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011.r,n 0 <br />—i 11 ) t_1 <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME, ISECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF NIONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME IN T ­lE F,dTdRr- ADVANCE TO THE M'ORTGAGOR, AN[) <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES,. BUT THE, TOTAL II�IDEBTEDI` ESS� SECURED BY THIS MORTG I AG I E . - SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) PER CENT OF THE AMOUNT NOVI OWING, 1XCEPT -OR ANY ADVANCES THAT,MAY BE MADE <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS MO TGAGE. <br />'PHE NIOR'I'GAGOR rdR'1'11ER COVENAN'I'S AND AGRT.,ES: <br />'I'liat the Mortgligor will pay the indebtedness as lier <br />einbt�fore� provided <br />"I'liat the INIortgragor is the owner of said propertY ill fee sill�ple and Ins "'oo( ight lind lawful authorit' st-11 "Illd <br />('01wev the s'llilf, and that illei"Inle is free and clear of am, lion or elletillibrance: irld 01a mort- wv)r will warraht and defend flit? <br />title to said prenlise.,; against tho'chlillis (if lilt persolls wliofl)SOI�%Vr, <br />'I'o pav inilliedi;ltek, wholl,div, and Imy;Ible all ','eliernl taxes, "..'ater chAr-'(1s. <br />-;prcial t:Ix -s� +11T Ill <br />ice chargc�, ;uid other taxes and cllargcs lliIllaillsf slli�d prolwirly, ,if I I d l! I I 'I t; I x es I vv i d oil!tl loh't headw. furilish flit- <br />-tgagee, upon request. with flit. original or flijplicatt� rcceipfs7' thol-114or. o i or r ;i!lroos thai ill n- -diall I.- luldcd to <br />NIol <br />t-lich illoilitil , v payment required heremider )I- under the t-videnc,- of d�-hi sIt-cun I 1w:1-II4), l -,u e,tillmtedl�y flit- Morigagee <br />to ho sufficielif to ("Imbh- the Nlol:f;�;l to lm�, ;is Hwy hecoliv" ducJ.'111 chzlrgcl�; Lipoll 01" <br />of, <br />�IlhjV( therelo: anY tk-fiviunc.v of the ill�qllficiezlc'� .111 ad(litioll; I plv,�Illf It �ihalj I,(. bq-tilv'ith 114.111;.-itcd I)v Illt� <br />fl��Ijj:jjj(j 1)\, t jj,� ;ulct�. Ativ dplal <br />Ilt:1 Ild(li''tll� �11;111 ho �l <br />Im.N.Tilelit of t;ixes, as-wssillonts, or'silnihir charge,; r(,quired lwn-tinder,� <br />Tlw Mortgagor 111�it ther" <11all �I,Iso b" h., (.;Ick 1�1'11ACipal aiid intor, �,.f icylin-d herf- <br />olidt'r ml ;oIl"Illif (;.�1iniated bv ill(- to he sofiicwnt I" cli; Iffle AIII. �Mo' �;Ig'( ;t�i'it h,-com­,� Ilic <br />1 -emiuni ()it ;fit%, insurance polic.'. d(diverod to Ill(' <br />), - A I 1Y tk-fi�iellc.% I-t lusl� III Ili�� 61-1115ci�-11cY Of �111:1 �vfditioiml pay- <br />melits Allill he forthwith 1w flit, wilh ilw d limild I v All'.. th��aillt 1111(11'r This <br />parli;,,rliph shall be devnied a del"milt ill flit, pavnierd Of inm�wr�uic(- pi-t-i6ums. If Iw it. r �;rt. �iIch :I� <br />or ;ill risk policit,�4. ;Ind Ille flcpo�:its :Iro ill�llfliriont to pay the;(.11tin, nn Illiuhl. Mort,::I,_'eo Inav ;Ipp�v Ow (h'p"sit t'' <br />pa,.�f pi-miums im risk.s reflmn,d to III(, in�;med bv tlli <br />P;I villents. madt. 1) v the %Iort:!;u1(,r mider ill(- nhove parli!�r;iphl! 111;1y� :11 tII,-;oj'A m of iti-ld hv it ;1111I <br />collitilin.