<br /> ^�y.:... .r.a� Cr .,r_• i ��.., ,:i 6,C.�.� P_ " c,l ..._e�� � 1'r � 1�. a .�•..
<br /> --:�r ti�... � �1� t � i r f-4 k,r.
<br /> 'y.�p'/t�e�,f"`�rq�4.7�MY�J_.se x __ t,��7 7.' ��Th���(+.��Y�t� �- 1, _�i � .� .
<br /> �� a...�ys�r � � — . _ �- _ : ,- �rt�w r.za� t, ��!,_.._ — - -- --- ..,��..,._
<br /> .�{ K «s
<br /> � '-`� ., -' - - - ---- —_ _ _.�_� .�._.._ _....._._.— _,�.�.. .._rt .�� _ - i,w. -- --
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<br /> .._ . . . _. _.. - r,,Q,�,._�,,�_... .
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<br />_ ! �iORT�AGE ,� � n� �1 �'J�i
<br /> ! , yt�""" i v��. � �.
<br /> ���M N����� H�1 J. MAgg�a�e snd Jubi Nagg�ore, Huaband
<br /> aad liife .
<br /> �M .. . � i�IYE PQttiTS BAHK, Grand Ialaad, Ha�raeka - �t�in�M Mppr„y ana
<br /> (A/ " ol'l���l���.
<br /> . 11�el�pt!t Ia�eWet�i 11�1�e !a IAe�tinc!/d ati�e o!t .e�Nke�ad�Mort�'�note
<br /> �! .lulr I b. 1990 �A«�y»���f��������Nd i�t�»ct�witA tht�fanee of the
<br /> ���K���������p�_ July 1 S1 1995 ,
<br /> . 'h�ww�Mq►�t�t tl�t NeN��Iwwat r�orikd tMref�.t!k Myment ot�otM�r�w��wilh inte�wt,
<br /> M��b�M�+�N�f�e wewKy ef I�i�Merl�r.�n�tMe�rfaw�ne�at ti�co�eaanp a�d�wnKnts ot
<br /> , r. �+� ...�M+ w�.�,�+ae� +.� �► •e�y.� .�a�.n► e� �onw� er� to�o.�A� a��a
<br /> ,. ,
<br /> w�r �•a�•+ r ��oo�ey.t�a�..w:
<br /> ,
<br /> Lots One (1) and Trro (Z�, Blvck Pourteen (14), H. G. Clarks Addition
<br /> �
<br /> � to the City a# Grand I�land, H�11 County, Neb�asic�
<br /> . `
<br /> -- -i-- -..... . . _..
<br /> �
<br /> (rr
<br /> 1
<br /> 1
<br /> �
<br /> I
<br /> ' . .
<br /> ; ' .
<br /> � �b�tuK:.Hth au aRwap.i�npra�eakat�,nxwrea,wti.ts,.11rv.P�++eew.y�. w�.Kea,r+eAt�,!Kvlle�.s.na
<br /> � r/pMrt�eaa��katee tAereo+►or 1��nywis��etNlai�tA�Rto.�na tM r�n�.� �nd proQte,Rw�lau�d Km�inders I -=
<br /> — - j - --- - --iiwwoi--iad �ui-woi=ii�ieo io i�ii ano evvi -ar�II wt7� `t�i�l�ic�iched toiJie ` - - �f-Y-
<br /> -�------- � ndin� • R[ ���at �et�a���RY
<br /> � i■�pzore�fen4 w as to caetitute�ttxtu�e;Nl ot wAieN�iaeludlnj repiue�aen4 and additiaw tMreto,i�bere�y declared � Y .
<br /> � b be�pvt ot,tl�:ed Ktate�ecured by tAe lien ot�is 1�loet�,ye and all ot tAe fore�otn�belnR ret�Md W herefn as the
<br /> i �+�► • , �-
<br /> f tWtth�r comre�ut►n�ni
<br /> ; Mat�x �rees.Nit1►l�ortptee,a�follows:
<br /> s
<br /> � 1. hyment Zb p�y tl�e lndebtedness�nd tAe interest tAenon as prorided in Nis Mort�ate and the Note.
<br /> 2. Titk. �lort�or it tM oMq�t ot tAe hoperty.Ra� tAe rl�fit and authority to�ort�a�e tde iroperty.�nd
<br /> p�tt�e►k tb�t tl�e lien ceeated bereby k a fl�st�nd ptior licn on the ttoperty.exapt�m��otheruiie be set fonh�erein.
