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0110N <br />The Nlortgagee niaN, (-olleet a "lato charge not to exceed FiVe Cvllt�' (5e)�: forl eaell lollar ($1.00) (If total molitIlIN <br />payment niore than 15 days in arrears to cover.11w VNtr,'I (",I)PI)SP inVofV(,d it� iandling I(Iinquent accounts. <br />All payments niade unde'r Ow provisions of this illortgage or Ilw not(, wrobv s cured, which ma be collstrited'as interest. <br />shall not, in tile aggregate o% -(q- fill, terill thervolf, e �Ce"( I the rate that niaN, it o v for in \%4itillg. <br />It is further agreed -that it) case in ' v soit is beglill to foruclost, this In , (I t"Ilge! the Mortgagee, its represe'ritatives or assigns. <br />shall at once be entitled to tile possession of s"Rid preinises, and upoll applic tion ihJrefor. ffle� court in which such action shall <br />he brought or any judge of stich court. either in ter it tinle or vacation., is liei�e )y authorized to appoint a reCUiver to take passes - <br />S.1011 of said premises. or to collect the rents therefr )lit, and to do and perfor�n such� other Acts as may be required by the order <br />Nlortgagor here'l)v waives allv loti6" of sliell application. and (;onsvilts to tile ;it) - <br />of file court making the appointment; and said i : <br />pointillont of a re�viver upon th(-production of this inortgage. without other e,'N" lellepl! <br />The Nlortgagee shall he SLlbr09iltVd to all of the rights, privileges. prior ties: and equities :of any lienholder. whose lien may <br />have been discharged from the proceeds of this.loin. or by any flinds hereh� paid or furnished Ir., 'iliv Nilortpgve. <br />IT IS EXPRESSLY AGREED that if ill(-, I Nfortgagor-shall sell, coft% ;v or alielinte silid property or, any part thereof, <br />or any interest therein, or shalljw divested of his title or any interest therein ill alivi mant-ter or wav, or <br />involuntaril I ' I ! � I . - <br />y, without written consent of the Nlortg� I igee being first had and o:ht line ortgagee shall have -the 1right, at its option, <br />to declare any indebtedness or obligations secured I ereby, irrespective of the, I ��iaturityj datv� sbecified in ailv not(, evidencing. tile <br />same, immediately (file and paynble With0l't notice land said dubt sliall thereiij lon bo'corkle, ab�olute. If the own( . rship of tile inort- <br />gaged property becom" vested in a person other t1lart lit(! Nlortgagor, tile 'Mo I i1rilly 'wifll� )ut notice to dw i forfin - deal <br />17 � - - I ( . , \ , igor, <br />with suell successor or successors in interest with relference to this mortgage m d the d6ht her(.4)y SeCtired as vith�' . the Nlortgagor, <br />aNnient, of the <br />and may forbear to sue or may extend time for file debt sev6iedl withilut discharging or ill any wa% affeetiril- <br />tile lill)ilitv of the original Nlortgagor hereunder or 1pon the debt secured. <br />includes t ie plural and the inasculn 0 ili(�Iudes�tlle fi4llinine and the nouter and this in - <br />In this instrument the, singular I <br />sthinwill, shall be binding 11poll ilie undersigmed. iiis Iwirs. persowil representd . t I ; I <br />sll(',essor�4 and assigns. <br />IN WITNESS %\'FIER�OF, We have herell ito our-'liands alld ­,jl. first above wri I t' <br />I n the presence (if: <br />.. .. . ..... <br />Steve L. F wel I I <br />1.2 <br />j <br />0" Detta ;J. 1.76 <br />sTATi., OF NEBRASKA <br />SS. <br />Hall <br />....... ... .. . . <br />Oil this ..... (Ilv of ...... before ill(' he ni:id a Notary 111114ic. in anti for said <br />ame... Steve L. Pm-Tell_and a. J....:Y.p. Tel -Ti <br />County, personally e. ........... : . ....... V.Dettr <br />. . I ... husband ... and..i fe.'5.1 <br />personally known to me to he the identical 1 s � 1 1 7, %, I I . <br />)erswi, 'hose name.- are affixed tq' �le thp and'� for,egoing instrunliprit., as piortgagors, <br />and each qcknowledged said insfrument to 1) -0 ary act �nd (lc;,e <br />e his lier volunt, <br />and and n.otarial seal at ....... <br />Witness mv h. ...................... Grand..Isla ........ <br />the clate last above -written. <br />Timms L. vrillitis <br />A� <br />TARUAL <br />STATE... ........ .. ............... ....... <br />0 F 11! F 13 C,A -S K A Notar�, Public. <br />.1 i, _L <br />C 0 <br />Oct0ber 18 76 <br />Nly commission expires; ..... ...... ........ <br />STATE OF .... &�. el ............ 1. <br />.. .... . ... <br />Comity ..... ...... ............. <br />E'ritered on nurn(.�rical index and fiIed for record in the R6 lister of Dee Is Office of said County the <br />of ..... Al_- .1 9V 11 t 1�1j_?� .. ..... 0�' Ininutes <br />MI. <br />and recorded ill Book. N, �)rtaaoes at page_._61 'Urrient No..1�11/1 .... <br />__.of I t <br />.................... <br />Reg. of Deeds <br />By ......... I. <br />.. .... ....... .................... ....... Deptity <br />When recorded to be rCtUrned 0 tile <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND.LOAN ASSO IATIONOF: LINCOLN I' <br />LINCOLN OFFICES,:: Phone 47 5-0�21 11435-2111 <br />n 1235 'IN" Stree!t E] 135 No. Cotner Blvd. E] 70th and "A St. 2541 No. 11th St�eet: <br />.4323 - <br />OMAHA OFFICES:. Phone 558 <br />E] 8706 Pacific'St.' 0 2101 So. 42n St. <br />3205 No. 90t i St., E] -�0920 West Dodqq Rd. <br />REGIONAL OFFICES: Ej 2120 First Ave., Kearney 513 "E" St�e 1, Fairbu'ry F1 14 . 33 "M" Street, Ord <br />Phone 234-2473 Phone 729-2 !02 � , 1 1 <br />Phone 728-321�1 <br />1301 Main Ave.: Crete 223 -box Butte Ave., Alliance '1�11 West 26� St., Grand Island <br />Phone 826-43�6 Phone 762-2160'. <br />Phone! 384-4433 <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN <br />1974-' <br />ASSOCIATION OF LINCOLN. UEDRA51CA <br />j <br />