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t.14ster Federal Savings and Loan AssoCt'UH011 of Broken Bow, Broken Bov,,,, Nebr.6c <br />NO e # <br />�,,__Lo. 000. <br />Real Estate Mortgage <br />0 111 t2 d <br />Th;s.1ndenture, made, .... day of ... ��y!�Tb - e - r ................................................. A 19Z ....... <br />between Le- <br />.P,.g -�qgm 'and Ber'nadette A.....Stegman, each in his and her own <br />y .. j <br />..... ............. ..................... . ................................................................................ <br />right and,, <br />...... . .............. ... of ... e,ach..o.t.h.e.r ..................... of A��! .............................................. County' Id <br />.. .... .... .. ....... .. . ... . .. to <br />in the State of Nebraska, the first part, and Custer Federal Savings and Loan Association of Brol,-e�n C"I cud' <br />0 <br />0 �-1 <br />Bow, Broken Bow, Nebraska, a corporation organized under the laws of the United States of America, <br />the second part. JS <br />7! <br />17;tnessetlt': That Ten <br />the said part�:�.��.. of the first part, in consideration of the sum.of ................... <br />Thousand ana no/100 ---------------------------- I ------- -0 <br />.................... Dollars <br />10 � OoO. O�.� <br />....................... <br />the rece;pt of which is hereby acknowledged, do ............ by these presents grant, bargain, sell and convey., <br />'d party of the second part, its successors and assigns, all of the following described xeal estate <br />unto sal <br />situated in the County of ...... H.all ........................... , and State of Nebraska, to -wit: <br />The west Sisty—two (62) feet of Lot Thirteen (1-3), in <br />Block One (1) ' of Knickrehm Sixth Addition to.the City <br />of Gftnd Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />P-4 <br />including, carpeting, automatic dish washers, built-in air conditioners, built-in cooking units, built-in refrigeration and built-in froezmf <br />units, automatic washers, automatic driers, screens, storm windows, screen doors, combination storm doors, awnings, stoker:3, hot wat4i I <br />beaters, gav burners. gas andjor oil heaters, pressure pumps and Milks, light fixtures, It . lichen cabinets, plumbing fixtures and all othoD. <br />mechanical appliances which are now or may become attached to said property and it Is agreed that all such property shall be cor�D�k <br />sidered as part of the real estate. <br />TO HAVE AND TO I -TOLD T11E SA'ME, Together with ill and singular, the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances therl�-,Q! <br />unto belongint-_ or in any wlse appertaining, forever, and warrant the title to tile SaT11C. <br />111tOVIDED AU�VAYS, and these presents are upon the express condition tIjjLt if tile s'ald q�gjppjj. and 6 <br />Bernadette..&t,.. his 'and her..own right an as spouse of eacl� <br />.................... .... .................... ........... . ......... tj ........ . ....................... . <br />other, thel*]�� <br />.................. .... llelrs, cxecutor,-,, administrators or grantees shall pay or cause to be paid to Custer Federal Savings and <br />Loan Association of Broken Bow, Droken Bow, Nebraska; its suecc-ssois or assigns, the surn ,f Y!�p..T.housan.d.. and ........... <br />. ...... . . . ..... <br />3:k9AQq-77777:7777:77 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — --- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — <br />.. .... ................................................................. Dollars <br />\';ith inforest thereon and such Charges as Ilur" becorlic (111L to Said part, <br />y of file second parl, tulder the tLrms and condifious, of the cimtract, <br />First Mortgage Note Of the party of the first'part. or even (11;0L h(!ruN%-ith, and hereby secured for money advanced by said Associalioii, which. <br />is to be paid in '111101-tized ins taffille. 11 Is as provided by said not(', until the total amot , - 'it of indebtedness to the Association has been pai(I in full, <br />ilicludill" ariv advances luade by Mortgage(! to the niortgtigor. or his successor in title, for ariv purpose, at any time before the release and can - <br />collation Of illis Illortgage. All conditions of said contract First Mortgage Note are by refqre-lice l"adc a part. hereof. <br />PARTy OF FIRST PATIT hereby n' ssigti 's trillisfers sets o%,er fo file rVI ff,"gee,- to be applied tm�',lrd the paynient of th�,� note and <br />fill sunis seckired hereby in case of a default 'in 'tile performance of ani! of the telollis and Conditions of this Mortpmge or the Said note, all <br />reii1s, revenues zaid income to be -derived from tile Illort-aged prf-nii, g e�;s shall renlain unpaid; <br />ses durizig such time as tile mortga c irldeble(in ' <br />Zind ill(.. Mort -1 the purpose of repairing said premises and of renting tile <br />gag(e shall have pm%,er to appoint any agent or agents it ill, v closire for <br />11 the rents, revenues in(] income and it illay p1tV Out <br />sanic and collectin, . I � of Said incomes 1111 expenses of repairiiig, said premises mid nece sary <br />coniniissi�ns and CXpe1lSVS il)CUrred in renting and 111111:1ging tile sallie and of collecting rentals therefrom;: tilt, balfince reniaining,, if any, to <br />be applied Im%,ard the discharge of said mortgage indebtcdlle.�S.. <br />PARTY OP THE, FIRST PATIT agrees that in the event that title to tile proPLI.j.y,secured by this mortgage, is sold, transfLrre(i or <br />�ssiqnod or is attempted to be sold, transferred or assigned by wil1itevel- nicans to any other person, the entire unpaid balanve of file notZ., <br />interest and indebtedness secured bV (his Illod"'Ige, at tile Option of tile holder of this mortgage, and ill the indebtedness sectire(I thcrebv sliall <br />becorile (Ill(,- and payable at once. Tile acceptallee of payments Oil the indebtedness which this mortgae is given as security sliall not constitute <br />a waiver of the option of the holders of the note, interest, indebtedness, and mortgage and shafl not cotistitut6 a waiver to accelcra to Plyment <br />of the entire unpaid balance of the note, interest and indebtedness, unless fit(-, holder expressly grants such waiver inwriting and oil such terms <br />c holder may require. <br />Now, if tile said part. ie.sof the first part shall cause to be paid to file partv of the secoud part the amount due it under siid contract <br />110 to. in accordance %vith tile terms thereof, and comply with all tile provisions and ag'j,ecinent-s in said note Contained, then these prescnts sliall <br />bo voi (,; othel-WiS40 ill full force and effect, and may he foreclosed as in said contract note provided. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part.. i.e.sof tilt% firs' part lin .... Y (farounto sot r .............. hand..�., the <br />day and year first above Written. <br />Receipt is hereby acknowledged of a copy of this mortgage <br />......... ................................................ <br />.... X.JR.� .............. <br />STATE 0 9NE B FLVA��Z6:'. L <br />County of <br />x <br />On thia..ZTUNII <br />and qualified Ire ;ireW <br />_a* <br />to me known to be esAl <br />the Same to be .. �he <br />..................... <br />�-, mvz- � ......... <br />...... ......... 197.5 ... before me the undemigned, a Notary Public duly commirl3ioned <br />personally came and Bernadette A. <br />........................................ <br />.. her..own..rig4�.. <br />�ip.9�4�e..of..ea.� ............... <br />.. ... ... ... ... . ... <br />in and who executed the foregoing inr�trumont as brantor...�... and acknowledged <br />unt.ary act and deed. <br />WITNESS my hand and Notarinl Seal the day and year last above writt <br />otnry <br />My commission expirsist/&.2:.2.7 ......... <br />.67-3 <br />