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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF OEM OF TRUST i 33 c <br />OO�ONlIMIIEAOTisIEENOIIE NONlN� ' <br />eonnv�• ntRtuNOe> t) trnOSrlbrtdlhatlMOOCUnMneu+• ttha9orrowsr• ar+ tatrou# tasxecut •f•t►D•>IQq�T.•vltafnttrista mortgageandthautstt�e ►aaaNproviaed <br />fOtintheOwdsiTrWlprevldssstfOeLnUallydiffiarehtriglusalldobllgauonatatheB0/ row• natananw» Qagainthpw�totadstawtosbraaeROtabtiga <ttonur(d•rtne <br />OMd at Twill, iticladbtg, but not Wed W. the LMOa /s right to have the f sal PrapatQr Solo by On TniatM wlihput,•sty, jWiciat pf*CNding or tOractPSure <br />tiptiiOfl aasd ezarrittt: Bw1s wers <br />lait11a Acknowledgement v•seaeculed 0i iteh before the egIG1I W O <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST. <br />COMKETE WW P~ ONLY N the fall >AtMerty ataaerNwd elatelata et MIOIIIfgtr/IRLY OMfNEO At>iRiCULTUttAL LAND_ <br />N appllumbb. eeatfisMla ONLY ONE eNtwr A, O. tar= <br />Q . A 00CLAiMEJI OF RIONT TO QEtl,NM11ATE NONIFITEAO: <br />TI OARiorrower( s) MitnowfedpetthatthayaAaboutl0ettscublMfollorinQD ood'afTf ustuponther raa testatedescribedlherein, The Borrower(s),andeachofthemit <br />nt�rath4troM, doMrebydieCailaifselr right sodasfgnalata homsstead pursuant thentitil. tip part of the homestead of either of the Borrowers) is preaerr_if at will in the <br />:/ t111ugbiNtwtedupon' tiidnYewte. ThaBortowr( s). yadamandthatdeitharadlttbUsha�ahoffmW donanypartofssfdr .aW*sutedurirgtht5me"DmdotTrust <br />(IttibCfiftYftaatiafiedatW atlemepOnMi0rNlestsM .theresttslltwna,tlght tdrn•kas0esigr(atfdnatltamesaad rntheeventct:afartctosu:e ortxustee'sszriesvt� raspeetto <br />• s,Ird' 6YrYYl tyt Trwl '. <br />6;­& 4AIMOF11MONTTOIDIUM 'M1,10MEiMM. <br />TlfR$ otrdwN( s) a1; k11owAe0petihat +htiY!�abauttrtexaCUta thefNlmvtrr� weed of Ti-tltLcponthe reeleftaUdescribedthere��. The Bctccrt+eriaEJ. andeat:h of thtm if <br />Mom then am. do hereby waive their rfghttq- designee a homestead•p•.uE w7t thereto. T%la C-orrower(sl understand that they have the r1r.TtO make a designation of <br />honetea dandt hatbyNrewting this wbiw r. ttey olaHordmg them theopportunitytoretUnthofit y�tsdrn the <br />event of a default upon the Geed of Trust. <br />13 c, wswumea OF HowsTEAm <br />lull cant to the Farm Homestead Prottect)on Act (Section TS-1901 at seq. Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska). the Borrower(s),.dbheraby designate the real <br />prapwtg described In the "Deafgnstldn of Kaahestead" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. <br />flp:ty'ttrwr <br />Borrower <br />DIED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THIS DEED OF TAUIsr_ `o rtaert as.of the 1Ujvsy of w Maz:r!tL_—.19 _11-C _ . by and among the Truster. Gordon 1 Oche loge <br />and Margery A. Ockinaa_ Px it}a �j and wif- „whossmaitmgodaressis ? _019 Meson AMgnMg. Qrand Island, <br />NE 68803 -1502 thw• in�Borrower ').trterWj�lla� G. Blackbur!j. A member of the NE State Bar Assn., <br />whose maaing Address is P.Q. Box 2280. Q 11S) .lA nd� NE 68602 -228t) (herein "Trustee"). <br />andthedoeueiary. Five Points Bart_ <br />wrfweanalkngaddreeea Q, Box 9507. Grand. ➢and_j__NE 688Q2fj509 __._. _ (herein "Lender). <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, including the indebtedness identified herein and trust herein created. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Borrower <br />hereby Irrevoabtygrants. transfers, conveysand assigns to Trustee. IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF SALE. for thetenetit and Security of Lender, under and subject to the <br />terms and conditionshorainatter SeI form, the tall property, described as follows: <br />Lot One (1), Sunset Third Subdivision, in the City of Graced Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Togetf'ler with all buildings, impro wnorns. fixtures, streets, alltrt o, ptimageways. saw.."onts. rights. perdeges and appurtenancirm i"atod thereon or to anyw.