50705- 11368X - Maley-
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<br />----- - - - - -- _ , 89- 101313
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<br />corporation.with its principal office located at 1 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y.,
<br />in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable .
<br />consideration, in hand paid by ROBERT E. IRVINE and BONNIE B. IRVINE, husband and
<br />t
<br />'wife as joint tenants does hereby sell and convey unto the said ROBERT E. IRVINE
<br />and,,BONNIE B. IRVINE, husband and wife as joint tenants and assigns, forever, the
<br />oilawing described premises situated in HALL County, Nebraska, (as defined in Neb.
<br />R-6v.. Sta-t. 76- 201), to --wit:
<br />The Southwest Quarter (SWl /4) of Section One (1), Tow- rship.Eleven (11) North, Range
<br />• Ten (10);West of t.he.6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, excepting a tract conveyed to
<br />Grace R' . Cahow in Deed recorded in Book 147, .Page 65 -..and excepting a
<br />portion;'deeded to the'..Citr. of Grand Island, Hall County:, Nebraska, as shown in
<br />+thi
<br />Varrantty Deed recorded in Fiz4g : ter of Deeds Office as Document No. 87- 104372.
<br />togethir with all the tenements, hereditamenis, and-appurtenances to the same
<br />belonging, and the estate, right, title, claim, or demand whatsoever of the said
<br />''
<br />Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, of, in, and to the same or any part thereof.
<br />.'o Have and to Hold the above- descri -bed promises, with.:.the appurtenances, unto the
<br />said ROB 'MT E. IRVINE and BONNIE B. IRVINS;, . ii.usband G;A? vife as joint tenants . and
<br />assigns, forever.
<br />And the Metropolitan. Life Insurance Company does covenant to warrant and defend said
<br />?,
<br />premises only as::sinst: the lawful claims of all peraons claiming by, dizrough, or
<br />under it, subject, however, to any state of ffact:i i_:i accurate survey may show and to
<br />rights -of -way oir. easements, if any, for public roads. or other purposes heretofore
<br />laid out or established and, now existing over and across any part of the said land;
<br />and to general taxes and special assessments of every nature, and special taxes and
<br />assessments for the year 1989 an&',�snbsequent years, which include installments of
<br />special assessments due and unpaid for the year 1989; said land being conveyed as a
<br />tract and not on an acreage basis.
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