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<br /> 90-- iQ4188
<br /> � LltVIFQRM GC�V€tVAtV« Qc�now��An4 Lander covenant and a�ree aa follows:
<br /> 1, paynwnt W lkN�cipal �nd Ie1�Mt. 8orrower ahall promptly pay when due the p�incipal ot and interesl on lhe
<br /> inde0tod�ss�vid�nce�d by tha Nol�,p�eps �ttntendlate charse�aa provlded ln Ihe Note,and the prl�CipAI at and Intereaton
<br /> any Futu�e Advances secu►sd by the�of Tni�t
<br /> !. Fw�d�IaT�a«and In�w�c1�.Su�ect ta epplicable law o�to a w�itten waivar by Lender,8or�ower shall pay to Lander
<br /> on th�day monthly i��ilmsnb ot ptlncip�l�nd intenst are payable under ths Nate,until the NoM ia paid in full,a sum(hureln .
<br /> "Funds")�qu�l ta on�-tw�IfM of M�yMrty tazq and assstsments which may attein prio►ity over this Dsed of Trus1.e�d
<br /> y�ound rents on the P�op�rty,ii any,plus one-twelfth ot yea�ly p�emium installments tor hazard inaurancs,ptus o�e-twMtth of
<br /> ysa�ly pr�mium insallmMb!or mortg�e inwance,if any,a1�as rsawnably e�Nmated IniHaliy and hom Nme to time by
<br /> L�ntNr on th�b�sis of ast�ssm�nb�ndbiils and reaonable atimate�thereol.
<br /> Th�Funds shall b�Mld i�an insNtvNon the depoalb o�eceounh o9 which are Inaured or�uarants�d,by a Fede►al or sLte
<br /> a�e�Gy(inctudin�lsnde►If Lender is auch an institution).Lende�ahall appty the funda tapa y sald taxes,ssseasmsnh,
<br /> ineurance promiuma end�round re�u.Lender may not charqs tor sa holdin and applyin�the Funda,ene�yzin�s�id account
<br /> orverlfyinpendcompilinqsai�fussesamentsendbilts unles�lende�paya�r�owerintsresto�MeFundsend�palicablelaw
<br /> pe�mib L�nd�b make such a cha��s.8orrowe�and te�der may a9renin wrftin9 etthe time of sxecution of this C�ed of Trust
<br /> that(nbrest on the Funds Mali be pald to Bofrower,end untess auah a9reement is made a appHc�lb�law rsquira wch
<br /> intKat to bsptId.LendK ahall not be�equired to pay Bonower any intereat or sarninps on the Funds.LandK shall pivs to
<br /> 8orrowe►,without charpe,a�annusl accountinp of the Fu�ds sr�owinp c�edlt�end de5its to the Funds e�d ths purpose for
<br /> which each debit to the Funds waa msde.The Fundsare pledyed as edditional security ior the sums aecu►ed by thia Deed of
<br /> Trus�
<br /> , N the amaunl of the lunds held by Lender,to�ether with the future monthly i�stallmenta of Funds payable p�iar to t11s due
<br /> date�of taxes,ascsesemenb, lnsurenco premiums and ground rents,shall exceed the emount required to pay said taxe�.
<br /> asses�rrrnii?i,ii18Ui�iiiC6�to�iiii=S ailif rauntt re��Qa tts�y ttt!! dus,�uah excasr she!!�, !t nc+«c+wwr'�pntion,efther
<br /> p�Omptly rs�a fd to 8orrowe�or credited�o Bor�ower on manthly installments o1 Funds.N the amount ot the Funda held by
<br /> Lend�rsha�ilnotbesufficienttopeytaxea.aasessments,insurancepremtumsand �oundrentsestheyfalldue.Bonowershall
<br /> pay to l.endsr any amount�ecesaary to make up the deiic�ency wiihin 30 day��om the date not)ce la mailed by Lender to
<br /> 8orcower request�n9 payment thereol.
<br /> Upon payment in ful l of all auma secured by ihis Deed ot Trus�.Lender shall promptly retund to 8o�rower any Funds held by
<br /> Lender.If under para�raph 18 hereot the Prope�ty is sotd ov the Property�s otherwise acquired by Lender,Lender shal!apply,
<br /> no labr than immediately prio�to the aale ot the Property or its acqui3it�on by Lender,and Funds held by Lende�atthetime of
<br /> application as a credit aflainst the sums secured try this Qeed of Trust.
<br /> 3. ApolleaUon ol PayrtNnb.Untess appticable law provides otherw�se,all payme�ts received by Lender und�r the Nota
<br /> and parapraphs t and 2 hereot shall be applied by Lender first in payment af amounts payable to lender by Borrower under .