-dud with oilwr it <br />funds lot. I)II, p;I.vIIl,-IIt ,fj�mllcll if. -I:!1 . "Old u 11 1 �1�, -och p;ivill".11"I ;!I-.. lwych, <br />for 11w 11111mid h;II:Ince (d <br />proctil.c. (It'liver :o, :1[1�1 Ilmintmil for Ille honclil (If Ili.. (11 rill�. I I I.. I ik. IiIi Ill')r1gage ollJI'llil p'llicio, ;III(l <br />rene%vak lliermf. delivered �it 1(,!l ll� lore. tilt. wq)iralioll tf ;I'll% :�klch 1, :ur;o;, :1:,1;Iio�I III.(. ;Jo(j (.I- jll�umble <br />�ce inliv rvcjmro,�m ,Ili ;Ili mili �q I inclebtedliess ecurt,d I)v this <br />hazards, casmilties, and conting(.iii-ics as ill(' Mort"lif - I ; ; I it t I I,:' <br />Morf"ll!"o. alid ill conipalliv,-� accept:11th, It) ill'. wiih k:", I:;IV;II1lt- ckill�;I in fi:1'.w. t -f ;1��IfFirl form to f1w %Iorfg�t- <br />i�4 ljot )It or 1".tloli. t.11 (I �%,s "�:i)ii I v ln�tv pr(,cur ilinct- <br />g(�(.. Ill the (�veflt lim, policY oil if;,. <br />improvenwids, pay flie premiloll Ilieretor. :111d .411ch sillo �11;111 hec�mw illilmodi:1i'd �111 , (` ;I it, I,Ik-;IhIc %%fill illkq­�l ;1'1 Ill.. �:,.I <br />forlil ill said ll')I(. lifitit p:lid mid he "'con'd ll� 116.4 ('11 if '.)IJI, i it TWW;ds <br />,is are lit'n-ill n.(111ired or failmo to 1):I� :11)�' Skllns wk;i1wed lwrouildt�r '11; , 11. at t 1�� 1 4 Hw <br />undcr the t,-rm� Of fhi� niow-"Ige. 'I'llo dtdiv(�:.." or �Ilcll pdicio� ill! OW W.'OU, . I, f 1 -1: Ol,:, 1; t if t,� an it flit, On. <br />(,arned <br />Aliv �;tinis wi-civ'-d I'V ille <br />In"I I;- !I: I!,- 11v t1w <br />and appli�'d low;ird fit(- pa�inent:ol flit- debt licrohy �:urun.rl, of-, ;a the optioll Of lk�. 1, �uoh �-411111, i-i'flwy or -in <br />Imirt nmv he paid over to ill(, Moj-t,,;igor to k� if,(-(] to n-p;iir �qwh bmIdiiv, (,I- o t <br />1), lild 11.­.%!h1..,;Idilw" in !1wil.-Ifl;Ice (.I[- lot- am <br />Other or Object to tho %%itimut ill,, lwn )II j ill :I f) t,.: <br />b", k -fore such payllwill cvl�r tool; pl;lvo, <br />'I'o promptlY I-opair. I-Ir-slor.. ('r rebilild anx. huildiii;��, or improvt�nwnt,, mm'; �,r 1, 1 kl;�'It(x oil ille -xilich Ill;iv <br />COniv daninged or destroved:. to ko".1) .�aid pi-t-Iniscl, ill condition ;lit I repair Old I re(- llfml�an, mccliallic's lit:ll or othI'I lwn.ov <br />claim of lien not (-.xpr(..�sIv subordillated to the li(�Il litI not to -mfTcr ;111�; 11— of, (IT. any I'll!slinn, to ''Xist oil <br />' . I i)rrIiw` <br />said propt-l-tY oor to permit wnst(,- oil snid projoiscs, nor Io do ;Ili.%, oill .1 'Wil q-eh�,, th hen-b.v Cr,IIV(�!y(I(I sliall hecollic <br />les., valllahj(., nor to dimillish of. irl'ipair ils vzilkw by nny ;lvi of- onlis'liml 1 It ml: to orlifil J,, It :111 i,.qIIil-(-IIIvIII_-4 d' Im". %Nith rc.spect <br />lor1ift. Illortgaged pronlises Mid ill(- 11�40 tll(�rj�Oj, <br />'I'lud should tho pirt-mi.,es of- :Ili\- pari dwrooi III, taken or darimgcd I)v rt I,; o: (')�f imblii- improvi-Im-lif. o r Ild'.111 fill t ioll <br />proceeding, or under the right of t�mincjit donmin, or ill lim. other lillifiller. ill(. : I It 11 olifitled to idl'mllllwl)�ations. <br />of s Al h( <br />a\�ards, and ;mv other paynwnt or relief thorefor. and shall be cnfilled.;�llt its opt (,it, I <br />c appear in and-prosectite ill it---; <br />OW11 Willic. ally action or procoedin;f. or to mako aln, comprollils'. of. settlement i 1 ('oflll('( ti Ill with Uildlig, of- dainage. All such <br />compensation, awards, daillages, rillif of action and. procemls hcn�bv assign to:: It who deduclim" <br />I) wrefrom all its expt-m�cs. relf�list- liny monevs so received by it (,I- appl v t If(, I I <br />S1,1111 (11111'111\ i ldobt ed iw.,�� sectired livre1w, 'I'll(- Nlorl- <br />gak( <br />)r agrevs to vxecute slich further assignillenis of ;ill.