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<br />- � 90--i0�206
<br /> - � HoH-UN�o�u Cove��6otrower and Lender turiher covenant and agree a�foflowa:
<br /> 11. AoaM��Noe;ll�dN�.L�nd�r�h�NOlwnotle�taSonow�rprlortoa�N�►afiontollowin�6onow�t'�bnach
<br /> . M�nY oowe�n!or a�r�n�nt In MM�eu►it�r In�MumNtt(but nol pdor to�caNratio�und��parynphs 1�and 17 unty�
<br /> �pplleMiN I�w prov�oiM�wN��.TM notky�haN�p�eity:(�)1M d�/ault;(b�th�actbn nqulnd to cun tM d�f�uit;(a)a
<br /> d�N.�ot t�than�0 d�ys from the daN th�noHca h�iwn to dorrow�r,by whtch th�Mhutt muH b�cured;snd(d)that
<br /> � i�Nw+�lo cu�th�d�hiWt on a Mion th�daN�p�cHNd in th�notk�m�y r�sult 1�acc�NaNan of th�wms s�cund by
<br /> , ti�N i�curfly In�t�wn��l and saN ot tM P�op�rty.TM oatk��hsll tuhh�r Intonn 8o�rowtr of th�d9h1 to�tinstat�att�r
<br /> '• �oc�hniNon�nd ths ri�ht to brin9�couM�olton to�tstM th��o�e-�xist��c�ol a d�tauN o�a�y otM�d�t�ns�01 oonow��
<br /> � fo scc�N►atlon�nd saN.ll th�dNault Is not cur�d on or Mton tA�dat��p�cHl�d in!h��otic�,L�nd�►�t its optloe msy
<br /> hqWn Im�dlaN paynNnt te tull ot�11 sums s�cur�d Oy this S�cu�iry Inst�um�nt withoul tuNM�d�msnd�nd n�y Invok�
<br /> i 1M powu ol�and any oth��Mm�dks p�rmltt�d by applicabl�law.L�nd��shall b��ntltl�d to colhc9 ali�xp�oks
<br /> � incurnd In purautn�tM nmedl�y provid�d In this pan�nph 19�IncludlnQ.bul not Iimit�d to,rtatanaeN aKoen�ys'fNs
<br /> ' and co�b of tfli��vid�ne�.
<br /> If Ih�powK ot�aN Is Invok�d,Tnrs1N�hall ncoM a notic�ot d�tauit in�ach counry le whleh a�y p�M ol th� �
<br /> Prep��h loc�hd�nd ihall matl copNs of iuch natk�In th�mann�r p��=cnb�d by applicabN law to dvrtowK and to tM
<br /> { othK p�nom�naNbd by�pplieabN I�w.Afhr tM tinN nquired by appikabl�I�w,TnsiN shall�lv�publb nolke of
<br /> ' aM�!o fM p�nons e�d In th�mann�►pnse�ib�d by applkabN Iwr.T�ustN,without d�mand on 8onowtr.ahall sNl th�
<br /> , : Prop��t�laf public auetion to th�hl�h�st bld�N►at tM tim��nd p�ac�a�d u�d�r th�t�nns Mst��at�d in th�notk�ot sal�
<br /> M o�or nwn p�nYh and in�ny acN�TrustN dNen�fn�s.Truste�may postpon�a+N of�j!1 oJr any pancel o1lM P�opt�
<br /> oiiPui�iic�nai:.-..::s���::ti�:4:��a���l:wat:..;pr::a�:ly::.A���k�l::ta.��I�IY��V=tNYgL1�;.�,.�,;��.:.t�.::oi�.a
<br /> PnopKt�r.1 anr..�..
<br /> � Upon naipt of psymtnt of 1M pric�bld.Tru�tM shail d�Uv��to iM purcha�r TrustN's d�d conwyin�th�
<br /> , Prop�ery.TM ncitNs In th�Trust�e s dNd shall M pNm�facl��vid�nc�of th�t�uth of th�stattm�nts mad�th�nin.
<br /> � Trus1M�hsll pply th�proce�ds of th�sat�in th�followin�ord�r.(a�to all�xp�nst�01 t!�aN.Inciudinp,but not Iimll�d
<br /> lo�TrwN�'s h�a a p�m+Nf�d by applk�bN law and nasonabN attom�ya'1�:(b)to all sums s�eur�d by thh�curfyr
<br /> � Initn�nwn�and(c)�ny�xc�ss to tM pNSOn or p�rsons Ipatly�ntitl�d to it.
