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THIS MORTGAGE IS -ALSO TO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME, SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF- SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME IN THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO -THE MORTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT THE TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS SECURED BY THIS MORTGA I GE SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) PER CENT ORTHE AMOUNT NOW OWING,'EXCEPT FOR ANY ADVANCES THAT MAY BE MADE <br />TO PROTECT T.HE.SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS MORTGAGE <br />Tlit MORTGAGOR FLJRTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That the Mortgagor will pay the indebtedness as hereinhefore provided. <br />That 'ho Mortgagor is the owner of Said property in fee Simple and has good right and lawful authorit * v to sell anrl <br />convey tile Sallie and that the same is free and clear.of any lien or encumbrance: and that Nlortgagor will tvarrant and defend file <br />title to said promises against the claims of all persons whorilsoever. <br />To pay illilliediately %;,Ilell dlie and payable all general tax", special taxes, special assessments, water charges, Sewer serv- <br />ice charges. ;in(] other taxes ,in(] charges against said property, and all ta\cs levied oil the debt. Secured herebv. and to furnish tile <br />Mortgagee, upon rk�quest. with tile original or duplicate receipts therefor. 'I'll(- Mortgagor agrevs that there shall he added to <br />each monthly paynient. required hereunder or under the evidence of debt secured herehy in amount estimated by ill(, Nlor fgage(� <br />to he ;ufficient. to enable ill(. Nlortgagee if) pay as they becoille due, all taxes'-asses'nients. and Similar charges upon tile prvin- <br />ises subject, thereto; any deficiency because of the in.,111liciency Of such additional payments sh�ill be forthwith deposited by tilt- <br />Nfortgagor willi the INIortgagee upon demand 1) * v tilt, Mortgagee. Any default under this paragn-aph Shall he devinw] a default in <br />imynient. of taxes, assessments, or similar charge.1; required hereunder. <br />The Mortgagor agrees that there shall also Ili, added to i�,wll Monthly IMY11WIll of principal and interest required here- <br />under 'In 111101111t, CStialated 1) ' v Ili(- Mortgagee to he sufficient to enable tile Mort'agee to pay. as it beconles (Ille. the insurance <br />prenihim oil any insurance policy delivered to tilt, Nlortgagve. Ally deficiency because of the ilistifficiencY Of such additional pay- <br />nients Shall be forthwith deposited by flit, Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon deniand by ill(., Morigag4w. Any default under this <br />paragraph sliall be deemed a default in tile payment of insurance premiums. If ill(- policY or policiesdeposited ar0such as hotne- <br />owners or all risk policies. and tile dCj)OSitS are insufficient the entire preiniurn, ill(, Alortgagee illay applY tho deposil to <br />pay prenihims oil risks required to he insured by this mortgage. <br />Pavinents niade by ill(, 'Nlortgagor under the above paragraphs may, at ill(, option of the Mortgailve, 1w hold bv it and <br />Commingled with,other such funds or its own funds for flit- payment of such items, and until so applied. such paymenk are lif,rebY <br />pledged as Security for the unpaid halance of tile mortgage indeblednes.s. <br />To procu re, deliver to, and maintain for. ill(, beliefit. of ill(, Alortgagev (hiring ill(, life of this mortgage original policies and <br />renewals thereof. delivered at least. ten days before the expiration of anY such policies, insuring against fire'and other inSUrablo, <br />hazards, casualties, and contingencies as the Mortgagee illay require, in in amount equal to the indebtedness secured by this, <br />Nlortgago. and in conipanics acceptable to fliv Mortgagee, with loss payable clause in favorofand in form acceptable to t1w Mort�,a- <br />.gee. In ill(' evenf, all.%, policy is not. renewed oil Or bi,fore ten days of its (�xpiration, ill(, INIortgagee niny proUlire insuranceon (It( - <br />improvements, pay ill(- premium therefor. and stwh surn ,;hall become ininiediately due and payable with intvro�,t at tilt- rate set <br />forth in Said note lintil paid ind Shall he secur(A 1) 1 v this mortgage. Failure ori ill(- part. of flit, Mortgagor lo furnish such rent-wals <br />as are herein required or failure to J)ily ally Sums advanced hert-undwr S'liall, al, tho option (if ill(- :QOl_t9�l'_'VL'. CMIStifUtO a (h-fa�oilt <br />under the term,; of this inortgage. 