�e jurisdiction in which Ehe Prapntyr is locatsd. In che event that�ny
<br /> . provbiaa or d�we ot thi�Securit�r lrwtnuneat or the Nate contlicb wlth applia�bk uw�such conQict sh�ll not�tfaK other provisione af ehl�
<br /> , SepWity IatrunkM or the Note whkfl can be�iven effect withont tlie contiicHn�provision.and to thie end the provi�ions of this Secvrity
<br /> Ia�rumait aud the No1e�ue clecl�rad to be xvaabk.
<br /> E. '1'�AN�RR O!'77R!�Ol�'1'Y O�A 1LNQ7ClAL INTERffiT IN�ORROWF.R
<br /> � Lhiitorm Co�vawnt 17 ot the Securit�►lmtrunxnt i�amended to raid a.tollows:
<br /> 17. 71ewh��f N�e��e�M�e1k�i�1l�Mra1 I�i�ewwer.If sll or any part ot the Property or an interest thereln ta soid or tru�,ifared
<br /> (or if�beoellelN interat in Barco�rer�sold or tran�terred and Borrower i�not a�utural person)without Lrnder'a prior writtea conxat.
<br /> � • l�ader map.st La�der'�option,daclerc all the sunu aecured by this Security inttrument to be immedi�tely due�uid pay�bk.HoMeva�this
<br /> ' option�ull oot be acerci�ed by l,end�r if eaarciae�S not authorized by Federal law.Lendec may waive the eaereise of this option if:(a)Horrower
<br /> � wuKS w be submitted to Lender lnforn�tion required by Lender to evaluate the intended tran�ferce�s if R new loan wero beIn�made to t!K
<br /> tramferar;and(b)l.eecler re�aoo�bly determina that Lender'�saurity wiU not be impaired by the laan�ssumpHon and that the risk of the
<br /> ' bra�ch ot aoy oovea�nt or asreemrnt in thi�Security Instrumrnt is aeceptabte to Lrnder.
<br /> - - �_ . ' . T �L• i L V����� �..
<br /> '� ,�..,,.:.;i.;..!-�.l:��`�o�st3�t...l:.��L..:�dc�t�,.��.�.,�c a;cia'vi,iible ioc�i x wnuiiiun io Lender s wnseni to the io�n assumpt'ton.
<br /> � La,der mar aho require che tranateroe co kap�Q che promisa and yrameais nude in che Noce and in chis Securicy iasuumem.
<br /> � "If La�der aarclses such option to acalc�te,Lender shaU mail Borrower notice of aooekntioa in:oca�rdanec�vlth p�raaaph 14 l�ereof.
<br /> , Such notia sh�ll pravide a paiod oF not leas than 30 days fram the date the noHa is maikd wIthin whtch Borrower may pay the sums declued
<br /> due.If Bortow�a laib to pay such sunw prlor to the expiration of surh period,Lender may,without furthc�notia or demand on Borrower�
<br /> invote any temedies permitted by this Security Instrument.•'
<br /> ' "NoMithatandin�a aale or traasfer.Horrower will continue to be obli�ated under the Note and this Secudty Instrument unles�Lender has
<br /> released Horrower in wridt�.,•
<br /> � F. LOMI GIANGES , ,
<br /> ' If the lo�n secured by the Secwiry Iastrument is subject to a law which sets maaimum loan charges.and that law is finaliy interpreted so � •-
<br /> -- � - - - - :,.
<br /> " -- � � tTiat�rie intae�t or�tlKr loan oliarges coliecfed or to be collectod in co�ection wlth the loan exaed perm(tted Iimits.then: (!)any sucfi loan - ! uy
<br /> ctwje slull be raluoed by the smount nccessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limlt;and(2)any sums altqdy coUected fr�m borrower �. =
<br /> which acceeded permitted limits will be refunded t�n Honower.Lender may choost to mifce this refuad by reducing the principal owed nnder the
<br /> Note or by a�king a direct payment to Borrower.If a refund reduas principal,the reduction wiil be treated aa A pani�l prepayment under the �"
<br /> t � -
<br /> � .-
<br /> W WITNF59 WHERF.OF,Borrower�ou execated thl�Adjustabk Rate Wder.
<br /> i
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<br /> �� f�NO\ L- �R.�Aw�i. I (�)
<br /> Dana L. Traudt BORROwER a
<br /> ' (Seal) .
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