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0110718 <br />UAL <br />R T G A <br />of <br />Steve L. Powell and OlDetta J. Powell, husband and wi. <br />......................................................................... I ............. j ..................... ....... ...... .... <br />individual right and �s spouse of'the other, jointly!, <br />............................................. ................. ........................... ........ ............... ......... . ........ <br />f ... Gr.and..Island ............. county of .... .. Hall ................ ., State (1) 1 <br />to as the Mortga�or, and FIRST , FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOb <br />d assigns, hervinafter referred to as 'vlortgagee, <br />That the said 1Mor1ga;,or,jfor and in consideration k <br />........... <br />S IMEZ, N ... THQU$AND... <br />paid by said Mortgagee, does liereby sell and cpll 'ey linto F.IRST FE'DIl : I <br />LINCOLN, Nebraska. as I%Iortgagoe, its stlecessors and assign s, the followil I 1� <br />Nebrask <br />Hall ....................... ... State of ................. ................. <br />.................................. - ........ ....... <br />Fractional L�bt Three (3) aM the Etasterly 6 <br />Four (4) in Fractional Blik One M in Arno:' <br />and c <br />i <br />of fr6 <br />i <br />to the City bf Grand Isia <br />Lot Three (3) and the eas <br />fractional Block Twenty <br />, Nebraska, <br />ly 6 feet <br />in Rollin's <br />Island, Nebr:aska, being al�ectangular piece, <br />frontage of 72 feet on Fourth Street, in sa <br />feet to the alley in said <br />cks . <br />TO HAVE AND TO I -I ! OLD the abovo deseribed preinises for the usle <br />obligations contained herein, togqther with all buildiligs, improvbments, fixtur�: <br />and agreed bv and between the p'Z <br />belofif-ing, and it is mutually covenzinted <br />anie, nratus. floor <br />inecli. , il fixtures, appliances, ' equipment, in ellindry in(] app. <br />goo(k ancl chattels an(l personal -property as are everl fu rnislied Yy a landlord ill <br />lar to the one no%%, or hereafter oil said preinises, wliMi are or sliall be attaeli�", <br />and shall he deenied to he fixtures and all accession, I to the freeliold and a pa <br />I. )'eirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns and all persons claiming <br />t i o be a.portion of the security for� the indebtedness li.erein mentioned and to be i( <br />I)ROVJDED ALWAYS, and these pr"ents are exectited ;in(] delive <br />obligations of the Nlortgitgors, to:wit: <br />'Ilie 'XIortgagor agrees to' pay to the Xfortga I gee, or order, the principi.1 <br />- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br />AND ... NOI-100 --------- ............ * ....... <br />payable as provided in a- note exectited and delivered concurrenfly herewith, fl <br />on the ....... !P:� ...................... da of ............ December 2b <br />y ......................... I ............................... . ......... <br />L <br />1P0, <br />3_51 <br />)an. Number -29 --- ----- 18_ <br />Bmnch Type <br />E: <br />.. .... ..... .............. A. D.,! 19..0 ..... between <br />-M <br />,:each in his and her�ok <br />.............. .................................... .......................... <br />�d�se�erallyi <br />............... ....... .................. .............. ........... <br />N6brasM <br />.............................. i ...................... )iereinafter referred <br />Mli.ONI OF LINCOLN, Nehrash-a,: its successors <br />�7 ... 77.7(�J�.�.200.00 <br />.. ..................................... Doll.ars, <br />J, SA%1INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />des'eribed RealiEstate, situated in' the County. of <br />...... ....... to -wit: <br />ae of Fractional Lot <br />andlAbb'Qtt's Addition <br />Tlplement,! fractional' <br />t16nal Lot Four (4) in <br />to t: <br />tion he 'City of Giiand <br />f grol d having a nokherly <br />Cityland a :dep-th of 132 <br />liereinset ford) and to sectire krfo*rinance of'tll(. <br />and almurtehalides and all eaki-nents thereunto <br />ties? herc-to tiidl; all plumbing, I gas lectrie and <br />e <br />Lrin-s �tornilwindows and screens, and SLICII Otll(-I' <br />letti 11,1-1 or —e -1 ingan tinfurnisliell building, sillli- <br />to in any niann&r whatsoever, are <br />of the parties hereto, their <br />)N,, thro I ugh 'or under theni. iiA shall be devined <br />%ler&(l h.� this mortgage. <br />'llpoll the following Conditions', . reen-lents and <br />THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED <br />slini ofj ............... ............. ............... .............................. <br />rn'.7�77n=:=0 ......... ........... ) Dollars, <br />fill al <br />im), in e i i t of principal,' if -not sooner paid, <br />F�RST <br />OPEN END—INDIVI <br />FEDERAL <br />CONVENTIONAL <br />LINCOLN <br />A <br />DUE ON SALE <br />FORM t�o. 530 (R(!