'I'll(, Of Such policies shall, ill tile evOlit of default, constitute an ;1�sigjlnwrlt of' the un- <br />varned premium. <br />Ali-,, sunis receivet] by the Nlortgagve 1) , v reason of loss Or damage insured again�zf immr lj(, relailled bY the Moltgagcv <br />and applied toward ill(, of the debt hereby sccured. or, at thr- Option of' ill(, Mortgage(-, such �;tjins vither wholIv or'in <br />part maY ht, paid over to Ihe Alorigagor to be tised it) rt -pair such buildings or to buil(Pnew buildings ill thf-ir Ilkwo or for an-, <br />oilier purpose or objec.t satkfactory to Ow Mortgagee without affecting ill(- hen oil Ili(- nlort��ag!, forthe full nniount �zvctir,-d lwn-- <br />bY Iwfore such payment ever fook place. <br />To promptly repair, restore or rebuild any building-� or improvements now or horeafter oil the pr(-mises which lll;i.%- he- <br />colne daniaged or destroYed; to keep said prenlises in good condition :in([ r(-I):jir and free front in%' mvchanic'slien orotl:er lien Or <br />claim of liell not expres.,dy Subordinated to t1w lien hereof: not to suffer or permit any unlawful use of or in\- mii�anct- to exist (,a <br />said property nor to perinit waste (in said premises, nor to do any Other act whereby the properly hereby conveYed shall become <br />less valuable. nor to diminish or impair its valtic by any 10 Or OloisSi011 to ;Wt: to complly with all requiroments of law �kith resp�,ct <br />to ill(- niorigaged prerilises and the use thereof. <br />That should the premises or anY part thereof be taken or daniaged by reason of in.\, public iniprovvinent or con(4-nination <br />proceeding, or under the right of Prolinent domain, or in any other manner. the Mortgage( Shall he entitled to & Coil) pe liSat i(ITIS, <br />awards, and any other payment or relief therefor, and sliall be' entitled, at its option, if) collinience. appear in and in its <br />own name lily action or pi-ficeeding, Or to Illake 111V conipronn., , w or Settlement in connection with such lakin,,,, or daniage. .\It Stich <br />c(�lllpcjlsatiojl, awards, damages, right of action and proceeds art- hereby as�igned to tile Nlortgagve, who illay, after deducting <br />ti ierefrom all its expenses. release any niojiey,� so r(,c(,i\,t-(l bY it or apply Ili(- same ()a anv inflebtediwss Secured hereby.The Mort- <br />gagor agrees it) execute such further assignments of illy compensation. Mvards.- dainage" and riVht.-; (if action ;in(] proceeds ;is tile <br />Niortgagee may require.. <br />That in case of failure to perform ;illy (if flit, covenants herein. file Nlortgagee may (to oil Ille Mortgngor's helialf ever ' %'filing <br />so covenalited:'-that. the iMortgagee nlay also do anv act it. may deeni necessary to protect the lien thereof: that the Mortgagor will <br />repay upoll d6niand any mone * vs paid or disbtirsed b.y ill(, Mortgaget, for anv Of tile abO . V(� I)Urpo.,es. and Such inont, ' vs together with <br />interest, thereo;n at the rate provided in said note Shall becoolt2 SO 111LI(711 additiOni'll illdehtt�(JIICSS h0reb ' V secured and may be in - <br />chided in anv decree foreclosing this mortgage and be paid out of tile rents or procceds of sale (if said prenlises if not otlierw:isp <br />])aid; that it _qliall not be obligatory tipon the.*Mortgagee to inquire into ill(! validit.N of azi.� lien. encumbrancos, or claim in arl- <br />-hall be construed as requiring the Mor(gaget. lo .;Illce ; <br />,,aricingr mone,�s aS 11)OVC authorized, hut nothing herein contained ;vl% lily <br />moneys for any Such purpose nor to (to illy act� hereunder: and that Mortgagee shall not' incur any pt_�rsonal liabililY lwcallse of an.% ­ <br />thing, it. may (to or omit to (to hereunder. <br />Ili ill(, event of the-d0fault b3 Mortgagor in tho paynient. of any installment, a�. required b\ the Note Secured hereby, -or <br />in ill(- performance Of tile obligation in this mortgage or in ill(, note securc-d thereby, the Nlortgagee shall he entitled to declare the <br />debt. secured hereb ' \1 due and payable without notice, and the Mortgagee shall he entitled at -its option, without notice, vither byitself <br />or by a receiver to be am)oilited by the court thereof. and without regard to tile adequacy of any Security for ill(, indebtedness se- <br />cured hereby, to enter upon and take poswssion of the mortgage([ premises, and it) collect and receive flit! rents, isstiesand profits <br />thereof, and apply tile same, less cost,; of operation and collectioll, 111)011 file indebtedness SVCL]rCd by this -rolortgage: ,;aid rents, <br />issu" and pr6fits being hereby assigned to tile Nlortgagee* as further Security for file payment of all indebtedness secured herehY. - <br />The Nlortgagee ,;hall have the power to appoint lily agent or agents it may desire for ' tile purpose of repairing said preni- <br />ises; renting tile same; collecting ill(! rents, revenues and income, and it illay pay out of said income all expenses incurred in rent- <br />ing and managing the same, and of collecting ill(, rentals therefroib. Tile balance remaining, if ariv. Shall be applied toward tilt, <br />discliorgi.- t)r the mortgage indebtedness. This assignment is to tertninate and become mill and void upon ro4ease of this mortgage. <br />