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200106733 <br />incapable of making my own health care decisions. I have read <br />the warning which accompanies this document and understand the <br />consequences of executing a Power of Attorney for Health Care. <br />I direct that my attorney -in -fact comply with the following <br />instructions or limitations: <br />If the situation should arise in which there is no reasonable <br />expectation of my recovery from physical or mental disability, <br />completely substantiated by medical evidence, I request that I be <br />allowed to die and not be kept alive by artificial means or <br />"heroic measures." I do not fear death itself as much as the <br />indignities of deterioration, dependence and hopeless pain. I, <br />therefore, ask that medication be mercifully administered to me <br />to alleviate suffering even though this may hasten the moment of <br />death. <br />This request is made after careful consideration. I hope you <br />who care for me will feel morally bound to follow its mandate. I <br />recognize that this appears to place a heavy responsibility upon <br />you, but it is with the intention of relieving you of such <br />responsibility and of placing it upon myself in accordance with <br />my strong convictions that this statement is made. <br />I HAVE READ THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR HEALTH CARE. I <br />UNDERSTAND THAT IT ALLOWS ANOTHER PERSON TO MAKE LIFE AND DEATH <br />DECISIONS FOR ME IF I AM INCAPABLE OF MAKING SUCH DECISIONS. I <br />ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I CAN REVOKE THUS POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR <br />HEALTH CARE AT ANY TIME BY NOTIFYING MY ATTORNEY -IN -FACT, MY <br />PHYSICIAN, OR THE FACILITY IN WHICH I AM A PATIENT OR RESIDENT. <br />ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I CAN REQUIRE IN THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR <br />HEALTH CARE THAT THE FACT OF MY INCAPACITY IN THE FUTURE BE <br />CONFIRMED BY A SECOND PHYSICIAN. <br />14. This Power of Attorney shall become effective immediately <br />and shall not be affected by the disability of the principal. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have signed my name this � d y of <br />July, 1997. <br />