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VA Form 2"325 (Home ' Loan) <br />December 1973. Use Optional. <br />Section 1810, Title 38, U.S.C. <br />Acceptable to Federal National <br />Mortgage Association. <br />01101111 �.' I <br />Ti-iis MORTGAGE, made and executed <br />by and between' Dean A. I -Talker an <br />and her own individual right a <br />of the County of Hal I <br />FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS <br />a corporation organized:and existing u <br />hereinafter called the'111ortgagee, <br />q" <br />1ORTGAGE, <br />[is 2,1 6yof AXQIlem6e� A� D.�19 75 <br />Nancy J. Walker,;,Iusband and iT.ife, each in his <br />as spouse of the other! <br />joirr;ly'and seve'rally <br />and State of Nebrasl a, hereinafter called the Mortgagor, and <br />LOAN ASSOCIATION F LINCOLN <br />the laws- of the Un'i ed States <br />if <br />WITNESSETH: That'Mortgagor, for an'd in consideration of tl esu� in 0 TEN THOUSAND Ti�6 HUNDRE D <br />FIFTY AND N01100 -------------- �.L-Dollars� ($ 10,250 -'0 phid by tortgagee, th . receipt of <br />which is hereby aelmowledged, has Grantled and Sold and by thdsie pi-csl�cnts d es Grant, Bargain, Sell, <br />Assign, Convey and Confirm unto the 111 1 ortgagee,. . its successom.and lissignsl � forever, the'followilig- <br />i I <br />described property, situated in the County of Hall I <br />and S late of Nebr4ca"-' to wit: <br />Lot i�-io (2) inBlock�q <br />City -of Grand Island, <br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, containing in all <br />together with the appurtenances thereto belonging and all fixture, now or herea'ter attached; thereto or <br />used in connection Nvith.the premises lier6in described and in ad I ition tlieretq� the following -described <br />household appliances, which are, and shall I be deemed to be, fixtul r. f the realtyj and are a <br />portion of the security for the ijidebtedness herein mentioned: <br />