<br />258768
<br />x.01310 - -- - - -- - __
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<br />A S S I G N M E N T O F T R U_S T D E E D
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Central Mortgage Corporation, A
<br />Michigan Corporation, the party of the first part, in consideration of One
<br />Dollar and other valuable consideration, to it in hand paid by Maxim Mortgage
<br />Corporation, A Texas Corporations the party of the second part, receipt
<br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, assigned, and transferred, and,
<br />by these presents, does grant. assign: and transfer into the party of the
<br />second part, its successors and assigns, a certain Trust Deed, wherein the
<br />said Central Mortgage Corporation is
<br />beneficiary, KIRK D. SHUCK & JULIE D. SHUQC# HUSBAND & WIFE
<br />Is TTustor, and LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE CORB'ORATION .is Trustee, which
<br />Trust Diied_: was dated the 20TH day of JUNE ; 1988 and
<br />recorded_ "the 2J,9T day of JUNE , 19 88 as 88`ILC+ 340 of
<br />the Mortgage. Records of RUA, County,NEBRAM -, and all its right,
<br />title aye #'imterest to.the property therein described, as follows, to wit:
<br />4040 DRIE- 1W00D. QWW ISLAND. NE 68803
<br />; a-V -frl er with the promissory ra '.:'tiereln described, and the Q y due or to
<br />become due thereunder,, including i^frerest thereon, subject only to the
<br />provisions of said Trust Deed therein contained.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Central Mortgage Corporation , a corporation, has
<br />caused this Assignment of Trust Deed to be executed by its Vice President
<br />and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this 30th & 4 of January, 1989.
<br />�-' By:
<br />:l MARGARET HEZY ,' VICE ♦1 R
<br />l ♦ - f - .-
<br />'; A Attest: '
<br />ROS E E. , ItId �, . ;3 ;3• S
<br />STATE-OF Michigan )
<br />as:
<br />COUNTY OF Macomb )
<br />On the Date above stated, before me, a Notary Public diil5Y',.commian.loned
<br />and qualified in and for said county and state, personally,cttnke the above
<br />named MARGARET A. BEZY'AND ROSALIE E. KNIGA of Central !Mortgage Corporation
<br />who are personally known to me to be the Identical persons whose names are
<br />affixed to the above Assignment of Trust Deed as Vice President and Assistant
<br />Secretary of said corporation, and they acknowledge the instrument to be their
<br />voluntary act.and deed and the voluntary act and deed of said Corporation.'
<br />WITNESS my hand and official seal, in Michigan , in said county, the date
<br />aforesaid.
<br />My Commission expires:
<br />c:MO�rwabc>Ir�r /I
<br />od" PA00 we" aWUlr."
<br />gbtOWAftI wGM"S A7.1"D NotaWy Public
<br />Acb`dp in �If�comb Counts
<br />Assignment prepared by D e McCord
<br />t After recording please send to:
<br />rO BOX 1887
<br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802
<br />-"i
<br />: ;,vzw,
<br />4
<br />A
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