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THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE AND CONTINUE TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME, SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE MAY FROM TIME TO TIME IN THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE MORTGAGOR, AND <br />EVIDENCED BY.A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, BUT THE TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE SHALL NOT <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY (120) PER CENT 6F THE AMOUNT NOW OWING, EXCEPT FOR ANY 'ADVANCES THAT MAY 13E MADE <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS MORTGAGE. <br />THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND AGREES: <br />That the Mortgagor will pay tilt! indebtedness -,is hereiribefore provided. <br />That' the A/lortgagor is the owner of said property in fee simple and has good right and lawful authority to sell and <br />convev the same and that the sarne is free and clear of any lien or encumbrance; and that 'Mortgagor will warriant ,in(] defend the <br />title to said promises against the claims of all persons whornsom-er. <br />To ])a),, ininiediately when due and payahle, all general tax(!.,;, special taxes, special a.,�sessrnents, water charges, s�cwer st1rv- <br />ice charge.,,, anit other taxes and charges against said property, and all taxes levied oil the debt secure(] herehy, and to furnish the <br />Mortgagee. upon request, with the originat or duplicate receipts therefor. The Ivlortgagor agrees that thery shall he added to <br />each nionthly payment required heremider or under the evidence of debt secured herel)v in amount estimated by the Nlortgagee. <br />to be. sufficient. to ellable tile Mortgagee to pay, as they beconle title. aII tax", IISSeSSlllents. zinc] similar charges upon the prem- <br />ises subject thereto; any deficielic ' v because of the insufficiency 'Of such additional payments shall Ile forthwith deposited by the <br />I Xfortgag <br />gor with the 'Xlortg * agec- upon deniand by the Nlortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shall be deeinerl a defatilt, in <br />payment of taxes, assessments. or similar charges required hereunder. <br />The M ortgagor agrues that there ,;hall also, lie added to each monthly payment of principal and interest required llc',re- <br />under in aniount. estimated bY the Nfortgagee to be sufficient to enahle tile NI ' ortgagee to pay. I,,; it hecomes due, thO insurance <br />prenjimn on policY delivered to tli(� Mortgagee. Ali ' y deficiency bve"illso of fit(. insufficiency of such additional pay- <br />ments, ,;hall he forthwith deposited by file Nlortgagor with the Alor(gagee Lipon demand by the Mortgagee. Any default under this <br />paragraph shall be deenled a default in the payment of insurance premiums. If the policy or policiesdepo,,;ited aresuch as home- <br />owners or all risk policies. and the, deposits are insufficient to pay the entire premium, the Mortgagee nlay�apply the deposit to <br />pay premiums oil risks require(] to be insured by.this mortgage. <br />Payments made by the Nelortgagor under the above paragraphs may—i't the option of the Nlorigagve, he hold I)v it and <br />commingled wit.1i other such funds or it, own funds for the paymeiit of such items, and until so applied, such paynwnf.'; are lwrph.� <br />I)Iedged as security for the unpaid balance of the Illortgage indebtedliess. <br />To pro.cure, deliver to. and maintain for the hellefit. of the Mortgagee during the life of this mortgage original policies and <br />renewals thereof, delivered at least ten days before tliv expiration of any such policies, insuring against fire in(] other insurable <br />liaz . ards, casualties, and continge*ricies as the Mortgagee may require, in in . amount equal to tile indebtedness secured by this <br />Nfortgago, in(] i n companies acceptable to the IN-lortgagee, with loss payable clause in favor of and in forn) acceptable to the Nlorfga- <br />gee. In the event any policy is not. renewed oil or before ten days of its expiration. the iNlortgagve may procure insuranceon the <br />improvements, pay the premium therefor, and such sum sliall becm-ne immediately clue and payable with intercst at the rate' ' set <br />forth in said note until paid and shall he secured by tlii,� niortgage.. Failure- on the part of the Nlortgagor to fornish stich renewals <br />a. <br />are herein required or failure to pay any sunis advanced heretaider shall, at the option of the Nfortgagov. constitute a default <br />under the ternis of this mortgage. 'Ill(- deliverY of such policies sliall, in the ovent of constitute all assignment (If tilt. 1111 - <br />earned premium. <br />Any surns receiverl hy the Nlortgagee bv reason of loss or dainage insured against may be retained by the Nlortgagee <br />and applied toward the payment of the debt livrvb.