<br /> � 20, L�flde�In PotsysloA, UpvR acc�leration undar paragraph 19 or abandonment ot the Properry,Lender(in
<br /> � person,by apent or by judlcally appolnted receiver)shall b�entitled to enter upon,take posa�ssion of and manage the
<br /> � Rropeny a�d to collect the rents of the Property including those past due.Any rents collected by Lender or the raceiver � �
<br />: � shsil be applied fl►st to payrnent qf the costs o1 rrtartagement o1 the Property and collection of rents, inCluding,but not ,
<br /> limited to,�eceive�'a tees.premiums on�eceiver's bonds and reasonabte attorneys'fees,and then to the sums secu�ed by .�
<br /> ' tMs SeCUrity Inst�ument. �r�
<br /> ii: n�cw�Ayanw. iJpon paymeni oi aii sums securep iry inis�ecu�ty insirumeni,�endersnaii requesi i rusiee - -- - i
<br /> i to reCOnvey the Property and shall su�render this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this ----
<br /> ' Security Instrument to T�ustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property without warranty and without chargeto the person o� _-
<br /> � pe�sons legalty e�titted to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation costs.
<br /> ' 2Z. SubNituNTrustN.Lender,at its optlon,may from time to time remove Trustee a�d appoint a successor trustee
<br /> to any Trustee nppointed hereunde� by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is ,
<br /> recorded.Wlthout Conveyance of the Propeny,the successor trustee shall succeed to all the title, power and duties
<br /> conferred upan T�ustee hetein and by applicable law.
<br /> 23. Rpu�si to�Notk�i. Borrower�equests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Bo�rower's i
<br /> addresawhich is the Property Address.Borrower further requests that copies ot the notices of delault and sale be sent to
<br /> each peraon who Is a party hereto at the address of such person set forth herein.
<br /> � ' Z4. Rldna foMhSleurtty Inst►um�nf. 11 one or more�ide►s are executed by Borrower and reCOrded togetherwith
<br /> � ' this Security Inst�ument,the covenants and agreements o!each such rider shel l be incorporated into and shall amend and
<br /> Suppl@m@nt th@ COVenantS and agreements o1 this Secunty Instrument as if the rider(S) were a Rart ot this SeCUrity
<br /> tnatrument. (Check applicabte box�es)]
<br /> ❑ Adjustable Rate Rider � Condominium Rider � 2-4 Family Rider
<br /> _i�
<br /> � 0 Graduated Payment Rider ❑ Planned Unit Oevetopment Rider . ; �
<br /> � � Other(s) (speci4yl • '�'✓`
<br /> , .
<br /> Bv S�c+r�NG Be�aw.8orrower accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants conta�ned�n this Security Instrument ' �
<br /> � end in any ridei(�)execs�ted by 8orrower artd recorded with it.
<br /> . ... �.. . �+.^°-�C. . .... ....... . (Seal►
<br /> Ja �Gnus —Borrower
<br /> ' _ /-
<br /> ,�!��..�t.../`.'.!�..`�. J'..-.�3'?�C-���?���..... (Seal)
<br /> Deborah D. Gnuse —Borrower
<br /> —� .�[fp�e��Now TM�LIn�fa AetnowNd��nt] —-------—--- ---
<br /> State ot Nebraska )
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> Counrj of Hall 1
<br /> T e foregoing irestrument was acknowl dged betore me th�s 23rd �ay of J uly �'-�--�--`
<br /> 19 ..9�..by .....Jay E. Gnuse and Ue�orah D. Gnuce, husband and wife. � �
<br /> _ .. ... ... . . . . . .
<br /> Wilnesa my hand and noterial seal at Grand I sland, Nebraska
<br /> in said county,the datA utqresaid. '
<br /> , � s�t�or�r•saa����,`�'� �.
<br /> { �� �_ ��� LOl�D.KEr��c�
<br /> L,,.r, ,. � ly Cdrn�.Ea� 5-�t n , r
<br /> Notery PuChc ��+'='• � '°� :r
<br /> � �ti
<br /> My commiss�on eMpires �,C� . ��� ��lf�� ���
<br />, M�
<br />