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<br /> � NATIQNAI. BAI� QF G�fI� ISGAIJD � ��N��..� .
<br /> �^
<br /> ' ltoetMyoe'is Isd�tiMd ta�at��la tIw pelweip�l auo oi= 23.685.38 ,„Idenad br Xtatt�oe'�aot�
<br /> � JUly I5. 1990 (�p H�+.)P���p4�ts o!pdacipd and Inbre�t,wl�th•bd�uo�ot tbe
<br /> . ia�M�d�w.ti�ot iooa�r�_dw�,�d pqrN�a►- July 6, 19A� _
<br /> � . � � ����Mt���pMYMt�t p't'0���1f��!!�AMllt O��0�11!!�ild�pl�111��
<br /> � � ai�wo�d� 10�d 1�..Me�.or a�i.liartpr...ua tb.p�,rorm.ree dr th.co..r�ab wa.�n.m�nls ot
<br /> � �M ��i� �, hMs�. Yoe��yolr 40+� h�nb� alaet� md aon�iy to l�tott� tlN idlowiy dMetlbN
<br /> , prop.et� loo.ew lri- ..�ll Qouah►, x.bz�lca: �
<br /> , �• ' Lot �enty Five (25), Block �o (Z)s in Hrentw�ood Second
<br /> , , Subdivision in the City of Grand Isla�nd, Hall Count�r,
<br /> -- --- - - - -- . � - �t�r�i�.. . - - . .
<br /> Transfer of Pr� �. If all or any part of the Propert,y or aany inter�st of
<br /> : , 16�rtgagor tbea�e is sold, traz�sferred or further encur�bered witliaut the express
<br /> written c�onseat of the I�rtg�tg�ee, Mortgagee ma.y, at its sole option, declare
<br /> ' aIl slms secured by this trortgage to be irnnediately due and pa.yable.
<br /> '_------.--.-._..._�.._ -- - - --._- ...-- - - - _ . . -_ - -- __ --
<br /> , ���iTbq��n ji,�mpzotrmen�e;-tl�ctura,rt�eb,illeYs,Pat�ews3rs. eatsmer�,si�ta.Peirlte�e�and �
<br /> ` �ppueEen�noes l�ted iMnoa oe in aaywhe Pertalnint the�to,and the rents�tuues aud praLiv,rerenido��ad r�m�inthes '
<br /> t�er�af;iaeludia�Iwt not Umit�d to,lwatfly and 000iia�equipment aad wch perwnal PropertY Wat lc att�ehed to the
<br /> improKmaits io�t to�oasdtate a l�ture;dl ot whkh,indudin=repUoementa�ad addit�au tlMreto,i�h�eMb�dsdtred
<br /> : � to b�a p�et ot tbs rail�tate�cared bp th�lien of thb Mortp�e md W ot the fore=oini Delnr referred to l�erein a the
<br /> fi�y.��.M� _
<br /> ....r...J
<br /> ' Moetpyor t�urther a�n�and and�e�.wdth Mort/�ee,r toUoxs: •�_�
<br /> i ,
<br /> 1. laym�� To p�y the iadebtednrs and ths interest thercon u pm�ided in this Mortp�e aad the Note. '
<br /> Z. T'IW. I�ioef�or tt tbe owner o!the Property,h�the rliht and authorlty to mort�ye the P�upe:ty�aqd �
<br /> wut�n{s Uut t�e li�d ce�t�t�d hereby t��Mt md prlor lkn on the PtopertY.except u m�y otherwbe be�et torth ls��ein. �
<br /> �
<br /> FJCThe A�opsrtyr ia:ubject to a Mortp�a whetrin - �i t.ah7 A R»;7 r�;n� and Loan
<br /> ' h tbe ltortpat.tsoorded at Book ,Ya�e ot the 1�(ortp�e Records ot Hal Z OouatY. M,
<br /> N�bratlu,�hich Ir�ortpp is a lien prioe to tde tien created heieby.
<br /> � �Oth�i pdor Ikns or encumbranca:
<br /> 8• 'h:a,Aara�pwab. To pay Nhtn due ell taxes,special�+aesamsnLs a�3 all other char�eu s=simt tlse�t�oR�Y
<br /> � aud,�wn wrii�en dem�6 by fiartPlee.to add to the p�yment�required w►der the Note iecured hereby,:ticb amount u
<br /> m�y be wiQcient W enabie the 1Kortp�ee to p�y such taxes,a�e�su�tnts or other c6ar�rs�t6ey become due.
<br /> 4. Iraea�oe. To �ap !ha improren�n4 naw or hen�ttar locakd oq the nal estate deecnbe�herain lnsured
<br /> a�int d�m�e by tue and auch oth�s Laz�eds r Hort;s�ee may eequire.in�mouna�nd w(th rnmpanie��oceptaWe to the
<br /> Mortppe,�nd aiiti tas p�yable to tbe Mort�ajee. In ca�e ot lae�under sueh policiea the Mort�{a�ee is authorized to
<br /> adju�t,edk�et aad comyroml�e,ln its dbcretlon,dl cWms thetEUnder at ib sole option, authodudtoeithertpplythe
<br /> , peoaedr to t1�e[erbtatlon o[the Ptoperty or upon the indebkdnesc secured hereby,but payments henunder�f►a11 con-
<br /> tinue unHt the�um��ecured lureby are patd 1n tlill. :---_—---_-
<br /> 5• � Fierow Fot Tata and Inwranes. PI.otwith�tanding anythlna contained in par��apha 3 and 4 hereof ta the
<br /> �ont�ary+ kort�or shal�pay to ttte Mortpsee at the time of payie� the monthiy iruWlmenta of prinr.ip�l and intereat�
<br /> one-tweltth oi the yearly t�ces,�acmenti�h�zard inaurance premlums, �nd �round T�ents (it any)wbleh roay attaln a
<br /> pdoety over thi�Mortp�e,W ae�ab1y eatim�ted fram time to tlme by the?dortp�ee.'ilie unounta so patd ahall be
<br /> held by lhe IKortpree without interest tttd�ppiieE to the payment oi the items in respect to whlch such amounts were Ht
<br /> L depaited. ZUe tums p�id to Mort�e hersueder are plcd�ed as addltlonal aecudty for the Indebtednea�secured by this •
<br /> Modp�e.ll'lort�orchall psy to Mortya;ee the amo�mt of any defictency between the actu�l taxes,aasessments, insurence �
<br /> prern(utns and �ronnd rents and the depoelts hereundet withln 10 d�ya atter dem�nd ls made upon Mortg�gor requesting ��,
<br /> p�yment th►nof.
<br /> r�
<br /> �
<br /> &. Rep�tr�Maiuftenance utd Use. To promptly repiir,resfore or rebuil@ eny buildings or imp:ovements naw or '���
<br /> hereaiter on the Property;to keep the Pruperty in gaod condition and repalr,wlthout waste.and tree trom mechanic's or
<br /> atherliens not expeesslq subc�rdtr�ated to the Uen hereof;not to make,suffer or perm{t a.ny nuisance ta exist,nor to dimin-
<br /> ish oT imp�ll the v�luC Or the PitoDCrty 6y eny acL or�missinn to art;and tn�nm�s; �.,�rh o�i�,_g_e�,;An���f!„�• :;-'s•.2:
<br /> respect to the Property.
<br /> �
<br />