�. 8-74) <br />THIS MORTGAGE, inade and execilied <br />UAL <br />R T G A <br />of <br />Steve L. Powell and OlDetta J. Powell, husband and wi. <br />......................................................................... I ............. j ..................... ....... ...... .... <br />individual right and �s spouse of'the other, jointly!, <br />............................................. ................. ........................... ........ ............... ......... . ........ <br />f ... Gr.and..Island ............. county of .... .. Hall ................ ., State (1) 1 <br />to as the Mortga�or, and FIRST , FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOb <br />d assigns, hervinafter referred to as 'vlortgagee, <br />That the said 1Mor1ga;,or,jfor and in consideration k <br />........... <br />S IMEZ, N ... THQU$AND... <br />paid by said Mortgagee, does liereby sell and cpll 'ey linto F.IRST FE'DIl : I <br />LINCOLN, Nebraska. as I%Iortgagoe, its stlecessors and assign s, the followil I 1� <br />Nebrask <br />Hall ....................... ... State of ................. ................. <br />.................................. - ........ ....... <br />Fractional L�bt Three (3) aM the Etasterly 6 <br />Four (4) in Fractional Blik One M in Arno:' <br />and c <br />i <br />of fr6 <br />i <br />to the City bf Grand Isia <br />Lot Three (3) and the eas <br />fractional Block Twenty <br />, Nebraska, <br />ly 6 feet <br />in Rollin's <br />Island, Nebr:aska, being al�ectangular piece, <br />frontage of 72 feet on Fourth Street, in sa <br />feet to the alley in said <br />cks . <br />TO HAVE AND TO I -I ! OLD the abovo deseribed preinises for the usle <br />obligations contained herein, togqther with all buildiligs, improvbments, fixtur�: <br />and agreed bv and between the p'Z <br />belofif-ing, and it is mutually covenzinted <br />anie, nratus. floor <br />inecli. , il fixtures, appliances, ' equipment, in ellindry in(] app. <br />goo(k ancl chattels an(l personal -property as are everl fu rnislied Yy a landlord ill <br />lar to the one no%%, or hereafter oil said preinises, wliMi are or sliall be attaeli�", <br />and shall he deenied to he fixtures and all accession, I to the freeliold and a pa <br />I. )'eirs, executors, administrators, successors or assigns and all persons claiming <br />t i o be a.portion of the security for� the indebtedness li.erein mentioned and to be i( <br />I)ROVJDED ALWAYS, and these pr"ents are exectited ;in(] delive <br />obligations of the Nlortgitgors, to:wit: <br />'Ilie 'XIortgagor agrees to' pay to the Xfortga I gee, or order, the principi.1 <br />- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br />AND ... NOI-100 --------- ............ * ....... <br />payable as provided in a- note exectited and delivered concurrenfly herewith, fl <br />on the ....... !P:� ...................... da of ............ December 2b <br />y ......................... I ............................... . ......... <br />L <br />1P0, <br />3_51 <br />)an. Number -29 --- ----- 18_ <br />Bmnch Type <br />E: <br />.. .... ..... .............. A. D.,! 19..0 ..... between <br />-M <br />,:each in his and her�ok <br />.............. .................................... .......................... <br />�d�se�erallyi <br />............... ....... .................. .............. ........... <br />N6brasM <br />.............................. i ...................... )iereinafter referred <br />Mli.ONI OF LINCOLN, Nehrash-a,: its successors <br />�7 ... 77.7(�J�.�.200.00 <br />.. ..................................... Doll.ars, <br />J, SA%1INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />des'eribed RealiEstate, situated in' the County. of <br />...... ....... to -wit: <br />ae of Fractional Lot <br />andlAbb'Qtt's Addition <br />Tlplement,! fractional' <br />t16nal Lot Four (4) in <br />to t: <br />tion he 'City of Giiand <br />f grol d having a nokherly <br />Cityland a :dep-th of 132 <br />liereinset ford) and to sectire krfo*rinance of'tll(. <br />and almurtehalides and all eaki-nents thereunto <br />ties? herc-to tiidl; all plumbing, I gas lectrie and <br />e <br />Lrin-s �tornilwindows and screens, and SLICII Otll(-I' <br />letti 11,1-1 or —e -1 ingan tinfurnisliell building, sillli- <br />to in any niann&r whatsoever, are <br />of the parties hereto, their <br />)N,, thro I ugh 'or under theni. iiA shall be devined <br />%ler&(l h.� this mortgage. <br />'llpoll the following Conditions', . reen-lents and <br />THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED <br />slini ofj ............... ............. ............... .............................. <br />rn'.7�77n=:=0 ......... ........... ) Dollars, <br />fill al <br />im), in e i i t of principal,' if -not sooner paid, <br />