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The i%lortgaget� may a- "latt, elI:Irgj.­ no[ to (�xcee(l Five Colit, r"): fior (Jwh dollar ($1.00) (of (!,wh total Illontlik <br />payment more thall, 1.5 days ill arrears III cover the extra k�xjwllm' involved ]n <br />illidling di.-linquont accounts. <br />A I I pa , villents made i6idvr (If(- provision., of this mortgage or the nott� I erelw soctirvd, which mav he coz;struf-d as interv,'l. <br />,;hall not. ill ill(, aggregate ov(,r tilt, term thereol, v\ceed tho ratt� that mat" ll,,*� be;1aw ("ontracted for in writing. <br />d <br />It is furdwr agreed in case allY suit is hepill to for(close this 111611tgagi. 0 vIN16rtga"Iev, its repre.�e1itafives or a."igns. <br />shall at (III(.(. he entitled to tilt, 'Imssession of �nid premises. and upon appli� I I <br />e; tion thdrefor the' court in whiclj '�uch action sliall <br />hC III-OUght or any judge of sii��h court. vither in term time or Vacation. is hel"e I If I t ake pos.,;es- <br />Y jrqe( It appoint ,I receiyer to t, <br />said premises. (or to collect th( i <br />-ents therefrom. and to do and perform s lets as may be re(Itiired I)v the order <br />sion of , - I o(QI(;I- i: <br />of tile court making the'appoi'litill(,11t: .111(i sai(I ;Nlorh�agor horeby wilives all 0 1 <br />loti6e o skich application. and cimsents to tilt' ap- <br />pointment of I receiver lipon the production of.this mortgage. without other o�,i Ivne, <br />'I'll(- Nlortgagee shall I e stibrogatud <br />to all (if the riglik, privileges. pri(jr I ivs.: iin( t4plities of ally licllhold;l,-� whose liell Ina-, <br />have beon discharged from tht, proceeds (of this loan, of- bV 111%, filti(is llt�rvk, pai'd! to <br />r f iii-nish eo b.v ill(, %lortgagee. <br />i <br />IT IS EXI:'Rl,"SSI.Y-,,\GRI�',I-"I) that if Ili(! nlortgagor shall sc'41, coll", or,al onato s�tid propvrty, or. III,,, part thereof, <br />1II.111,1wr or wa <br />or any interest therein, or shaft he divested of his tith, or in,, interest therein ill �Iil� -1 y, or <br />involuntarily, without written "'onsent of Ili(, Nl(frfgagee being first had and oi)i ifne('I, '\Tort,, 11 <br />iigi�(- hall ha\,L� 'the right, at its option, <br />to declare arly indebtedness or. obligatiow, sectin cl hereby, irrespective of tlwl� I latU'ritv ditte speCified ill .111Y 'no"to � evidenci fig tlie <br />sanle, immediate 'iyable without notice, and said debt shall fil ') 1 )� <br />IV title and Ili there' 11 1 coni(,� al:��olijte. If the ownqrs.hip of the niort- <br />gaged propvrt,� beconles vestQ4 in a pvrson other than the Nlortgagor, the AtO tgmgc�� I liiv. without notice, to tilt, Nlortgagor, deal <br />Nvi * Ili such successor or siicce­� : Irs. in illter(,4 with refer(Ince to this mortgage af d Ilie' debi, secured as with the Nlortgagor, <br />and may forbear to sue or may ex i <br />tend tinle foi- tile payment of the dcht, herel;Y securi-d vJt1I(,)iit disrharging- or ill an�y affecting <br />the liabilit", of tile original Nlo rtgagor liereundei or upon the debt secured. <br />w <br />In th'is instrUnIt'llt 01'0 Sill,,'11101' ificilld t he <br />I. plural and the rmv4culiz � ifI61oW.s!tII(; fenlinille and till. livilter :If)(] this in- <br />ril Im I I <br />-Ill, shail IN. binding lipoll the Undersigned. his heirs. jwrsowil representzi1i c�4� silcm-C,ors and assigns. <br />IN �VITNE,SS \VJll.J?EOP, we lmv(� herounto set otir hands ,in(] sea ! 1. f ho d:iy :I'll(] y e; I r fil-A above writtell. <br />In the presence (if: <br />11V <br />.. . . ...... <br />Val A C. risten�e n' <br />( �gJoAnn A,- Christensen <br />STA,ri'l OF NEBRASKA <br />.... . Ha -11 <br />..... _C01171tY, <br />J,,?? er <br />Oil this iliry of 75 Iwfore n1e; lit, 1,111(14 rsign(-�!. ;I Notary Ilublic. in and for s -'aid <br />Comity, personally came.... ..,T6Ann..R. Christensen <br />...... ...... ...... .. io� .. ............ <br />personally known to file to he tile identical persons whose names are affixed t le ..Il)o%.( fill f'.)n-goill" instrument, 'its niortgagors, <br />and each acknowledged said if' <br />istrument to he his or her voluntiff-v act and de4-( <br />NVitn"s niN hand and �riotarial svill at ... qrand..Island Nebrask <br />a . ..... .. <br />the (],lie last above%written. <br />T h on <br />iaS <br />!"101ARIAL <br />... .. ..... .... <br />LSTNNTLE 0 11RAsKA . .... .... <br />STATE OF NIF <br />P�otar� Public. <br />C, 0 1! <br />- io <br />October 18, Mu" <br />Nfv commission expires ..... ....... <br />T11 <br />STATE OF <br />('ount <br />.......... .. <br />Entered on np�j"erical index in(] filed for record in the Re' iste� of Deeds Office of said County the <br />-IV of . oc k Ind., ­(?�... millut�es;* <br />19. ......... <br />and recorded in Book. <br />................. _1f Nmlrtga�es at pal,,e .... rument No.. <br />. .......... <br />/Z_ � . ................................ <br />/Sh/ <br />//--7!yg. of Deeds <br />B� ........... . Je_� L4�z� e.,� ............ Deputy <br />. .......... <br />recorded w be retUrned o. the <br />FIRST' FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASS iA'TI 6 N� �O F. �LINCOLN <br />LINCOLN OFFICES: Phone 475-0521.1435-2111 <br />E] 1235 "No' Str6et 135 No. Cotner Blvd. 70th and "A' St. E3 2541 No. 11th Street <br />OMAHA OFFICESi Phone 558-4323 <br />8706 Pacific St. 2101 So. 42nd St. n 3205 No. 90t I St.� n 10920 West Dod6e'Rd. <br />REGI.ONAL OFFICLS: El 2120 First Ave., Kearney E) 513 "E" Stre� to Fairbury: E] 1433 "M" Street, Ord <br />Phone -2473 -2 02 1 Phone 728-3218: <br />234 Phone 729 <br />1301 Main Av6.,.'Crete E] 223 Box Butte Ave., Alliance h 1811 West 2nd St., Grand Islana - <br />Phone 826-43 : 49 Phone 762-2160 Phonl 384-4433 <br />104'. "i FCOrnAL SAVINGS AND LOAN <br />ASSOCIATION Or LINCOLN. NESnA1XA <br />