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<br /> 16. MwaMl�nlow PrerMle�a.
<br /> � (a) lo�rowN No111�Na��d.Ext�mlpn pf th�tims tor ptiymant or modiflcation af amortizatlon ot the aums aecured by thia '
<br /> OeM oi 7�uii pr�nhd by L�nd��to any tucc�s�ar in Intore�t ol6orrower shail not operata to releese.in any manner,3ha Ileblifty
<br /> ' 01 th�oripin�l Botrow�r�nd Borrower'i�ucc�ston In intarari Lender shall not be requlred to commence proceediny�a�lrt�t
<br /> ! such�uccsaar or��fu�to�xt�nd tim�lor payment or otherwiae modity amonization of the eums aecured by thia Deed of Truat
<br /> � by reason of any demanda med�by ths orlpinal Bo►rowar and Barrower'a�uccesaore in interes4
<br /> ' (b) L�nd�t'�'ow�.Without afl�ctin�ths Ilablfiry ot any other perr�on !lable tor the payment of any obUyation herein
<br /> ; mentioned,and withuut sflectinp the Il�n or charQs ol this Oead ot Trust upon any portlon of the Prope►ty not then or theretotore
<br /> rolsa�sd as�acuriry tor the fuil amount ol all unpald ablipatlona,Lender may,trom timato time and without notice(i)ralease any
<br /> purson w Ilable,(il)extend ths matu�Ily or alisr any of ths ts�ma of any auch obli9at�on�,(iii)prant other indutyences,(Iv)retease
<br /> o�reconvey,�r c�use to bs relsaad or reconveyed at eny time et Lende:'s option any parcel,portion or all of the Property.
<br /> (v)teks or �elsase any othar or eddNionAl seCUrlry for any obNpation hereln mentioned,or(vi) make compositions ar ather
<br /> arranpamenU with debtors!n relatlon thsreto.
<br /> (c) ForbM�anc�by L�nd�t Not a W�iwr.Any fo�bearance by Lender in exerclaing any rlght or remedy hereunde�,o�
<br /> oths�wise r�Horded by appticable law, ahall �A1 be a wAiver ot or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy. The
<br /> � procuremsnt of Inturance or the psyment of tuxes or other Uen�o�cha�yes by Lende�ahail not be a waiver of Lender's right to
<br /> nccelerats the maturity ot the indebted�eaa aecured by thi�Deed o1 T�ust.
<br /> ; (d) succ�uon�nd Asslpn�dound;Joln!and&w�►�I LlabHlty;Captlons.The covenanta and agreements herein con-
<br /> . � talned shall Dind,pnd the�iphts heteur►dar shail Inure to,the respective auccessors and assigns of Lender and T�ustor.All
<br /> covenenb and�prsemenb of T�ustor ahail he Jolnt end several.The captiona and headings ot the paragrapt�s of thia�eed ot
<br /> _ T�uat ere for convenienca only and are not to be uaed to interpr�t or deflne the provisions hereot.
<br /> { (e) RpwN lor NofkM.The pai►ties hereby requeat that a copy o}a ny notice o1 delauit hereunder and a copy oi any notice
<br /> � of eale hereunder be malied to each pa►ty to this deed of Trust at the address set fonFe above in the manner prescrlbed by
<br /> � applicable lew.Except tor any othe�notice req�ired under appUcable law to be glven 1n another manner,any notice p�ovlded
<br /> for in ihis Deed of Truat ahall be piven by malllnp auch notice by certified mail addressed to the other paRies,at the addreas set
<br /> torth above.Any n�tice provided tor in this Deed of Tru�t shall be eMective upon mailing i�the man�er designated herein.11
<br /> ; Truator ia more than one person,notice sent to the address set forth above shell be notice to all such persons.
<br /> : (n Imp�otion.Lender may make or causb to be made reaaonable entries upon and inspectians ot the Property,provided
<br /> that lende►.�hall pive Trustor notice prior to any auGh inspectlon spec�fying reasonable cause theretor related to Lender's
<br /> � inte�eat in the Prope�ty.
