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-\. - follow - <br />NON - UNIFORM COVENANT& Borrower and Under further covenant and agree as <br />19. Acceleration; Remedies, IF doll give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration following Sonvwar-t <br />btretei Of any cOvem" Or aQeem0 1 Is tbk Security Instrument (but not prior to accehatlon ender paragraph ✓3 and IT- - <br />saless, applicablis law Is 0 1 Idea 01111dewift). Tbe'votice doll speft: (a) the default; W the action required to core the," <br />defloift (t) a date, so less than 30 hays ftoo the date the tipgam is gives to Borrower, by whkb the default must be ctuf4r <br />and (d) that faUme to ewe the definift on or before do date qpedfkd In the notice may result In acceleration arthe stim <br />P F m v A by tits Swaft Intrusted and nk of the Property. Uw notice doll farther Infor■ Borrower of the r*t ft <br />nintate after mcce"wailk soltbodaktobrings -of tactim to overt the son-eilitem of a def"k or my.-aft& <br />loft up of Borrower to acceleration and sele. 11thedefeek Is not eared as orbalbrethe date specified In the notice, b"Ifer <br />at its option may rewire immediate payment In fall of all swas securN by thin Security lush worat withaut.firSter <br />demand and WAY 111*oke the power of Oak and any other remedies permitted by applicable law. I be a Wed: Ii, <br />called all expanses lociorred In pttessI the recce 111 provided to this parspalob 19, luelodis& but we Umhw.,tilv <br />remomi&k attorneys' fen ant! cams of tide evidence <br />If the peffin of sale Is invokedTrwiftedmill record anotkeofdefsdtkem&cmty let which nay .pact oetfu <br />Prop" Is hNWd and SW wall copies of such notice In the stunner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower cart to-the <br />otber pt:nsss prescribed by applicable law. After the time rKalred by applicable lawTnotee skall give publiquatice of <br />sub to the pw9oas and In the manner preKdW by splibcaMelaw. Trustee, without demand go Borrower, slik'sell the <br />PrOPMY'AtPuNk auction to tbekWWM budder ti tb--ftiomuli place and under the terms desipsted in the unfirteof sale h <br />on or mate parcels and imany ordetrTragee dc*n*&heLTkafte may postpone sale of tiff or nay passel ofthe-ftepeltyby <br />Pffik momwemmt st*'tWe W place oflft!f<pmvfouily abieduled sale. Leader omits dedpm may po'd othe <br />Property ait say sate: <br />UPW nwdiit of payment of the price bide Trustee sitall deliver to the parckwarTmaWs dew coqicying the <br />Property. The redtak In the TrooWls deed dwH be prison fade evidence of the tra* of tine statments ujil4k therein. <br />Trartee shag apply fire pr <br />of tits sale 1* tbe Nbwing order: W to all expenses of Oemio Indudin& Aut ad Bolted <br />to, TrusWis ftft a permitted by 1191106le few *a reasonable attorneys! fees; (b) to aff mus secured b this Security <br />Instriusent;and (c) any excess to the person or Pon" legally entitled to It. <br />20.jAnder in Possession. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandotnt: of the Pvaperty,. Under (in <br />Perim by agent or by judicially appointed receiver) shall <br />be entitled to enter upon, take possession talf and iirpage the <br />Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those past due. Any rents collected by Under or the receiver <br />slWl be applied first to o-Iiiyment of the costs of management of the Property and collection of rents, including but not <br />lWted to.. receiver's 1166l, jimniurns on receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys' fem and then to the sums lured by <br />IL Vitionveyance. Upon *ment of all sums secured by} this Security Instrument;'Lender shall request Trustee to <br />rawavey the Property and shaft-sin-vinder this Security Instrument and all notes evidiiting debtap=red by &s Security <br />Instrument to Trustm Trustee dw c=onvey the-Property witheat warnuily and without chilrje t mtfte person cr persons <br />legally entitled to it. Such person arpiwiw'ins shall pay any reourcWtin ccst.-. <br />2& Substitute Trustee. Lw&r, at its option, may from'dniw i?i'drne remove'Treptee and appoint a succe" r trustee <br />i <br />to any Trustee appointed hercunderby an instrument recorded n theda'iwty in which this Sectuft� r- <br />Instrument is'oarded. <br />Without conveyance of the Property, the successor trustee shaft sdc'qqm.f to all the tide, power. an , 4,duties conferred upon <br />Trustee herein and by applicable law. <br />23. Request for Notices. Bormwcr requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to lkrrower's <br />address which is the Property Addrem.. <br />24. Riders to thin Security Instrument. None or more riders are executed by Boffaiverand recorded t4r.-her with <br />this Security instrument, the covenants and agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and <br />"U I the covenants Is and agreements of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security <br />ln"st= (Check applicable x(es)] <br />Ad. <br />jusubi Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider ❑ 2-4 Family. <br />❑ Graduated Payment I Rider ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider <br />In Other($) [specify) <br />BY SIGNING BELOW. Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security <br />rastrument and in any ridaft) executed by Borrower and recorded with it. <br />P-7 <br />........................................................ ................... ........... . ...�ls ..&11 .................... <br />Edwin J. <br />................................. . ................................... ....... ' � <br />....... (Seal) <br />Carolyn L. ill s -4kw <br />w <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA. Hall County ss: <br />On this 8th day of March 11989 before me. the undersigned. a Notary Public <br />duty commissioned and qualified for said county. personally came Edwin J. Bills and Carolyn L. <br />Bills, Husband and Wife , me known to he the <br />identical person(s) whose name(s) are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof to be their voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness M hwid and notarial seat at <br />. Y Crand Island', tvIebraska in said courtly. ilse <br />date aforesaid. <br />MY <br />REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE <br />..... a.4mr� . 4�: <br />ANDREWWCUMSER <br />-Au!o* <br />o <br />Notary pubLc <br />f cam I* to 16 IN2 <br />caw <br />To TkusluE: <br />The undersigned is the holder of the note or notes secured by this 11ced of I r ust. Said vote A* putts, toget Iter <br />dt * <br />ircc <br />with all other indebtedness secured by this Deed of'frust, have been paid in full. You are herch-y ice to ' cancel kart <br />Ar note or notes and this Deed of Trust. which are delivered hrrehv, and do rci, ojrcv. %%. ithoilit %%at rajjtr If( the cot tic <br />now held by you under this Deed of Itust to the person or peis'0111, legally entitled thereto. <br />Date- <br />JR. <br />