r4r. 1y �44 4r �lAr . .1�. �!. 1� .�1.. +�l.p,l� .l y.l r�l' . �ys'
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<br /> _..�_... _=._.__�_,.- __�_ �,._.�...____-- .�_._.r..,�•.,,... �� " �_��.�.N1„a�,:��:�3�<<_<��, � �a��,� .� --4 _��,—::����i���in�. � -
<br /> 4+ __' _ _�_--�'�...r.t__. i�.^�. --°�---..��, _ _
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<br /> � .
<br /> � IVoN-UNIFORM COV�NANTi'S.Aorrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follaws: Y�� �'U`�2��
<br /> � f9. Accelention; Remedies. I.ende� shall Qire notice to Horrower prior to acceteration followlnR Borrower'�
<br /> M�eacl+of u�y coren�nt or�reement te thi�Secur(ty In�trument(but not prior to�cceter�tian uader par��r�ph�13 aed 1l7
<br /> wlea a�plicable law provldes atlier+►be).7Ue notla s6dl speeify:(a) t6e default; (bl the ution required to �ure the
<br /> � detwMlt;tc)a d:tr,aet leu tl�n 30 dayr fran�Nre d�t�e tbe Aatice is�d�en to Borrower,by w6ic1�the det�utt must be cured;
<br /> a�d(d)tLat idl�re to cure t6e dehult on or before the d�te�pecifled in the notice may result in�ecelenttton of the surn�
<br /> x�red lf�r t6b Sscurlty Iass�ua�ent u�d s�k ot tYe Pro�erEy.7'6e m�tice sball turther tefo�m Bon�ower ot thc riQht to
<br /> rot�atate al�te�ac�len�tioa sad t6e �IQ6t to brinR a court acHo� to�ssert the naq-rxistence of�default or any other
<br /> defe�ae ot HoROwer to secelerdioa wid sale.Iithe dehult�s not cured on o�before the date specifled in the notice,Lender
<br /> �t ib ortioa may reqnin Immedi�te p�y�neat ia f'utl ot dl sums eecured by t6t� Securtty In�trument without tuHhe�
<br /> �ewa�d a�d�y iawke the powe�of s�le�nd awy ather remcdies permitted by appli¢abla Isw.I,ende�sl�all be entitled ta
<br /> collect ap �x�pep incrrred i� panuin�{tLe remedia prortded in thi� puagr�ph 19, tactuding; but not limited to,
<br /> res�o�Dle�ttoraey�'tea u�d co�b ot Ntle e�ideace.
<br /> It tl�e power ot sale is te�oked,Tnatee a6�I1 record a nottce of de[�ult in eich county in Kbich any part of the
<br /> � Pro�ty is loa�hd aed sM�il a�ail copies ot sucb notlee ia t6e manne�presc�tbed by spplicabie law to Borrowe�aad to the
<br /> � other periom prescribed by applkable IaN.ARer the time rcqulred by appticable law,Trustee ahap Qire publlc notice of
<br /> ssle te tfie penons�nd in the m�nner preacribcd by applica6le law.Trwtee,without demand on Borrower,shall seU the
<br /> ' Pro�erty at p�blic sucNon to the fiighat bidder at t6e time and p1ACe and uader the tenns desi�f ed in the notice at aale in
<br /> one or tnorc pucels�nd in eny order Trustee detera�iaes.Trustee may postpone aale ot All or�y pucel ot the Property by
<br /> p�Wic annoancement at the Nme and place af aay pre�iously scheduled sde. Lender o�its designee may purchase the
<br /> Properey�t�ny aale.
<br /> ' � Upon nceipt of p�yiaent of the price bid,Trustee shall deli�er to the purchaser Tru�ta's deed conveying the
<br /> . Property.The recit�ls is the Trustee'a deed sbaU be yrims ficic e�ideace of the truth of the statesents�nad�ther�in.
<br /> Trussee siytll apply the M+oceedg o!the s�le in the follawing orde�:(s)to all expenses of the sale,tnclwfing,but not llmited
<br /> to,7'rusta's feq a�permitted by sppUcable In►�nd rouonadle attorneys'fees;(b)to all sums secured by t6is Securlty
<br /> In�trun�ent;and(c)any excess to tbe�erson o�persons leg�lly entitled to it.
