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OPEN' END—INDIVIDUAL <br />CdNVENTIONAL <br />FEDERAL <br />DUE ON SALE an: N u r-hber- _29364 ------------ -la <br />0 ranc h Type <br />L i F1 COLN! FORri No. 530 Mev. 8.74) <br />M 0 R T G A GLL <br />-iTIlSJNIORTGAGh', inade and executed this <br />. ...... ...... dav of .... ...... ...... A. D.,"19 .... 75.... iwtween <br />.Val ... A Qhris.t.en.sen ... and ... JoAnn, ... R....Christensen,,.husband di d wif each in his and her o-vm <br />........ ....... ..... ....... -- ----- ­* .............. ....... .. ............. tn.� ............................ .. ..... ........................... <br />individual right and as sDouse of the'other <br />............... ! ....... . ..... .... ............. .... .............. ......... ......................... .Jqintly.� d several <br />ly., ............ ............. . .............. . .. ... .... <br />of qr.�44...Islan.d ............. ......... ..., County of Hall �Ne raska <br />.......... ........ I .......... I State 0, f: ....... ..... I -t --- ...... .. ..................... lilbreinafter referred <br />to as the Mortgagor, and FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCI VI'ION Or LINCOLN, Nebraska, -its successors <br />an�l a. <br />-,.signs. hereinafter referred to as Mortgagec,, <br />WI That thosaid Mortg;!gor, forand ill coll.,;ideratioll of the'tull of <br />DIENTY SEVEN THOUSAND' THREE HUNDRED AND NO1jQQ -------------- <br />... ...... -1 ........... .. .......... ­ ... ..... ................. ­� .. ...... 77($ ��T,399 ��.Qg <br />... ...... DoIl, <br />imid by said Mortgagee, (100s herebY sell and convey unto FIRST FLDERAL SA\ I NGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />LINCOLN. Nebraska. as Moroal,,ev. its success . ors and a,,signs, the foliownw, descril)q(1111,'al Estate, sittlated ill file County of <br />...... Hal I .... ............ ........... .................. ........... state of ............. Nebraska ........ ..... . <br />Lot Ten (10), in Block Three (3) in westerhoff. s �Second'Subdivision; <br />being a Resubdivision of'.the South Half of Biji k ee�'(3) and Fou�` <br />(4) and the North Half'of'Blocks Five (5) and S ix. �Test,erhoff's <br />First Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.. <br />TO HAVE AND TO ifOLD the above described premises for tilt, Us("'-, <br />Ilereill set! fortil and to sectire lierforniance of the <br />nj)ligations contained herein, togetlier with all buildings, improvements, fixtures and; )purtenances and all eagements t1i'ereunto <br />belonging, and it is mutually : 1. 1 1 1 <br />enrinted and agreed by and between the par ies hereto that all plumbing, gas, electric and <br />mechanical fixtures, appliances.- equipment, machinery and apparatus, floor co,,Irin- , s olm windows and sciecris and such other <br />goods and chattels and personal,� 1:?roperty as are ever furnished by a landlord ill I ettillg� or Ocraf ing in unfurnished building, sinii-. <br />1a.r to tile one now or hereafter oz�i said premises, which are or sh',ill be attache'di to building in Lilly manner whatsoever, ari� <br />and sliall be deerned to Ile fixft!iies in(] all accession to the frepliold and a- pa , rto of the r ealty� as 1) . etween the piirties hereto, their <br />li�,irs, executors, administrators,: s1.icce-;qors or assigns, and all pe:rsons claimin- through or u <br />': Y, nder them. and shall he deemed <br />to be a portion of the security for ihe indebtedness lierein mentioned and to Ile c( Fered b Y, blis mortgage. <br />are executed in(] deliveri I I he following Conditions . agreements and <br />r!,D ALWAYS, *;and these presents t <br />ollhgatioll� of flie IMortgagors, to:%:%Iit: <br /> Ivfortgagor agrees to.1my to the Xfortgagee, or 'order, the principal �illln )f TWEUTY,SEVEN THOUSAND THREE <br />. ........ .......................... ................................. <br />H WDRED AND N01100 – – --- – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – <br />............................................................................................................................ .... ... 7T.( -,;,.27.,30-0-Q0 ...... <br />........ ......... ...) Dollars, <br />A in a note execute(] and defivered concurrently lierewitli, tilt; <br />payable as provide <br />final paVillelit of principal, if, not sooner paid, <br />oil' the .... ................... day of..! ............ December' <br />......................................................... <br />