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<br /> 71i�Mat�ye k�aNr�ed f�ta bitiv�ea 1203 Pt�r t ne r�h i a
<br /> � --- (�rerin"Itnrf�ot"�w+d
<br /> r � �`TYE FOINTS B11NK _ �y.� ,��(M�y�„�••}.
<br /> � ; Mo�l�i�Md�bki 10 Nat�In tIM�dpd wm ot i_.l5►L�O�..AOn1�neN My Ma�b�a°s�ot� �
<br /> �� 7-16-90 �In"Not,e"1 R'�1�IM�a MYta�tnb ot�I�elp�l�nd i�l�ttMt,with t1��M1�na ot tA�
<br /> �
<br /> l�41�AtdnNt,i[Mt�oen�t p�ld,�e�nd My�bk oa.,� 7-5—�O�p �
<br /> , ' '1bNaw IM Nqr�t N tlie No�e�wlw NM�wt M�wAieO tMrN�.die My�ent ot�I o1Mr wnr.wilM Inbn�1�
<br /> �!���01��N/IOMlt IM!M�!'rdt�t O�f�MOf�wl.�11d/A!�fKOf�M�!!0�IAt!OrlMIIN MN�/K�tIM11N O�
<br /> � � 1� Mae�t w�W�+ M�I�� ltore�►t +oa I�.M�► �oR��e �a� .o�r�► to was�. u� ra�o�rl� �eelMrd
<br /> i }�r�tr loe�d b �Ll l .� �_ Ooimty�I�k�lu:
<br /> I
<br /> , Lot 6ne (1) in H�lock Three (3) of Arnold Place Addition to the Ci�y
<br /> of Grand island, Hall County, Nebr�aka; and
<br /> , Fr�ctianal Lot TWO (2) , in Hlock Three (3) of Ar�old Plbc� Addition
<br /> ' to the Cfty of Grand Zaland, Hall County, Nebraak�, �nd ita complemenC�
<br /> �. Fractianal t,ot Two (2) in Block Five (5) df Spaulding and Gregg'a
<br /> -Adc��iti.on to the city ot Grand zsiana, Eiall cou��y, N@b�A�Ka.
<br /> �
<br /> � To�ethe�w�ith all buUdin�s,itnprovements,Axtura�tttetts,vleys,pa�s�ew�y�� ewments,�itht�,pNvilejes�nd
<br /> ; �ppartensnces located thereon or in�nywise pertairtin�thereto��nd the anb.luua �nd protl4.�ererslons�nd remunden �
<br /> � - - ---- ---��..��ww�-lwwludl��-A�i�i�-=i�'vr-��ii��i�v�w A���i w-�wd�.�ri� � • �- �.. � �..w�._�►� a�.�N»LJ. �--- - --- ---- - - -�
<br /> - � -�- -.. ._—..__.. _ ...�-«........ n-.. s �..ry« ..�lf- ..v Ri�`�!'��wi�rii� �w�n����w jnvys��7-w�s-u�>ta�ctttP�1VZRl._... . . . . _
<br /> • fa�ptovcauna w as w consutute a tixtu�;�l ot whec�,iacludin� replacernents�nd�dditions thereto.is hereby decl�red ,
<br /> � to be�pari ot tl�e real ettate secutrd by t!k lien of thi�Morlp�e�nd a11 ot tAe fore�oin�bein�referred to hereln as the
<br /> «�,,o��+►, ,
<br /> l�loetptoT iurther conren�n�and a�rees,with Mori���ee,�iW1oMt:
<br /> • 1. laymsnt. To pay tbe lndeptedneu and the intetrst tl�ereon a�prorided in this Mortp�e�nd the Notr. ��
<br /> ; S. Titk. Mortta�or is the o�vner ot the propetty.A�tAe drht md authorlty to raortpse the hopert�.�nd -
<br /> wut�nLi tA�t ths lien crrsted hereby ic a Aat and p�ior�ien on tAe Property�exeept u►n��otberw�iae be Kt to�h hereln.
