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r <br />L <br />89 -01356 <br />Worrutg Cemeterg Deed <br />—IN- <br />WZSTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />a cmetery aseodation <br />incorporated under tht <br />CO me�tery laws of the <br />Stat6 of Nebruka <br />TM DWZNTUM: Made this. 16 thAW of_- -_ March -------- - - -___ A. D., lY 8g N , <br />between VFJ STJEAWN MMORIAL TAtt K CZBKL'l=Y OF GRAND ISLAND, NERMASILA, WfUt Party. <br />and _____ Patrick Ham_ Mulligan,_and Wilma E Mu n <br />hushan.d and _wife, as ioint tenants and nit_ MU .iL <br />common, with. right• of survivorsh ]Le <br />....... <br />�_�___� —��� Sect per; <br />Wrn=S=H: That First Party for and in consideration of the sum of <br />one dollar and other _ valuable _ conside _�-4xQA__—_________��olaAlt. . <br />the receipt whereof Is hereby acknowledged, has sold and by these presents does grant, convey and confirm <br />unto the Second Party and to Second Party's heirs and assigns ___ or _ to _heirs and <br />assigns of the survivor of them forever, Lot 74, Space 5, and. <br />Lot 75, Spaces 1 -2, Section "K" <br />------ ____ -- -------------------- --- -_ --of WESTLAWN ]MZtiIORiAL PARK . <br />of Gsaad%Island. Nebraska. situated in HW County. Nebraska, a cemetery to be used for interment pur- <br />Vasr only, being so dedicated and declared, the Plat of said cemetery being recondod In the office of the <br />Register of Deeds of Hall County. Nebraska. <br />Thft deed is subject to all Wvs of the State of Nebraska, and to all by -laws, miles and regulations <br />of WNSTLAWN MEMORIAL FAIM CEMETERY of Grand Island, Nebraska. and to any changes in said <br />laws. by -laws, rules and regulations. <br />Any transfer of title of any part of the above described property shall• not be valid until the same <br />hes'been seconded upcnr the booke of the First Party.' <br />VMTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY OV GRASM WLAIM., NIUMASKA, hereby rove - <br />mats and agrees to and with the Second Party and with the heirs and aatigns of the Second Party, that <br />at the time of the cmutkun and delivery of these presents it is lawfully seised of said premises; that it has <br />food night and lawful authority to convey the same; that they are free from encumbrance and First Party <br />does hereby covenant to warrant and defend the premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomso- <br />ever. <br />WL'S'1'LAWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. agrees to fuz- <br />nisb perpetual cue. administration and maiattenance of the above described premises as procfdied by its by. <br />laws, <br />IN WITNESd Wii>!iREor, The said WESTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND, NEBRASKA, has heremto caused its corporate seal to be affixed and these presents to be signed <br />by its pnddo nt the day wid yens East above written. <br />VIZO 0bOWN 3Q.i8"VLLAeA K CrA11f.TE16k OF AMAD nv.411TD. WVAZASZA <br />------------------------- <br />�� PreaiEP.nt <br />j STATE OF NEBRASKA. <br />' COUNTY OAP° 1Y1tM sr. . <br />bn----------- - - - - - -------------------------------- if $9 <br />bef6ri ms••4he Vftde %, 9ned, a notary public, in and for said county and state, personally came ---- - ------- <br />- -- _------------ - - - - -- <br />Arthur P. Ste 1 k --------------------------------- -- ----- <br />Pe+ssidsat or.W rt. awn Memorial Park Cemetery of Grand bland, Nebraska. to me personally known to be <br />the PrSWKt: &&I the identical person whose name is afffir.,ed t4 IU:e sbove conveyance, and acknowleftet <br />Ow esivatow tkolxof to be his voluntary act and deed as such cfflser' and the voluntary act and deed of tEs <br />V914 WesLm Fens Censatcsy of Grand island. Neb .c:2� "A that the corp"ate stfa e f the, ka6d <br />Wsrttawn Me WAW Park Cemetery of Grand Island. Nebraska, was tureto affixed by its <br />*12W40 any hand and notarial seal the day and yytar last above written. <br />• r • n ny � - ! .h� "' _ --u► '±. iS3iY-- �.LL +-- 11VL_`GwSGY,l.(rL._ <br />4 GE�ERAI ft }�.,•c +k3 Notary Public <br />1 <br />i <br />J <br />