% conipen*alion� mards, ;In&!ri:JI­; of Ilctioll nod prccI,(,(k ;is 1he <br />Nlortgagve may rt,quire. <br />'I'liat ill (%isc Of failim. to 1WI-fOrril MlY Of fit(' COVIL-IlilotS herein. flit- 1\1ortg; get- ll�a� c o .111 he Mortgagor's!hohnfl, evvi-YIlling <br />so :Covetianfed; that ill(- %lorigligev maY also (to 'InY lict it IllaY det-111 livIces.-4ary I'l jlrOi(!;ct_ it (- fiII�t i thereof: that flit, Nlorigligor �%il I <br />I <br />repay upon delliand ally nioneYs paid (if- di--dmi-ed hY the \Iortgag(-c fill- llll�\ Of !Ilw -'I1l)Ov( urll)o�,�s, nod such nio;ie.v� togvI!her with <br />interest thert�on at the rate provided ill ,:fill nuie shall becolile rIIIo!h additio :it i'lide herel)v �zecllro(! and ImIN, he ill- <br />Cllld(� , (I ill (10CI-L-0 forcwlosing this mortgage and )w paid i , I I t (if the i.elits Or I roce��ds (11 1 sale of' said premisc,; if, not othcrwise <br />paid: thal. it, shall not he obligatorY upoll tho "\Ior0flIg(w to inquire illio flit, val dit��i ;,f IiI. I io�l .'I - Ilcll In bral*wc.,;�, or claim ill ad- <br />-I,- above . -izkI. hilt nothing hervill colitailit'd shal'i bo c flit, %Iortgag(''�!o "Idvalice any <br />N"illcill, Illolleys 'llithol <br />moneys for any stich purpose nor (o (to ill.%- lict horounder; and that Nlollt"at_0, - It jI;CItIr all� ­rson;ll lillkiliiv 1 -cause of am <br />thing it ma-, (to or omit to (to lier(-under. <br />Ili ill(, event of the default bY Nlortgagor ill flit, paymont. Of installl it -lit' t'-; I-dquiruil bY the Note secured hereby, or <br />in,the performance of the Obligation ill this morfgnge of- ill the noie fired therc n'. I I i'e 1. <br />Al 'I fgageo shall ht, enlifled,to decl.11re the.. <br />dt'bf. SCCI.m-d liereb due and payable without notice ' and the shall he ( 166'd ;II, lt�s Cipti,411, "vithout notice, vither I)v HS4,lf <br />Or�by a receiver to be appointod by the court thereof. and without regard to tll�l tdeq'llavy yf ,inv' security for flit, indebtedness se- <br />CUred hereby, to enter upon and iakv possession of the morigaged prer iises, and to 'Ci)lle r . 'ceive the ronts,;isstivs and profits <br />I (if 1111d ( <br />flivireof, lind al)ply the saniv, lessicosts of operation ]fill collection. 111)(!Iii the im elfledlifIl.., sv�,�-urvd Im, this Illortgage: said rents, <br />istmes and profit.s being hereby assi:iiled to the Nlortgagt�e as further seciii itv for th - pavi (-If <br />r 'n I of '-ill indelitedtipss suIcut-'ed herobv. <br />Mortgagee shall hliv(� the power to appoint any agent or agelits it Ill IY d("qiJ. -ior tho purpose of repfiring said prem- <br />i,,es: renting the saine: collect-ing Jliv rents. revenue.,; and incoine, and it mav Px Ok Of 'I'll <br />ill income all vxpensv.� incurred 'ill r(,nt- <br />ing arld managing the ,ame and 'of collecting the rentals therefrom. The balan C rernimmig.!if ;ill\,. -shall he aj)plicd toward the <br />discharge of the -mortgage indehtvd ness. 'I'llk -assigilluelit is to tfIrrilinate ]lilt b( ollio milt "Ind %'()ill upon relelise of this m6rfgave. <br />