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r <br />MORTGAGE AOOENDUM 89..` 101328 <br />The following are addenda to- the Mortgage. Plenegs chects the <br />applicable addendim- - The addendum checked shall be inearporated into, <br />and recorded with, the Mortgage. The term 'Mortgage' shall be deemed to <br />include "Geed of Trust," if applicable. <br />X FMµ ACKM N <br />AS long as the Mortgage 1s outstanding, the Lender nay declare all <br />sums secured by the Mortgage to be immediately due and payable if:' <br />(a) all or part of the property is sold•;;ir- otherwise <br />transferred (other than by devisee. descent ar a1,1#tton of law) by <br />Ba <br />7 <br />mower to a purchaser or other transform. •: <br />(i) who cannot reasonabli?:fd to occupy- the <br />property as a principal residence 44ikrt reasonable tinme <br />after the sale or transfer, all as provided in Section 143(c) <br />.and 143(1)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1988, as <br />,amendedt or <br />(i1) who has had a present ownership interest in a <br />:principal residence during any part of the three -yoar period <br />ending on the date of.tht- Sale or transfer, all as provided im1..:' <br />Section 143(d) and 141(f of the Internal. Revenue Code <br />(except that the languare 0100 percent" shall be substituted. '' t <br />for 095 percent or more where tee: latter appears in•Sactfan <br />143(d)(11); or <br />(11i) -at an acquisition cost which.. ft'greitm>r."t1an <br />WS of the average area purchase price (greaitaer• tfiatr :.1 i�7 for <br />targeted area residences), all as provided taiectfott;Y��e) ; <br />ON 143(t)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code; or <br />(1v) who has an income in excess of that estabtished <br />the Nebraska Investment Finance Autharity under its <br />applicable regulations or program guidelines in effect on the <br />date of the sale or transfer; or <br />(b) Borrower falls to occupy the property described in the <br />Ncrtgage without Lender's prior written consent; or <br />Cc) Borrower omits or. misrepresents a maitarfaT, . fact in an <br />applrration for" the Nortgijp. <br />References are tra, the Internal Revenue Cade in effect on thi date <br />of executfm of the mortgage and are deemed•to include the imptewfting <br />regulatlamrs'. <br />VA MORTGAGE AOOENOIM <br />If, so long as tale Nortgage is outstandiffg, all Cr any part of the <br />property is sold or transferred by Borrower without Lender's pprior <br />written consent, other than a transfer by devise, descent or by <br />operation of law, the Lender nay, at Lender's option, der.:?are all, the <br />sums secured by the Nortgage to be taamediat*ly due ar4 gsyable. <br />lv%arch 14 1989 <br />orE rower T dd E. Kober <br />0 ` <br />l; mower "De` omE ra ' Ir., Han-sen <br />State of Nebraska <br />ss. <br />County of _ Hall <br />The foregoing instrusmens waa yknoledged before ne this 14th day <br />ot�19 , by Toc1 obey and Qebarah Mserti <br />mess ny ban and notarla sea a ran S in din Sald en fun <br />the date aforesaid. <br />MY.,E issl n Ex _- <br />Notavy tic <br />NIFA I98& Series B t <br />i <br />