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8�� 101239 <br />name of Trustee, and do any acts which it deems <br />necessary or desirable to preserve the value, <br />marketkbi.lity or rentability of the Trust Estate, or <br />part th-Oreof or interest therein, increase the income <br />therefro-is or protect the security hereof, and with or <br />without tAking possession of the Trust Estate, sue for <br />or otter rise colledt the rents, issues and profits <br />thereof;. <br />ncltzding tridse past due and unpaid, and apply <br />-L <br />the <br />S=!e, Less costs and expenL of operation. zind <br />;.•�.,&bllectlon -including attorney's fees, upon <br />indebtedness secured hereby, all-In such order, as <br />Beneficiary may determine. the, entering upon,.:..a.nd <br />taking possession of the <br />Trust Estate, the colliaction <br />of such rents,, issues and profits and the application <br />thereof as aforesaid, shall. not cure or waive any <br />default or notice of default,hereunder or invalidate <br />any act done in response to such default or pursuant to <br />.such'' notice of default,- .'.,=�I,nvtwithstanding the <br />continuance in possession t_,h4 - "Tku'st Estate or the <br />ren <br />collection, receipt and applld','ati" on of Its" issues or <br />prof its, Trustee or Beneficiary shall be entitled to <br />exercise every right p�ovided for in any of thd `Lban <br />Instruments or by law upon occurrence of a'ay event of <br />default, including the right to exercise the power of <br />sale; <br />2. Commence an action to foreclose this Deed of Trust as a <br />mortgage, appoint a receiver-, or specifically enforce <br />any of the covenants hereof,-. <br />3. Deliver to Trustee a written declaration of d-efeizilt and <br />demand for sale, and a written notice of default and <br />election to cause Trustor's interest in the Trust <br />Estate to be sold, which notice Trustee shall cause to <br />be duly filed in the appropriate Official Records of <br />the County in which the Trust Estate is located. <br />K. FORECLOSURE BY POWFR-OF SALE. Should Beneficiary elect to <br />foreclose by exercise of the Pauer of Sale herein contained, <br />Beneficiary shall notify Trustee and shall deposit, vith <br />Trustee this Deed of Trust and the Note and such receipts <br />and evidence of expenditures made and secured ap'Trustee may <br />require. <br />1. Upon receive of such notice from Beneficiary, Trustee <br />shall cause to be recakded, published and deliverad to <br />Trustor such Notice of Default and Notice of 13a.le as <br />then required by law and by this Deed 'of Trust. <br />Trustee shall, without demand on Trustor, afteir' such <br />times as may then be required by law and•after <br />recordation of.such Notice of Default and after Notice <br />-I <br />oT <br />110 <br />