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r <br />r Stab a Nebrnks Deed of TI' d 321 129653 @ -7G8 (b) <br />101 -325 <br />7itis Deed of Teener ("Security InstrurneM ") is made on March 15 , <br />19 89 . The tumor is Jill 0. Molzahn, an unmarried Dese <br />( %�o� »). The � e Eommercial Federal Savings and <br />Loan Association (-Th&me6») .0 benefiy -6 <br />Home Federal ,Savings and Loan Association of Grand Island which is oWhuzed and existing <br />under the laws of Nebraska . and whose Address is 221 South Locust: s <br />Grand Island, Nebraska <br />Wifoeseeiilt; That the Borrower in consideration of the debt and trust hereinafter degmW , Ind 41) t4 t of One Dollar (S I ). to <br />him in band paid by the TnsW the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does l� e pieseq!mgint. wupin and sell, eo vq and . <br />confirm, unto tiise Trustee in trust, with power of sale. forever, all of the Wowing described real estati. situated lying and beitW4 litre <br />Hall . gad State of Nebraskm to colic; <br />Lot Eight (8), Block Nine (9), Ashton Place, an Addition to the Cit;"'Of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />The rider to tike mortgage attached hereto and executed of even date herewith is <br />incorporated herein a;" the covenants and agreements a`. the rider shall. -amend and <br />suppleite."It the covena?.t, and agreements of this mortgage, <br />"THIS IS A PURCHASe MONEY MORTGAGE" <br />whirls has the address of 2507 W. Charles t,., Grand Island too) <br />Nebraska 88803 eZiPCOM (1?Y :perry Address" k <br />To Have and To Hold the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and including all hating, plumbing and <br />lighting fu:t uta and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate unto the Trustm and to its successors <br />and assigrtt, fu-m*r. The Borrower represents to. and convenants with, the Trustee, that the Borrower his good right to sell and convey said <br />premised thariflic� arc free from encuinho r, and that the Borrower will warrant and defend the same against this lawful claims of all persons <br />whomsoever, and the said Boszaswer hereby reWKWshct ag nights of homestead, and mil marital rights, either in law a in equity, and all other <br />gorrsngent intesrsts of the Borrower in and to the abovc4fos,t_W.premises, and mention being to convey hereby art absolute title. in fee simple^, <br />nvd $a F4�0 of homestead, a m other rights and inter .w sl'cr=4 <br />IMovitea Ah ways, and these presew are executed and dwivered unto the Tr stet, in trust, however for the following purposes: <br />Wreaess, the Borrower on the 15»J. . day of March .19 89 . borrowed from the Lender <br />tLc sum Of Fort:y'Six Thousand One Hundred Fifty and no/ 100--------------------------- - - - - -- <br />,,.------ - - - - -- -_ __ -_ _ u,• Dollars (5 45,150.00 for which <br />ons dhe Borrower has executed and delivered �,,rro s promissory note of even date. focal <br />hilt_ -prat of the rate of Eight 6 Eighty �i ��umr�tis� 8 88 %) per annum our the unpaid balance until paid. <br />The said pr int * and interest shall be payable st the office of Homiz- Federal Savings ar'd Loan Association of <br />Grand )island, 221 South Locust <br />in Grand laland, Nebraska , err si such other p4oe as ilea ri)?der of the note <br />may designate in wTiting, in Monthly installments of Three K ndred Sixty Seven and 35/100--- ------- - - - - -- <br />Duiiwcs (S 367.. 35 ). a�.mceencing on the first day of Nay <br />19 89 and on the first day of each mantb t>wmallier until the prtinapal and interest art Uy pa(4 :rr:oept that the final payrrea of.principal <br />and hNenst. if not sooner paid, shall be due and payable on the First day of April <br />20 19 <br />This form Is used in connection with monp Ues insured under the one- to four - family programs of the National Housing Act (including <br />Sections 203(b) and (Q) which require a One -Time Mortgage InsurAnce Premium payment in accordance with the regulations for those <br />programs. <br />Page i of 5 <br />form HU .1 (3-88 edition) <br />24 CFR ) <br />• J <br />