<br /> par�9raph 2 hereot,then to interest payable on the Note,then to the pnnc�pat of the Note,end then tn interest and principsl on
<br /> any Futuro Advances.
<br /> �. ChN�M;UMS.8orrowers shall pay atl taxes,assessments and ot�er charges,tines and impositions attributable to Me
<br /> P�opecty which may attain a priority over this Oeed ot Trust.and leasehold¢ayments or ground renta,if any,in the manner
<br /> _ . . r.�.:,�.a��,,.�..�A.,,�.��a n.��,�.,�,���nt na��f�n c�•ch manner_dy Bnrrower makma pavment.when due,directlY to the __
<br /> r,_...y.
<br /> payee thereat.&srrower shaf!promptly turnish to l.endei all notices�f amounts due un.der this ps►t�yrrph,�nd in ths evenf .
<br /> Bor�ower shall make paymeni directly, Bor�ower �hall promptly furnish to l�enAer receipts evidencin9 auch paymenh.
<br /> Borrower ahalt promptly dlscharge any I�en which has pnoriry over tt�i�Deed of Trus�provided,that Bo�rower ahall not be •
<br /> required to diachar�e eny such lien so to�q es Borroarer shall agree in wntmg to the payment of the obUpation ssCUred by such .
<br /> lien in a manner aceepfable to Len�er,o►shall in yood faith contest such lien by,or defend entorcement of such lien in,tepal
<br /> proceedin�s whlch operete to prevent the enforcement ot the tien or to�teiture of the Property or any paA thereof. ,. _
<br /> S. Hasard InwtsnC�.Bor�ower shall keep the�mprovements now exi�ting or hereeRer erected on the PrOperty insuted , -
<br /> a�ainst toss by tire,hazard�i�ctuded with�n Me term"extended coveraQe",and such other ha=ards as Lender may requlro -
<br /> and in auch amounts and for such penods as lender maY reqwre:provided,that Lender shall not require that the amount ot = —
<br /> such cowxape ex:eed that amourtt o1 covarage required to pay the sums secured by this Deed oi Trust ,
<br /> This insu�ance cerrier provlding the insuranca sha��be Chosen by 9orrower sub�ect to approval by Lender;provided,that ,
<br /> suCh�prOVSI ahall�ot b�unreesonably w�thheld.All premeums on msurance poliCies shall be paid�n the manner provided `
<br /> unde�paragraph 2 hereof o�,if no!paid in such manner,by Borrower making payment,when due.d+rectly to the insu�a�ce
<br /> carriee.
<br /> A{I i�aura�ce poticies and renewals thereof shall be m form accepteble to Lender and shall inclu�e a standard mott�a�e
<br /> ctause in favor of and in form acceptable to Lender Lender shall have the nght to hoid the polic�es and renewalsthereof end ,
<br /> Bo��owe�shatl promptly furni�h to Lender all renewat notices end al�receipts ot paid premwm�.ln the event of lo�s.Borrower ,
<br /> shal{��ve prompt not�ceto the insurence carner and Lender.Lender may meke prool ot lass it not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender�nd Bo�rower otherw�se agree in writmg.u�surance proceeds sha��be applied to restoretion or repeir o1 the
<br /> Property damaged,provi�ad�uch restoration or repair�s econom�caliy feas�ble and the secunty of this 1?esd of Trust is not
<br /> thereby rmpa�reA.!f auch restoration or repa�r is not economically teasible or if the securiry o9 Mis Deed of Trust would be
<br /> impaired,the ins��ance proceeds shall be apG�hed to the sums secured by th�s Deed of Trust.w+th the excesa.if any,paid to �
<br /> Borrower.If the Property�s abandoned b Borrower,or�f Borrower ta��s to respond to Lender w�tt�in 30 day�trom the det�e �
<br /> notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower t�iat the insurance carner oflers to sen�e e c�sim for�nsurance benefits.Lender�s
<br /> euthctrtzed to collect and appty the msurence proceeds as 1,enUg;s c,pt�on e�ther to restoratron or repair of the Property or to
<br /> the sum�secured by this Deed ot Trus� •
<br /> Unte�s Lender and Borrower otherw�se agree�n wnrng,any such appticAt�ort of praceed�to princrpal shatf not e�tend o�
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly�nstal(ments reterred to�n paragraphs t and 2 hereot or chanye the amount of suc+�
<br /> mstallments.lf under parapraph 18 hereof the Rroperty is acquued tsy Lender.ell r�ght,t�tle and�nterest ot Borrower in and to
<br /> any inaurance pohcies and+n and to the praceedsthereo}resultmg from damage tothe Property prior tothe sale or acquis�tion
<br /> shell pa�s to Lender tQ the Axtent ot thF aums sec:ured hy this Oeed ot rrust�mrr�ed,atety p��or ta sucn seie or ac�u�sittan.