<br /> O 7f�e hoperty i3 wbject W a IYlott�a�e whenin
<br /> ; r the I�tortp�e,�ecorded at Hook .ta�e of t�e IMort�e Record�of Count�•.
<br /> N�btslu.which�1ortp�e it a lien prior tb!he 1Rn created hereby.
<br /> O OtAer prier lieeu or encumManca: ��
<br /> �j
<br /> �
<br /> i. 7'�ce�Arwrn�na. 'ib p�y wlxn dre all Wca.tp�ela!we��ments tnd a!1 oNer chat�et apJtut the hoprrt�•
<br /> rd.�poe�welttRb d�nund by�Aortp�eC,to�dd to tbr pynaent�tequired u�nderNe Note�ecurra hereb�.�uch�mount as
<br /> wy Se�tttieient to easble the IKort�p�ee to p�y web 4xn.we�a�n4 or other charre��s they becon��due.
<br /> ; � �. ta�a. To tetp the t��toret�ntn4 no�ot Aeq�Ret located on the rev e�tate dercNbrd Aerein insur�d
<br /> �imt ita�e DY See'aed wch other haurd�a��lory�ee awy rrqulre.W u�ounts an8 wieh�ompu�iK�ccepuble co thr
<br /> � �toet/y�e.�d with 1as p�yabk to tbe yort{�ee. 1n�e ot los�under such polic�a t!u Morip�ee b suNonxed to
<br /> �OjWt. eoileet YW oanpromMe,b its discretion�v! cLlme�hereunder�t iLs�ole o�tion. �uthoriu�d tn eithrr�ppl� ehe
<br /> �[oaeds W�nettaatian of tbe ltopeRy or upon the Indebtedne�e Kcured hereby,sut�y�aenu hereunder thall con�
<br /> ti�e•:��1��e sumt ucvrrd 2�seby a�r paid tn tull.
<br /> � i. 13 F.�ci�ow Fe►Ta:�s�d laws�nee. tdotw�itR:tartdin��aythin�contained in pars�nphs 3�nd�hereot to the , .
<br /> e6otrary,Mortp�or ihvl p�y to the�tort�a{ee�t the Un�e ot�yfa�tAe monthly leuWlmenu ot princip�l�nd inerrrsc.
<br /> a�e�twelfth ot ti�e yatiy taxe�,we�msnt�,huara imurance premlunu,�nd�roun0 tenis (it aayl which rn��• �iwn a
<br /> lhoettY o�t Nit�lort��e,�i r nnonaay es�m.ee�tro�a�me�o ame ey ene Mon�ee.'11�e amounts w pait!shall Dp
<br /> tiNQ by tl�e lrlort�ee without intemt�nd�pplied to the pRyment o!the items fn eesprct to MhicA�uch�mounts w�re
<br /> �epaited.'lLe wa�s p�id to MortiaRee hereundri�re aeA�6 a��ddition�l�ecurity tor tAe indrbtedness Kcured b�•th�s
<br /> lbrtpte.Mott�otsA�l p�y to 1�{ortlyre the amount of�ny dtfiakncy b�tween the aceuv taxes.�cse�mrnts, Int�nnce �i
<br /> L ���opround rents and tAe depaits herennder Mithln 10 d�y�atter detrund!�tnade upon Mori`t�or request�n� �{
<br /> 1
<br /> i. Repair,Maletenat�ce an�U1e. To promptly rep�lr,rettore or rebuil8�ny build�n�s or improvementa noK pr oy�
<br /> hereaftrr on the Property; b keey the Property In�pod condltlon v►d npafr,witAout�aste,�nd trre(rom mechanic'�or ��t
<br /> csihttl.er�s���¢expr�uly zuDordinated to tAe lien Aereof;not to mai�e,�uffer or perm�t�ny nu�unce to ez�st,nor to d�m�n• �. ,f
<br /> ith ot imp�ir ths ralue ot the Plroyerty by �ny �et or omission to sct;�nd t� compl� with �lt rrqulrements of faw w�th
<br /> tesptct to the Roprrty_
<br /> i
<br />