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L. .-l. <br />ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER $� 101353 <br />(1 Year Tram" Index•itate Caps) <br />THIS ADJUSTABLE RATE RIDER is madethis I Oth day of march 19 89 <br />and is incorporated into and shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage. Deed of Trust, or Security Deed (the "Security <br />tMaument ") of t_he samQ dots givers by the t±sigrmwd (the `'Borrowrer ") to P-mire Borrower's At+ps taaw 11 t" N.+e (ft "Note ') to HMl <br />FEDERAL-SAVINGS i LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA (the "Lender ") of the same date and covering the <br />property described in the Security Wtrument and located at: <br />630 Alorth_Custer_. Grand Island, Nebraska <br />(Property Address) <br />TW tt41e coatalm gnviim a:owhtS for cbMes in w faiertttt tale and seep maatW <br />oay,eats. This mole dw Visits the au vt my interest rate can cbasre at nay one dw d <br />sin tie ddataw sad tie awdsa a rate l mat gay. <br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addition to the covenants and agreements made in the Security Instrument, Borrower and Lender <br />further covenant and agree as follows: <br />A. IN£ERPS'T RATE AND MONTHbY PAYMENT CHANGES,.'.' <br />The Note provides for an initial interest rate of 12.f 1 ;°li: Section 4 of the Note provides for changes in the interest rate and the <br />monthly payments, as follows: ;2. ' <br />4. INTEREST RATE ANDMONTHEY1+`d.1r1 &NrCm4(Y,+,r -s <br />(Ali ChmpDates ' <br />Thrirpr -a st rate I will pay may change on the I`srst day of ' Apr-L� . .19 Qn _ , and en that daycv s <br />ti �I e months thereafter. Each date on which my interest raneowfd change is celled a •'Change Date." <br />Qq7 Tie lade: <br />BegEnning with the first Change Date, my interest rate will be h"s on an Sm&e _ $'Se is the weekly average yield on United: Stn4;s <br />Treasury securities adjusted to a constant matunty.of 1 year, as pub.- avai.%Wz t: tae Ee izJi .Reserve Board. The most recent Index 11-i e <br />available as of the date43 days before each Change t](t33e is called t3:s "Crurem Yom, ' <br />If the Index is no longer available. the Note I -U:Wer will choose a new index which is Eresed upon comparable information. The N.-71e <br />Holder will give me notice ofthis chalr� .: <br />(4� Caledatioaa�tCilaaga ..:�' .. , <br />Before each Change Date, the 1 gif Holder will calculate my new interest rate by addirg - 11C29 8F;9�half percc�uge <br />points ( 3 vFj tFi) to the Catrrem Index gall rounding to the nearest C ltlth of 1 976, subject to the limits stated in Section 4(D), bdnw., <br />This rounded amount will be my new fs- crest rate until the next Change Date. <br />The Note Haider wig then dix wWrie the amount of the' ic,_thly payment that would be sufficient to repay in full the principal f am <br />expected to owe on that Change Date W substantially equal pays acts by the maturity date at my new interest rate. The result` of bell cakolatinr <br />will be the new amount of my monthly payment. . <br />(D) limb on Iaterat Rafe al f"a <br />The interest rate I am require: to pay a: the first Change Date will not be greater than .A Ai t°i tai pep than <br />10.0 qi. Thereafter. my 1mcunt rate will never be i.;rxeeaed or decreased on any single Change Date by more t1J a ^ <br />from the rate of intermit I b, ave been paying for the ,;receding twelve months. The minimum interest rate on shier Tian will net yr use, <br />less than 9 • NO and the maximum interest rate will never be gremw than 16.5 <br />M Effective Date of Ciaaga <br />My new interest rate will beccinaefr'e:dve on each Change We;. I will pay the amount of mymew monthly payment begjnning on the first <br />monthly payment date after the Change M4 catil the amount of trT anonthly payment chanar;Win. <br />(F) Notice of Changes <br />The Note Holder will mail or deliver to me 9 notice before each Change Date. The notice w:L a3:a sec rre r, P: <br />(i) the new interest rate, or my loan as of the Change Date; <br />(ii) the amount of my rm;r;thly payment following tk a Change Date; <br />(iii) any additionalmwres which the Note Holders nee{ aired to disclose; and <br />(iv) the address of the ;i::wciation you could contact regarding any questions about the adjusttretss rd :s lye. <br />IA CHARGES; LIENS <br />Uniform Covenant 4 of the Security instrument is amended to rand as <br />4. Cbarges; Lien. Borrower shat] lain all taxes, assessments, and a(hir chargrs, -nes, and impositions attributable to the Property which may <br />attain a priority over this Security fns xurnent, and leasehold paymer.;:s of ground rents. if any, in the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof <br />or, if not WW in such manner. by Aorrower making payment, when due, directly to the payee thereof. Borrower shag promptly furnish Leader <br />a;l notices of amounts due under this paragraph. and in the event Borrower shall make payment directly. Borrower shall promptly furbish to <br />Lender receipts evidencing such payments. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument; <br />however, Borrower shall not be required to discharge any such lien so long as Borrower: (a) shall agree in writing to the payment of the <br />obligation secured by such lien in the manner acceptable to lender; (b) shall in good faith contest such lien by, or defend against enforcement of <br />such lien in. legal proceedings which in the opinion of Lender operate to prevent the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any <br />pan thereof; or (c) shall secure from the holder of such lien an agreement in a form satisfactory to lender subordinating such lien to this <br />Security Instrument. <br />if Leader determines that all or any pan of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain a priority over this Security instrument. <br />Lender shag give Borrower a notice identifying such lien. Borrower shall satisfy such lien or take one or more of the actions set forth above <br />within ten days of the giving of the notice. <br />C. NOTICE <br />Uniform Covenant 14 of the Security Instrument is amended to read as follows: <br />14. Nadu. Except for any notice required under appliLabte law to be given in another manner. (a) any notice to Borrower provided for in this <br />Security lastrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it by first class mail to Borrower at the Property Address or at such other address <br />as Borrower may dcaignate by notice to Lender as provided herein, and (b) any notice to Lender shali tee given by first class mail to tender's <br />addicts stated herein of to such other address as Lender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein- Any notice provided for in this <br />5truuty Instrument shall be deemed to have ton given to Borrower or 1 ender when given in the manner designated herein. <br />7. <br />T <br />• 1'- <br />t <br />T - <br />W <br />
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