<br /> •. Pr�sKVation and IMainlManc�01 Prop��ty;L�aseRdds:CondomlNurt�s;PIa�O UnM Ow�1pp��b.Borrower ahal I
<br /> keep the P►op8�1y in good repair and shall not commit wasta or permd�mpairment of qetenorat�on o1 the Property end shall
<br /> compty with the provis�ons ot any leescs it th►s Deed o1 Trust+s on a Ieaseha(d if this Deed o�Trust�s on a umt in a condomimum
<br /> or a planned umt development,Borrower sha11 pe�torm aU of 8orrower's obligat�ons under tne�ec�aration or covenants
<br /> creatin9 or�overnsng the condomin�um or ptanned urnt developmeni,the by-iaws and regulat�ons o1 the condom�nium or
<br /> planned urnt development,and consUtuent documents. If�condomm�um or planned urnt development rider is excuted by
<br /> Borrower and recorded together w�th this Oeec1 ot Trust,the covenants and agreements ot su�h nder shall be�nCOrpo�ated
<br /> �nto and shatl amend and supplement the covenanis and agreements ot th�s Qeed oi Trust as i1 the►�der were a part hereol
<br /> 7. Prot�e:tion o1 LMd�r's S�tutify.N Borrowor Ipils to perforrtti Ine covenants end agreements conta�ned�n this�eed ot
<br /> Yrust,or i}any action or proceeding is commenced wi4h mator�a�ly aNects Lender's�nterpst�n tt�e Property.�nciuding but not
<br /> limited to,eminent doma�n,insolvency,code enlotCement,or arrangements 0�Droceedings mvolving a bankrupt or deCedent,
<br /> then Lend�r At Lender's option,upon noUCe to Borrower,may make such�ppearances.d�sburse s�ch sums end teke such ��- --_
<br /> act�onasisnecessarytoproteclLendar'sinterest,�nclud�n�g,butnotl�m�tedta,d�sbursementof�easUnableattorney's(eesand •
<br /> entry upon the Propertyto make repa�rs.It Lander required mortgago�nsu�anceas n cond�GOn o1 mak�ng the loan secured by
<br /> the Deed of Trust.BorrOwQr Sha�l pay the premiums required to m�int��n suC� msu�ance �n oNect unt�! such time es the
<br /> requirementfor such insurancete�minates in accordance with Borrowe►'s and Lender's wntten ngreement or apPI�calbe law
<br /> Borrowgr Shall pay thB 8mounl of 3�1 mOrt9agt3�nSU►AnCe permiums m the mannei prov�ded under naragraph 2 h6reot
<br /> Any amounts d�sbursed by lender pucsuant to th�s parAg raph 7. w�tn �ntorest tnereon, shall 6ecome add�tionai
<br /> indeDtednes9o18orrowersecuredbythisQeedotTrust Unles&Bonowerandlender&t�reetoothertermsotp&yment.such �
<br /> amounts srall be payaDle upon not�c�from t,ender to 8orrower reyuost�r,g paymont herQOt,and sha�l bea►�nterest hom the �
<br /> � dateotdisbursementatthoratopayablefromt�metot�meonnutstar.�mg pnnc�pa�underlheNoteunlesSpaymentolinterest �
<br /> at such rate wo�lld be contrary to Appl�cabio law.�n wh�Ch event suGh arnount� shaii be¢r mt�rost £+t thE� h�gh89t r�1tB ,,
<br /> perm�ss�bt�underappt�cablpl�aw Noth,ngcontamedintn�spa�agr��ph7SP�aurequ�reLendertu+�cu*an�exp8nseo�takeany �,�.�
<br /> eL'I�Un I�tlrf:undel i
<br /> s. lnipattlon.LenCIC�fnciylniikC Ot(;BUSP.(Oh�nl�ldtr tE•.lS'���7b't'l'i�ti�p,i�pp'�2�r� ,•,y���t.t•o��s�,f tnr Pcppt�ty prUv�d@t� p�
<br /> that LnndEr Sh8119ive BOtrOwCt nOtif.E;��t�t�r t6�ny Sucr�r•SG1HCirt�l ',pP{,�t j.rif�IEJ40/�clL'I�iJ�iSE'U�f'tplptP�f,�:f1(+(11p t f'r�Qpf S �!��
<br /> �nterest�n the Property ' �� �
<br /> ___�
<br />