89- M101241
<br />The undersigned, James H. Truell and Marsha K. Truell,, husband and
<br />wife, hereby certify and acknowledge that, b. -fore signing abd executing a
<br />Deed of Trust covering the following described real propert-•-,, to -wits
<br />Lot One (1), Block One Hundred Twenty -six (126), Koenig & Wiebe's .
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />to James I. Shamberg, Attorney at Law, as Trustee with Maripury Purdy as
<br />Beneficiary, they did read and sign this Written Acknowledgment and,. by
<br />virtue hereof, the undersigned. :�_ rstand, and understood before signing
<br />said Deed of Trust, that said,z'�!��k of Trust is a Trust Deed and not a
<br />that the powe : t ::ses� provided in said Deed of Trust p r ides
<br />suT¢, �}tia]ly different r rg�ats
<br />44m d-'. ta;.t$e undersigned tbAh- a
<br />nprt,�'e, ., ii ; the er. ftt . of 3.42famlt or breach of cbl ,ga'tion:: under the said
<br />Tr st'.'S3 s : =;' rncluc'rnq, bvjt not limited to, the 56,�e.fid at y "s right to have
<br />the Real' Px'cip'e i
<br />rty sold by the Trustee wiChout any jitatiil., proceeding or
<br />foreclosure:` The undersigned represent-:and warrant that this Written ;
<br />A.ek ovledgment was executed by than . e:�are the execution of the Trust Deed.
<br />bated ,this _�_ dad °. 'of. `?iw;�1 �. 1989.
<br />J S H. TR L, .TRUS R
<br />SS:
<br />gThe fore oin instrument was acknowledged before me on —
<br />� 1989 by James H. Truell and Marsha K. Truell, `'-
<br />husband and wife, Trustors.
<br />eraut AOTARY -SW d Nd `-
<br />6lENM li SiiTTSAAf
<br />G� � Notary Public j
<br />My commission expires:
<br />If
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made this / day of tau".,; , A.D. 1989,
<br />by and between James H. Truell and Marsha K. Truell, husband and wife, of
<br />the County of Hall and State of Nebraska, hereinafter called "Trustor ", and
<br />James I. Shamberg, Attorney at Law, of Hall County, Nebraska, hereinafter
<br />called "Trustee ", and Marjoury Purdy, hereinafter called "Beneficiary ";
<br />WITNESSETH, That the Trustor, for good and valua! Ze consideration,
<br />including the debt and trust hereinafter mentiorLe; and created, and the sum
<br />of one dollar to him paid by the said Trustee, la't'e .ria. --eipt and sufficiency
<br />of which is hereby apknowl:edged, does by these pres=z its, irrevocably grant,
<br />bargain and sell, convey, assign and confirm unto the said Trustee, IN
<br />TRUST, WITH POWER OF.SALF:, for the benefit and security;of Beneficiary,
<br />under and subject to the terms and condition of this Deed of Trust, the '
<br />following described zeal property situated in Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />L
<br />to-wit:
<br />Lot One (l), Block One Hundred Twenty -six (126), Koenig &• Wiebe's
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska; r�p`
<br />TOGETHER with and including all and singular the tenfements, hereditn - r'
<br />mr_nts, appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or ir: anywisf'
<br />appertaining, whether now or hereafter acquired, which sltal�L i.nrh2d -,
<br />='�
<br />without linnitinq the gnzir!rality of the forrcioinq, the
<br />