<br />__250932. -
<br />.190105580
<br />A.S S I G N M E N T OF T R U S T D E E D
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Central Mortgage Corporation, A
<br />Michigan Corporation, the party of the first part, in consideratioix.of One
<br />Dollar and other valuable consideration, to it in hand paid by Maxim.pRs3rtg -Ige
<br />Corporation, A Texas Corporation, the party of the second part, recei:ot
<br />whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, assigned, and transferred, and.,
<br />by these presents, does grant, assign, and transfer into the party of the
<br />second part, its successors and assigns, a certain Trust Deed, wherein the
<br />said Central Mortgage Corporation , is
<br />beneficiary, GM A. TATRO & PATRICIA J. TATRO, HUSBAND & WIFE
<br />is Trustor, and LAWYERS TITLE IkS(M&NCE CORPORATION is Trustee, which
<br />Trust Deed was dated the 26TH day of MAY 21 1988 , and
<br />recorded the 27TH day of MAE , 1988 : :,as;. .88- 102769 of
<br />the Mortgage Rr,- :rds of HALL County, . NS RA SM , and all its right,
<br />tittle anal: JLnteMsft:.tQ the. property therein described, as follows, to wit:
<br />EI
<br />IGHT '(8) r i'sk''. ' :' `,TREE (3){ ': PI►iAf. ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAM,
<br />1312 w KOENIG - GRAND ISL -MM, NE 68801
<br />Tlgethar with the promiLssory rate therein described, and the money due or to
<br />::: b4come - ' due thereunder, ..:Lncluding interest thereon, subject only to the
<br />provisions of said Trust.lieed therein contained.
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Central Mortgage Corporation , a corporation, has
<br />caused this Assignment of Trust Deed to be executed by its Vice President
<br />and -ft .corporaCe seal to.;be hereunto affixed this 30th day of January, 1989..
<br />By:
<br />Attest:
<br />R S IE E. KNIGA, ST C
<br />STATE OF ?:fichigan )
<br />so:, .
<br />COUNTY OF Macomb )
<br />On the Date abf3va stated, before me, a Notary Public duly commissioned
<br />and qualiiied in and, for said county.and state, personally came the above
<br />named MARGARET A. BEZY AND ROSALIE E. KNIGA of Central Mortgage Corporation
<br />who are personally known to me to be the identical persons whose names are
<br />" affixed to the above Assignment of Trust Deed as Vice President and Assistant
<br />Secretary of said corporation, and they acknowledge the Instrument to be their
<br />voluntary act and deed and the voluntary act and deed of said Corporation. .
<br />WITNESS my hand and official seal, in Michigan , in said county, the date
<br />aforesaid.
<br />i
<br />My coauission expires:
<br />KATHLEEN 0. CANAN �% R
<br />Nolmr POWC -DA 100 COUNIV. MOL VA VQQA
<br />NI '[WIPES 113_ ".3 Notary Public
<br />ACTING IN Mr coma coutaY Assignment prepared by Dtxie McCord
<br />L 1 After recording please send to:
<br />PO Box 1881
<br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802
<br />Z.
<br />�4
<br />AA,
<br />1�-
<br />ty:
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