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Power of Attorney <br />dissolve any business; to elect or employ officers, directors and agents and to exercise <br />voting rights with respect to any stock I may own, either in person or by proxy <br />Insurance Transactions <br />To do any act that I can do through an attorney -in -fact with any insuran .e policy. This <br />power includes, but is not limited to the power to pay premiums, start,:tnodify or <br />terminate policies, manage all cash payouts, borrow from insurers and third parties <br />using insurance policies as collateral, and to change the beneficiaries on any insurance <br />policies on my life.. Unless my Attorney-in-fact was already a beneficiary of any policy <br />before the signing of this document, any Attorney -in -fact cannot name hirnself or herself <br />as a beneficiary of such policy. <br />X <br />Claims and Litigatirni Matters <br />To institute,: maintain, defend, compromise, arbitrate or otherwise dispose of, any and <br />all actions, suits, attachments or other legal proceedings for or against me. This power <br />includes, but is not limited to, the power to: appear on my behalf, and the power to settle <br />any claim against me in whichever forum or manner my Attorney-in-fact deems <br />prudent,; and to receive: or pa} any resulting settlement. <br />Att iey -in -fact compensation <br />8. My Attorney-in-fact will be compensated as follows: <br />a. My Attorney -in -fact will be reimbursed: far all out of pocket expenses <associated with the <br />carrying out of my wishes; and <br />b. They will not be compensated.. <br />Personal Gain. from Managing My Affairs <br />10. My Attorney -in -fact is not allowed to personally gain from any <br />my behalf. <br />Ce owning of Assets and l g of Funds <br />9. My Attorney -in -fact: may not mix any funds owned by him or her in with my funds and all assets should <br />remain separately owned: if at all possible. <br />201.70455 <br />sacti:on`he or she may complete on <br />