<br /> ; (g) R�eonv�y�nc�.Upo�payment ot ail sums seaured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the : '
<br /> � PrOperty and aha118urrender this paed of Truat and all notea evtd�ncing indebtedness secured by this Deed ot Trust to Tru9tee. �. :
<br /> � Trdatee shall reconv�y the Property without warranty and without charge to the peraon or persons tegatiy entitled thereto. ;
<br /> ; Trustor shalt pay all costs o1 recordatlon,i}any. ��;
<br /> � (h) P�rsona) P►opary;8�curity A�re�tt�t.As addltiona! securiry lor tho payment ot tha Note, Trustar hereby grants ��= � -
<br /> ; Lender under tha Nebreske Unitorm Commerc�al Code a sesurity iMerest In all t�xtures,equipment,arsd other personal property
<br /> used in cOnnection with the real estate or improvementa located thereon,and not otherwise declared or deemed to be a p8R of E
<br /> the real estate secured hereby.This instrument shail be construod as e Secunty Agreement under said Code,and the Lender -
<br /> ahell have all the riphts and remedles ot e secu�ed party under said Code�n addition to the rights and remedies created under
<br /> and acCarded the Lender pursuant to thls Deed of Truat;provided that lender's rights and remedies urtder this parag�aph shall
<br /> be cumulative wlth,and in no way a Ilmitatian on,Lender's r�ghts and remedles under any other security agreement signed by
<br /> Borrowe�or Trustor.
<br /> (i) LINts�nd Encumbra�c�f.Trustor hereby warrants and representc that there is no detault under tha provisions of any -
<br /> t mOrtgage,deed ot tru9t,leas�or purchess ContreCt descnbing a!f or any part o1 the Property,or other�ontraCt,instrument or
<br /> � agreement constituting a Uen or encurNbtNnCa ap�inat all or any part o1 the P�operty(coilectively,"Uens"►,exisfing as o!the
<br /> date o1 th1�Deed o}Trust,AI'ta'1A?1T"atny�M�tK�e�tirtg Llen�remain unmodified except as disclosed to Lender in Trustor's
<br /> � written dl�clo9ure of liena and encumbran�ces provided for herein Trustor shall t�mely perform all of Trus'or's obligdtions,
<br /> i covenants,representations and warrant�e9 under any and all exisitmg and future L�ens,shall promptly iorward to Lender copies
<br /> ; of all notiCes oi defauft sent in connectlon with any and all ex�st�ng or future L�ens,and shall not without Lender's prior written
<br /> ' consent in any manner modity the provlsions of or allow any tuture advances under any existing or future Liens.
<br /> , Q) AppNcatlon of Paym�nb.Unless otherwise required by Iaw,sums pa�d to Lender hereunder,including without Ilmitation
<br /> payments oi principal and Interest, insurance proceeds.condemnat�on praceeds and rents and profits,shall be applied by •,�
<br /> Lender to the amounts due and owing from Trustor and Borrower�n such ordei as Londar�n�is sole discretion deems desirable. ;�
<br /> � (k) Sw�►�bWityr. If any provision of this Deed ot Trust conft�cts w�th appl�cable law or�s dectared invalld or otherwise �
<br /> : unenforceabte, such conttict or invalldity shall not affect the other prov�sons of th�s Deed ot Trust or the Note which can be �
<br /> glven eifect without the conillcting provision,end to this end the prows�ons ot th�s Deed o!T�ust and the Note are declared to be •
<br /> . severable.
<br /> , (I) Torms.The terms"Trustor"and"Borrower"shall mclude both s�ngulAr and plu�ef,and when the Trustor and Borrower
<br /> are the same person(s), those terms as used�n this Deed af Trust sha�I b�e �nterchangeable.
<br /> � (m) GavKnlnq Law.This Dee� of Trust shall be governod by tr+e�,ws o�tn�St�to e�Nebraska.
<br /> . Trustor has executed thls Deed o!T:us!a�a!!he Cate written abova �F� p p�rt�ner hi��>
<br /> : � aY=_ fCf'� ����! -�
<br /> jf�sto► incent ding, Part.
<br /> BY_ . _ � � �� - --
<br /> tr�sior RObert HiT1dIt1�ri, Part.
<br /> �
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