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6. If lie fails to pdy any sum or keep any covenant provided <br />its option, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so ii <br />owing on the above no , te, sliall be secured liereb�l and sliall bear <br />for in the principal indebtedness. <br />7. Upon request of the lWortgageei Mortgagor shall execut6l, <br />for the suni or sums advanced by Mortgagee for the alteration,!' 1 <br />the Mortgagor's reque:t; or for maintenance of said premises;' <br />same, aiid'for any other purpose elsewhereauthorized liereundc <br />'hereby on a parity with and as fully �sjf the advance evidenced, <br />described above. Said -supplemental note or notes sliall bear iiite�l <br />cipal indebtedness and:sliall be payable,in approximately equal in <br />be agreed upon by the 111ortgagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agr( <br />or sunis so advanced sliall be due and payable thirty (30) days �o <br />event sliall the maturify extend beyond the ultimate maturity of' <br />8. He hereby assi�ns, transfers and sets over to the Mortga . <br />the note and all stims sq�urcd hereby in case of a default in the pe I y <br />tions of this mortgage"or. the said note, all the rents, revenues ii <br />gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness! <br />shall have power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for' <br />lecting the rents, reveiiaes and income, and it may pay out of saic <br />expenses incurred in routing and managing the same and of cc <br />remaining, if any, to be applied toward the discharge of said moft <br />9. He will contilill a ously maintain hazard insurance, of such <br />may from time to time: require, on the improvements now or lierc <br />payinent*for all such �reiiiiuiiis has theretofore been made un�l <br />promptly iN lien due any! pi, emitinis therefor. Upon default thereo <br />insurance sliall be carried in companies approved by the Mortgag! <br />sliall be held by the INJoi*tgageeand have attached thereto loss Pd,3 <br />acceptable to the Mortkagee. In event of loss k1ortgagor.will g i, <br />gagee, who may make Iii-oof of loss if not made promptly by MortIl <br />corned is hereby authoi I -ized and directed to inake payment for sul ( <br />of to the Mortgagor , and the Mortgagee jointly, and the ins'l <br />may be applied 1�y the Mortgagee at its option either to the reduc <br />or to the restoration oi-�J.-cpair of the property damaged. In evelit'l <br />transfer of ' title to the:Portgaged property in OXtillgLliS]Ihlellt O�J <br />right, title and interest- of the Mortgagor in and to.any insurall( <br />purchaser or grantee. <br />10. As additional and collateral security for the payment of tl <br />due under this mortgagp, the Mortgagor liereby.issig'iis to the TAM <br />nues, royalties, rights, i1nd other benefits accruing to, the 111ortgag <br />now, or during the life� of this mortgage, executed o li said prelill., <br />for the same and apply! them to said indebtedness as- well before <br />mortgage, and the Tllol�-tgagee may demand, sue for and recover� <br />able, but shall not be r6quired so to do. 'This assignment is to t�l. <br />release of this mortgage. <br />11. He sliall not commit or perinit"waste; and �hall niafiital�]] <br />present, reasonable wear, and tear excepted. Upon any failure b <br />may cause reasonable iiiaintenance work to be performed at the! I <br />therefor by Mortgagee: sliall ))car interest at the rate provided:1 <br />thereupon become a. part of the hidebte'diiess secured by this ins�t <br />other indebtedness secured hereby, and sliall be payable thirty (�i <br />12. If the premise : si or any part thereof, be condemned uii,( <br />,acquired for a public use, the damages awarded, the proceeds fo <br />such acqiiisition, to'tlid 6xtent of the full amount of the remailill <br />mortgage, or hereby ass*igned to the Mortgagee, and sliall be 1) <br />applied on account of t : lie last maturing installments of such hid, <br />13. If the Mortgago r