- t <br />partsming then /t0. and the rents. ideas and profits, rsverstons and rart.i nears thereof; inaudmg. but not limited to. hosting and cocilc%G eta;upmenl and ouch person if <br />property that is attached to( Re Improvements sees toconsaic aafixture and together wilt iliahomestesdormantalinterests, dany, witchinterestsarer :Bret:yrotea,ed <br />andw 11IWd ;allotwhiCh, including replacements and addi' itvrrair . ".ustO.I$herebydtelaredto boa part Of the real estate secured bythe lion of :his Dead of Trust ar:d as of the <br />tong" b” 1111011410 xs herein as the "property" <br />This D=d all Trust sti !t - .`c*.ne tit) too payment Ot the principal r(u:t and interest evidenced by Borrower's note and/or credit a; ant dated MarCh ._i 1}.. <br />1989 ' having a maturity date of Mirnh, . 1992 , In the original principal amount of - 52,.6l11�.00 _ and any and tlf <br />mlldtfi0atiff". ssMnMonsarx7rsMwatsthereofattheretoandanyan4s. tl AWi readvancesand(* Advanceshereunderpursuanttoonetrmc liepromissorynotesOfcred.t - <br />agrasments 1herNncatled "Noee').(b) thapayment Mother surnsadvancifdby Lender to protect thesecutdy of the Note. (c) the perform ;rr ;s,19 covenants and agreentent <br />at Borrower 90 forth herein: and (d( all indebtednessand obligations of Borrower to Lender whether direct. ind, reel, absolute or cont;rye.tjt and whether arising by mole, <br />guwanty. overdraft a oUlerenM. <br />Bo(rower. to protect the security of this Deed of Trust, coutriatts),utu agrees w,In Lender as follows <br />t- "PSVMMIWPi WAN111111, GOrrower Shall pfcompittypAy. wfle" duo the principal of and interest on, and any fees or cjimtLs t-,rovided in theNoteofinthis <br />Dead of Trust. <br />2. Tlihe•Borrower)stheawmer $I"@ hatem tly. hasIII& f, ght endauthor itytoconvoyumpropyrirr. and* arrantstriail;-#eC, enurante dliefebyreugtstandpnurlrenan <br />the Froperty, excsptse may OM@rwiN be MM forth heroin. and the execution and delivery of this Deed of Trust does not violate any contract or Other obligation to which <br />Borrower is aNibjscl <br />L 9 Tasee. AWSW1MY.To Pay when duo all taxes. special assessments and all other charges against the Property and upon written demand by Lender topayto <br />Lende r Guth MIounl as may be suffictehl to enabfs the Lender to pay such taxes, assessments or Other Charges as they become due <br />1.11m.- -- T*kwp thoo property Insured against damage by fife. hazards included within the tallm -'extended r overage. and suLh other hajaids as Lender may <br />ratp re. msmouMS andwftheomofli* sscctptable toLe ndor . Ind with 10alpayahtetottleLender Oft Casaot loss under such pohUes thoLendet,9authanledtoadtu5f <br />collect andeompraerse, all claims thereunder and Shall have the option of applying all or part of the insurance proceeds (,)to any indebtedness setu red hareny aria to sup h <br />Order as Lends may dalerm one. (u) to the Borrower to be used (Of the repair or restoration of the Property at It it) tot any other purpose or object Sal sfac for y tot a r+dcr <br />without aflettifig 11IS ItMt of this bawd of Trutt for the tuft amount Secured nereby before tuth payment ewer tool/ pla'. o Any sppl,C abon of proceeds to mdebtedno99 sea.+ <br />ttof extend or postpone the due date of any paytriMtt under the Note or cute any dNaull thereundef of nerouridet <br />5 111161mooeaes lledahe all Cssyftiafts with Laws, Borrower Shall keep the Ptopetty in goad condAU,n and repot snit', prt,mpftt •. +pan .;r net %e_(• ally <br />,rrWcritmantrtficnlnt /Ilia damaged or destroyed, seaanot commit Of pot rrm aany waste ord aterterahonrfinePttlpetty Shenr, Cema•3r.tatsuOStanna +r.,tC'r <br />anyattlsetmprarementfallrcJDrppefly$ hell n0itamm- tSUlletpfpDrintanyatfioCAdGne, n4ruC pntnpPtppB!Iy +nv,4ralUt0la,ylen urur:e,tr nrrou„totr.r ar•d <br />anal) Say amdpfor+ptfyd,s4halgeN@Orrprtet a cost an] erpenteanllsM onC.,roCranLOa U +dCRD7(j: yle.•ed rr,jiSie7 Li jSSOa %deQe rUS d:b 6'r uj,r•+Lt r,l `r Pa:+r•.( vv•1 <br />j <br />r <br />:v .. <br />r <br />4 ' <br />P <br />