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1 <br />S9-" 1013 -0 <br />1. Pavina. The Subdivider iiaives the right to object to any <br />paving or repaving districts for Jerry Drive or old U.S. Highway <br />30 where they abut the subdivision. <br />Z. water. Public water service is available to the sub - <br />division, and the Subdivider agrees to connect all new structures <br />in the subdivision which require water service to the public water <br />service main before applying for occupancy permits. <br />,•,.,. <br />3 5+�rs�o City sanitary- see san ce.. is <br />t y <br />,gang <br />available, 'subda ?i the :city ...I 46ri e�: the <br />strut' ion Of: waptic tanks', .,. a iw4i`vas ;, ,::but tr ee Subd•A•kxdd r. . <br />r, <br />,., :ggrees to connect any structures connected to septic tanks to the <br />City sanitary sewer service within two construction seasons after <br />City service has been made available to the respective lots of the <br />subdivision. Further, the Subdivider agrees not to protest the <br />creation of any sanitary sewer main districts within or adjacent, <br />to said subdivision. <br />4. grain The Subdivider agrees to grade the lots of the <br />subdivisLo;% in conjunction with the structures thereon so that <br />storm water drains to the public right -of -way or other approved'.. <br />facility, as approved by the cCity's. Director. of PtZbLic Works. <br />_ <br />5. Sidewalks, The City hereby waives the immediate <br />�anstruetfon of any and all sidewalks adjacent to said subdivision <br />and within said subdivision. However, the Subdividers agree that: <br />any and all sidewalks will be constructed by the lot owners within <br />six months after a directive from the Grand Island City Council. <br />