fails to make any payments when du e <br />of the conditions or agreements contained in this'niortgage, or <br />entire principal suni accrued interest sliall at o�iice beconie'� <br />I 'Nfortgagee; and this. mortgage may thereupon be foreclosed imin <br />liess liereby.secured; including the cost of extending the abstra'( <br />gage to the time of commencing such suit, a reasonable attorneypsi � <br />Administration oil acc6,upt of the guaranty or insur : ance of the in <br />sliall be included in tlie�d.ecree of foreclosure. <br />14. If the indebtedn6ss secured hereby be guarantee(] or insu <br />such Title and Regulati6ns issued thereunder and in effect oil the & <br />and liabilities of the pai.ties hereto, and any provisions of this or ol <br />with saia ifidebtedness' NVliic1i are inconsistent with said Title:, <br />conform thereto. <br />The covenants hei-ein contained shall bind, aild the belief <br />I <br />.or iii this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at <br />shall be added to the principal sum <br />interes I i until paid at the rate provided <br />iid deliver a supplemental note.or notes <br />lo6riiizAion, or improvement made at <br />r for t I axes, or assessments hgainst the <br />Said 'note or notes sliall'be secured <br />lerebyl were included in the note first <br />,st at the ra� te provided for in the prin- <br />11 itl 11 y )a 1 <br />11 yinents for such period as may <br />ol�i th ina,turity, the whold of the sum <br />'ter, demand by the MortgaJ6,ee. In no <br />lie ii otel frs�t described aboVe. <br />ee, to be applied toward the payment of <br />orm.itnceof any of the terms and condi- <br />i ill:colll to e derived f roffi the mort- <br />iall remain! unpaid; and the, Mortgagee <br />lie purpose �o - renting the same and col- <br />incoineslall necessai-S, commissions and <br />. � I , , t . <br />lecting rentals therefrom; the balance <br />" e ii'd("'tedness. <br />ag I s and amounts as % Mortgagee <br />ype'or t�' <br />tfter o n' Zicid premises and except wheii <br />r (q) )f, paragraph 2 hereof, will pay <br />Mortgagee may- pay the �same. All <br />e aiid the policies and renewals thereof <br />ible,cliuses in' favor of apd in form <br />3-iminediate notice by mail to the Mort- <br />,,igor, and each insurance company c.oii- <br />i loss (hi�ecdy to the )Alortga . gee insfead <br />cance proceeds, or any Part thereof, <br />�on �6f file ind ebtedness liereb�, secured <br />f force I ioslui��c of this mortgage, or other <br />the � indlebtedness secured !hereby, all <br />polici I es th en i n force shall! pass to the <br />a note delscj�ibccl,and all SUInS to become <br />tgaged all lease bonuses, profits, reve- <br />)r tifiderlany and all oil and gas leases <br />!s, �i,itl the! righ t to receive'and receipt <br />after id 01 fa tilt in the conditions of this <br />lly slic 1 11 palyinelits AN'llen dile and pay- <br />ininate and! become null and void upon <br />the prop,erty'in, as good con�,ditioii as at <br />so Jnaintaiji; Mortgagee, at its option, <br />)st of M'ortga"gor. Any aniomit;s paid <br />w in tie i ipal indebte'dne§s, slialf <br />ument, ratably and on a parlity.with all <br />days after:deinand. <br />21, the power of eminent domain, or <br />the taking! of, or the coils i derati oil for <br />� I I , <br />I id indebtedness secti , red b <br />�r unpai y this <br />Jd forthN'vitli to said Mortg'agee, to be <br />Is'. <br />btednes <br />or to c I onfoli-ni to and.coniply 11, . ith ally <br />the notes N'vIiieli it secure�,,' then the <br />ie And 1) ] ayable, at the clec , tion of the <br />diately for!the -,%,Iiole of the indebted - <br />of ti e I from � the date of! this mort- <br />�ey all(] any�sunis paid by the Veterans <br />lebtedi ess secured hereby, a�ll of which <br />ed under Title.38, United States Code, <br />te here 1 of sh I all govern the ri glits, duties <br />lier instruments executed in colifiection <br />I <br />r Regulaltions are hereby iimended. to <br />:s Rildladvintages sliall hilure to, the <br />