� secured, or. at the option of the AlortgalgCc, Such S111111, Vither whollv orin <br />Part may lie paid over to thv Nlortgagor to be used to repair such buildings ol. to build*11ew I mildings in their place or for any <br />other purpose or object satisfactory to the Mortgagee withmit affecting the lien (In the mortgage for tho full amount secured here- <br />bv before stich payment (wer took place. <br />To promp tly repair, restore, or rebuild anY building-,; or improvenients now or hereafier oil the prelilisys which nia.N. be- <br />Coule damaged or destroyed; to keep said premises in good condition and repair and froe from any mechanic's lien orother li(�n or <br />claini of lien not expressly subordinated to the lien hereof: not to, suffer or permit ;I;,%' 11111aWfill us(- of or in ' N, nuisance to vxist�*on <br />s;iid property nor to permit waste oil said premises, nor to (to in\, other act whereby the property herelly <br />conveyed shall becarne <br />less valuable, nor to diminish or impair its value by any act or omission to act: to comply with all requirements (if law with respect <br />to the mortgaged premises and the use thereof. <br />That 1;hould the premises or an.y part thereof 1w taken or damaged by reason (If in.\, public improvement or condeninat:Jon <br />proceeding, or under tile right of eminent. domain, or in in%, other manner. the Nlortgagee sball he entitled to '11*1 compensations, <br />awards, and all ayment or relief therefor, and shall he entitled. at. its option, to commence, appear in and I)ro-;(-citt(! ill its <br />y.other 1), <br />qwn naine any -action or proceeding, or to make any compromise or settlemont. in connection with such taking or claniage. All such <br />coin pensation, awards, damages, right of action and proceeds are hereby assigned to the Mortgagee, who may. after dech;cting <br />therefrom all its expenses. release any nioneys so received bY it or apply the same oil any indelitednes,; secured here1w. The Nlorl- <br />gagor agrews to execute such further assignments of any compensation, awards-, damages, and right.,; ofaction and proceeds as the <br />Mortgagee may requirtr. <br />That in. case of failure to perform all\, of the covellants herein, the IN'lortgagee may do oil the Liviortgagor's belialf ever ' \,thing <br />so covenanted; that the Mortgagee may also do any act, it, may devin necessary to protect the lien thereof; that the Mortgagor will <br />repay upon deniand any moneys paid or disbursed by the Nlortgagee for any of the abovZ� ptirpoc;es. and such nioneys together with <br />interest thereon at the rate provided in Said note shall beconle so much additional in�lebtefhless herehY secured and may he in- <br />cluded in any decree foreclosing this mortgage in(] Ile paid out of the rents or proceeds of sale of said premises if not ofher%�ise <br />paid; that it sliall not Ile obligatory upon the Nlortgagee to inquire into the validity of any lien, enclunbrancos. or claim in it]- <br />vancing moneys as above authorized, but nothing hercin contained ,;hall be construed as requiring the Mortgagee to advancu any <br />nioneys for in), such purpose nor to do any let. hereunder; and that Nlortgagef-- ,;hall not incur anY personal liability hecause of an\ - <br />thing it. may do or onlit to do hereunder. <br />In the event of the default by Mortgagor in the payment of any installment, as required by the Note secured hereby, or <br />in the perfornianco of the obligation in this mortgage or in the note secured thereby, the Mortgagee shall be entitled to declare the <br />debt secured here])%' due and payable without notice, and the Mortgagee shall be entitled at its option, without ll()tic(,' eithe <br />r by itsell <br />or by a receiver to be appointed by the court thereof, and without regard to the adequacy of any securitY for the indebtedness se- <br />cured hereby, to enter upon and take possession of tile mortgaged premises, and to collect and receive the rents. issues and profits <br />thereof, and -apply the sarne, less costs of operation and collection. upon the indebtedness wcured by this Mortgage; said rents, <br />issllel'� all(] piollibs, being hereby assigned to the Nfortgagee as further securitY for the payment of all iridebtedness secured herchy. <br />The Mortgagee shall have'die power to appoint any agent br agents it may desire for the purpos(, of repairing said prem- <br />ises; renting the same: collecting the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out of said income all expenses incurred in rent- <br />ing and managing tile same and of collecting the rentals therefr41. The balance remaining, if any, shall Ile applied toward file <br />discharge of file mortgage indehtedness. This assignme.nt is to terminate and heconle null and void upon release of this mortgage. <br />