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0 <br />0 1 <br />F- 11 pr\\, OPEN END—INDIVIDUAL <br />FEDERAL CONVENTIONAL <br />DUE ON SALE <br />L � V-41 C 0 L H Font,% No. 530 (Rev. 8.74)'t <br />M 0 R T G A G E <br />lk?ICROFIU, <br />Loan Number__.29_a7_!___ — __l ___ —7--18 <br />B ra no: li Type <br />THIS ),16RTGAGE. made and executed this ... J_S� ...... lay of ... ....... ..... A. D., io.75._.., i,otw( 'ell <br />.Thomas, ... A...Yilli.amsen a ... s <br />lingle ... person, ......................................................................... ............ <br />............ . ................. ................................................... ...... .... ... ­­ ....... ............... ............ ­_ ...................... ............ ......... . ............ .............. <br />of ....... Gr4nd Island ............. . ... Count3, ()f ...... Hall .... . .. <br />­ ... ... � ­ ....... .. ..... . State (if .......... Ne'WZAqk�a ......................... lierviniifter referrod <br />to as the Mort,,mor, and FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN. Nebraska. its slicces.'Mrs <br />and assigns. hercinafter.referred toas IMortgagee. <br />\N`ITNE_SSETIJ: That the �;aid Mortgagor. forand in consideration of thostini (if <br />THENTY U-10 THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND No loo ------------------- <br />............. ................................. . .................. ..................... ....... .. .... ­­ . .... ... ...... --_-(s.22,2OO-QQ ............. ...... ) Dollars. <br />-hv sell and convey unto I-'IRST FEMERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />imid b,� said Nlortagee. (toes herc ' i <br />LINCOLN. Nebraska. as Nlortagee. it., successo" all([ the following described Real'Estate, situated ill (he Collilt""of <br />......... I ..... .... Hall: ...... ...................... I .......... State ot . ..................... N.eb.r.a.s.k.a .... . .. . . ..... <br />I _ . . ....... to,wif: <br />The West 100 Feet of the South 91 Feet of Lot Twelve (12) <br />Holcomb's Highway Homes, a subdivision of the Northeast <br />Quarter and part of Lot Four (4) Mainland., all in Section <br />28, Toi-mship 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M. , Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described promises for the uses herein �et forth Zind to secure performance of th(� <br />obli,ations contained lierein, together Nvitli all buildings, improvements, fixtures and api)Urteriances and all easements thereunto <br />belonging, and it is mutually covenanted and agreed by and between the parties hereto that all plumbing, gas, electric and <br />mechanical fixtures, appliances, equipment. inachi ' nery and apparatus, floor coverings, storni windows and screens, and s'ucli other <br />goods and chattels and personal property as are ever furnished by a landlord in letting or operatim, an unfurnished building. sinii- <br />lar to the one now or hereafter oil said prernises, which are or shall be attached to Said building ill am, nianner whatsoever, ar <br />and shall be deenied to be fixtures and an accession to the freehold and a part of the realty as between the parties hereto, their <br />heirs, executors, administrators,- successors or assigns, and all persons claiiiiing by, through or under tilt -ill, and shall he deellit'd <br />to be a portion of the security for the indebtedness -herein mentioned and to he covered by this mortgage. <br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and thesv presents are.executed and do4iVUred upoll the following conditions, "Igroollients and <br />obligations of tfiv ii%lortgagors, to -wit: <br />The 1%,fortgagor agrees to pa�l to file A,Iortgagee, or order, the principal suni of TWENTY .. TWO ... THOUSAND. -TWO- -HUNDRED <br />Mqjgplloo ------- <br />........................... ($.22,20Q. 00 ...................... ) Dollars, <br />payable as provided in a note executed and delivered concurrenfly herewith, the final imyruent of principal, if not sooner paid. <br />oiltile ... ................. day of ........... ........................................ M.20.04.... <br />