<br /> � �
<br /> ' O 71�e hoperty i�wbject eo a�lart�s�e NMeeln
<br /> � 4 tbQ Iitoetp�ee��cord�d at bok .rye_,._._of che Marepje Recor�oi Counq•,�
<br /> . J�IeM��.wA{eh lito�tp�e S�liea pefor to tAe ikA cerated IkteDy.
<br /> . ` O Otl�er�elor Ilens ot�neum6eaoces: �'�
<br /> �.
<br /> .
<br /> �. 71Mt�.A�t�. 7b/q►wien Ow ali W�c�s,sp�ei�i�aweataents�nd dt other clar�e��aitut the hoprrt.
<br /> �d.�oa welq�a dta�od py Mwt�e.W�dd to tl�e/�ym�nri i+�qufred�nder the Nots reeured hsreb�,weh unount as
<br /> •q M w[lideAt to�We tlre Mo��yer to�y wek ta�K,�wm�ata or otber ehar�e:�tl�ey beeorrk due.
<br /> � �. lirw�t. To ItKp tAe iwpro+r�a�eab Ao�v or bendt�r loattd oa tDe rai e�tate deuMbed Aetein insund
<br /> yliMt�M�/t OY�'�weh otAts M�sat4 a�Yo�f�a vy�quire�i�s�eiouob wd witA com�niet sceeptabl�to the
<br /> Yoet�re,Md�1t1�las p�y�41e to tM l�fo�t�e. iu a�e oi laa uudet wcb poliefe�t�e Mott�ee la iuNoriva to
<br /> M1wt.ealMet Md e0�yr�oaMe,b ifs�elrtio��W e�f�tLtrteinaer�t f4�ole option. �utAoritedtoNtlier�ppty the
<br /> �to��c !o He wsta�tio�ot tM h�e�aty oe�tM iakOtsC�t MeurM ht�ebY.but p�yaRSts he�eunder�dl con•
<br /> tlwe�tn�ti!tAe wwt�d A�e�eby aw Mid iw tull.
<br /> i. D Fxsow For'!'�c�s� i�ltMCt. Not�riN�tandin�anythin�contair��d in pata��ph�3�r►d�hereof to the • -_--_
<br /> �v�'+ ��*�11 p�Y��' �Ml��at�y��+MY�►L���ly int411�nenu of principal and interest, '
<br /> o�t�r�rlRh oi the yrwly t�s�a■e�wen4.fys�A i�wrsnoe premlu�tis.�ad pound rrnts (if snyl whieh ma�� �tuin a
<br /> �lo�{ty owr t�it Y��e.ap as'n�totuWy�stia�ted ho�e ti�e to tit»e by tl�t N{ortp�ee.7f►e rnaunts w paid:h�! be
<br /> MI�b7►tl�e 11o�tlpe�►itMo�t iat�rest�M apptkd to the y�y�ntnt ot tAe Iteau ies tet�ect to Mhieh wch amoants were
<br /> �t�a�itRd.'itie w�a Nid to Wtt�e�uAd�r�re pied�td a��dditional Mcurity for the in6ebtedness Kcurrd b�th,s
<br /> liort/yc.Mori/�ot Yiatt py b Kat�ee tAe arna+nt of any ds0eiency bttween thr ictuJ taxes,�escmeesr, insurance ��
<br /> � ��1ira�s M►d/o�N►d�tn4 Mt tbt d��osi4 hereundcr�ritAin 10 d�pi�fkr demand is nude upon Mortp�or requestin�
<br /> /�yf�at Wtto/.
<br /> �
<br /> �. ltep�ir.M�ftften�see aed Ult. To promptly sep�ir. reaion or rebs�lld an� build,n�s or improvements noN or �
<br /> kt��Rer on U►e hoptrtyr;W te�eg the hoperty in�ood condition an0 npair,ovitAout w�te,�nd tree Irom mecnan�c's or �;�(
<br /> e�i►eriiens not e:pres�ly:ubordinaud to th�I�en h�rrot;not to nuke,tutfer or p�ermit�ny nuismce to ex�st,nor to C�m�n- �,. �
<br /> 1�A or imp�tr tAe ratue ot Ne Ptoperty by any set ar omission to art,and ta eom��� �vit� a11 rcpuiremrnts oi liw w�th
<br /> t+eipec�to tAr hoperty.
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br />