<br /> � 20. Lender in Po�session. Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 �r abandonment of the Property, Lender(in
<br /> person, by agent or by judicially appointed receiver)shall be entitled ta enter upon,take possession of and manage the
<br /> Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those past due.Any rents coilected by Lender or the receiver
<br /> . shall be applied flrst to payment o�the costs of management of the Property and cottection of rents,including,but not
<br /> limitod to,receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable attomeys'fee.c,and then to the sums secured by
<br /> : this Security Instrument. . ,
<br /> 21.Reeonveyance.Ugon.payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument,Lender shall request Trustee to �
<br /> reconvoy the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and a11 notes evidencing debt secured by this Security -
<br /> Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Propeny without warranty and without charge to the person or persans � � �
<br /> _- -_- ��a�Zy�,-,iiiiai iuii.�ucn perscm vr persvns snaii pay any recordation costs. �.-=
<br /> 22.Substitute Tti�tee.Lender,at its option,may from t�me to time remove Trustee and appoint a successor trttstee �`�f
<br /> r �
<br /> to any Trusta appointed&ereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Ir�strument is recorded.
<br /> Without conveyance of the Praperty,the successor trusta shall succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon �
<br /> Trustee herein and by applicable law.
<br /> 23.Request for Notiees. Bonower requests that copies of the natices of defauit and sale be sent to Borrower's
<br /> address which is the PropeRy Address.
<br /> 24.Ri�krs to thls Securlty Instrumen�If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with
<br /> this Security Instrument,the covenanu and agretments of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shal)amend and
<br /> , supplement the covenants and agreements of this Security lnstrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this Security
<br /> Instrument.{Check applicable boa(es)]
<br /> ' � � Adjustable Rate Rider � Condominium Rider � 2-d Family Rider _
<br /> ' ❑ Graduated Payment Rider � Planned Unit Development Rider
<br /> � ❑ Other(s) [specify] �
<br /> : ��'.
<br /> BY SIGNING BELOw, Borrower accepts and agrees to Yhe terms and covenants contained in this Security •
<br /> � Instrument und in any rider(s)e�cecuted by Borrov�-er and recorded with'� �
<br /> . ........................................................................................ ... ...���,�--.......................... S .
<br /> .... .... ...... . c ��,
<br /> . � E. Hoes —ao�.oW�.
<br /> � ........................................................................................ ....��.. r .. ... ............/.�.���...��'�Q/............. .(Seal)
<br /> —BOrrowet
<br /> � Roj anne Hoes
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, Hall C�Unly ss:
<br /> On this 18th day of July , 1�E0 , bcforr mc, �hc undcrsigncd, a Notary Public
<br /> duly commissioned and qualified for said county,per�onally ramc Larry E: Hoes and Rojeanne Hoes, each
<br /> i� his and her own right, and as spouse of each other .to mc known 1<�bc th� "
<br /> , identieal person(s) whose name(s) are suhscribed to fhe foreg��ing instrument and ackno«Iedged the e�cerution
<br /> , thereof ta be their voluntary act and dced.
<br /> Watness my hand and notarial scal at Grand Island, Nebraska in�aid r�u�i., th� ,
<br /> date aforesaid. ;
<br /> .•-R GfNE,�•� .$y�M M�6rttM� � '' . � i M
<br /> My Commission expire. 0�11lOF.pp�py�� '` �/ _� •
<br /> � �QI�.f.R���►�1. . .. . . . .. .. . .. ...�Tr�.��. . �. .. � �>,1 jY�l.� `.. . . �
<br /> tinl.�rt 1'ul li, �� "�
<br /> }CEQUf:S�1 }•O}t lLE:(()�11'!:1'��;V('I• �ti
<br /> cn
<br /> 7c�Tki��:t►t . ��
<br /> "('hc undcr�igiicd iti thc ItnWct' ��f Ihr nu.c nr n��ic,�rcuicJ hti Ih�� I)cr�1 nf Ini,t. ti.uil u�d, ��i n„��_. �nrr�lu•i
<br /> �vith all othcr indchtcdnc.���•ruicd h� Ilii� U�•i•ct nl i �u,i.�r,t�c h�•cn ��;u�l in tuil 1��ii,:�, li���h� J�i� �i.,l i���,ni�,l ..u�i ..
<br /> notc or ����tc�and ihi� I)rct) ��t Itu,l. :tih��h ;�tr d�•li�circt liii�h�. .ini1 i�� i�.,�i��;•., ��.�il�„iit «.ii�.ini., .�II �I�� . .i,�i.
<br /> ni��+. hcic! hy �c�u undcr thi, 1)cr�l ��t li�i�t rn tiir��cr.�,n �,i ���•i���i�. I�.•r,ili� � ni�il.J ii�����„
<br /> I)atc: __.�
<br />