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0 111 [', 0 <br />Tlw Nlortgageo may collect a 1aie charge- not to excei-d Fiv(' Cents (5c.) for vach dollar (SI.00) (if (�llvll tol;ll 'no'ithk' <br />payniont more thi . in 15 da.N_,s in arrears to cover (11C VNtra O'Nilf'osO illV0lVVd ill handling delinquent *accounts. <br />All pap pents inade under 11w provisions oFthis mortgage or the noto l.wrehY sectirk-d. whici i niny he construed as interv,t, <br />shall ?lot. in tl�e aggrogate over tho terin thereof, exceed the rale t1wit njlY no\%- I)t� J;lwfull.v contracted for in %N'ritin— <br />It is further. agreed that in case ,III silit is I)e.,till to foreclose this niortgage. tho %ilortgagee, its rt-presQntatives or assigns. <br />slUlll it .011CC be 'entitled to the possession of soid premises, and upoll application therefor, the court in which such .10ioll s1r,111 <br />he brought or any judge of stich'-court. either in tprill tilili, or vacation, is herebY authorized to appoint a receiver to take posses-, <br />sion of said promises. or to collect the rents thereirom. ond to do and perform such other acts as lilaY he re , quired by the order <br />of the'court making the appointment; and sai(j Nlortgagor hereby WIMICS 1111v notice of such application. and consents to -the ;It). <br />pointnient of a receiver upon the production (if this mortgage. without other evidence. <br />The Nlortgagee shall be,subrogated to all of the rights, privileges. priorities. and equities (if MIN fie"1101der Whose lie" <br />-have liven discharged froin the proceeds of this loall. or bY anY fillids llerehY paid or furnished hY the Alortgagee. <br />IT IS EXI'RESSLY AGRI;'= that if the 3%lortgagor shall sell, convev or alienate said property, or any part ttwreof. <br />or any interest, thorein, or sliall h(. divested of his title or any interest therein in nn.v manner or way, whother voluntarily: or <br />involuntarily, without written consent of the Nfortgagee heing first had and obtafiled. j%!0rtg,'l,1V0 S111111 IMVL� the right, at its cipti : oil, <br />to declare ariv indebtedness or olfligations secured liereb ' v, irrespective of the niaturitY date specified in aliV not(, e%'idVllVill,1,' tilt, <br />sInnie, ijnnjediatvli� due and payable without notice, and said dehl: shall thereupon become absolute. If the ownership (if the niort- <br />gaged prolx�rty I)VC01110; VcSted in a person other than the Nlortgagor, the i%lortgagve may. without noti(T to ill(' ;\Iortgagor, deal <br />��itli such successor or SUCCeSsors in interest with referenco to this mortgage and tile debt hereby secure(I ;is with the Nlortgagor,- <br />and may forbear to sue or niav extend tinie for the payment of the dcht. herebv secured williol&discharging or in any way affect ing <br />tile liabilitv of the original Nlortg;igor lioreunder or upon the debt secured. <br />In this instrument the singular includes the plural and the lilasculille includes the felililline aild tll(' lieuterand this ill- <br />sirtinient shall Ne binding upon the undersigned. his heirs. person-il representatives. succes�ors and assigns. <br />IN WITNESS NVIIERE.OF, we have hereunto set our liand.s and seal, the day and Year first above written. <br />In the presence of: <br />sTATE, OF NEBIIASI�A <br />...... Hal I ......... ... ..... Cotoity. <br />Oil this ....... da.�, of ... <br />Thomas A. Williamsen' <br />ig.. 75 before in(,. the undersigned, a NotarY Public. in and for s:.lid <br />COLI)ItV, personally Came.... ThpTas A. Willi ngle..pers.on . . ....... .. .... ... �: ...... <br />............ . ............ .... ....... <br />personall�r known to me to he the identical 1)ersons whose nanies are affixed to the allove and foregoing, instrument, ;is niortgagQrs, <br />and each acknowlefted said instrument to be his or her voluntary act an(I deed. <br />NVitriess nly hand and notarial seal at ........ qKap4..Tsja��4,. kTebraska .. .... ......... . ....... ........ <br />. ..... ...... ............ ... <br />t1w date last above written. j <br />Bernard L. Englisli <br />ARIA L <br />0�_ <br />1 7) . . � Z <br />[G:F-NERAL NOTARIAL ... .. ! <br />Notary Public. <br />_Ci; JE _zS1 1�1 <br />STATE LOF NEBRASKA <br />, L . x <br />ININ, cornillissioll xb6hNA1S3l0w CXPIrES . ...... . <br />April 30, 1979 <br />X <br />STATE 01" ............. <br />S S. <br />colinty ........ <br />Entered on litirnerical index and filed for record in die Register of Deeds, Office of said County the <br />Mo. <br />1�1z-� da at... // .. ..O'Clock and ......... :,3.�.Zrnintiies ........ <br />r, - <br />and recorded in Book - ----- - of Mortgages at, page ...... � / as hiSti,1111 t No.. 61 // / 9 1) <br />... .......... <br />... ............. .... <br />-.-'-R, , of Deeds <br />9. <br />.............. Deputy. <br />Wlien recorded to be retUrned to the <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS. AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN <br />LINCOLN 0 FFICES: <br />Phone 475-05211435-2111 <br />n 1235 "N" Street <br />- Fj 135 No. Cotner Blvd. [—I. 70th and "A" St. 2541 No. 11th,Street <br />OMAHA OFFICES: <br />Phone 558-4323 <br />E] 8706 Pacific St. <br />n'2101 So. 42nd St. n '3205 No. 90th St. E] 10920 West Dodge Rd. <br />REGIONAL OFFICES: <br />E] 2120 First Ave., Kearney [:]-513 "E" Street, Fairbury E] 1433 "M" Strbet, Ord <br />' Phone 729-2202 Phone 728-3218 <br />Phone 234-2473 ' <br />1301 Main Ave., Crete <br />223 Box Butte Ave., Alliance M 1811 West 2nd St., Grand Island <br />Phone 384-4433 <br />Phone 826-4349 <br />Phone 762-2160 <br />1974 - rITIST,FCOCRAL SAW GS AND LOAN <br />ASSOC ATION Or LINCOLN. NEDRASKA 6, �3 <br />