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011.0 1 'U <br />The IMortgagee may collect a "late charge" not to exceed Five Cents (5c) for each dollar (S1.00) of . each total niontbiv <br />paynient. inore than 15 da N Is in ari-cars to cover the (-%tra expense involved in handling delinquent accounts. <br />It is further agreed that in case any suit is begun to forcclose this mortgage, the Mortgag�e, its representatives orasAgns, <br />shall at once be� entitled to tile possession of said premises, and upon application therefor, the court in which such 'action shall <br />1W 111-OUght, or ally judge Of Such court, either in term time or'vacation. is hereby authorized to appoint a receiver to take posses- <br />sion ot said* premises, or to collect the rents ther6froni, and to (to and perform such other acts as may be required by tile order <br />Of tile coll"t making the appointment; and said Mortgagor hereby waives any notice of such application, and consent,; to the fill - <br />])Ointment of a t�eceiver upon the production of this mortgage, without other Ividence. <br />It is expressly agreed and understood that, the 'Mortgagor shall proceed with the construction of I building on said premises <br />with all reasotia ' ble dispatch, and due diligence and sliall pay for any and all, extras or mod i ficat ions that. he may make in said <br />building, direct. to the Nlortgagee to be disbursed, together Nvith the money .�oaned or advanced b�y said ?vlort.gagev in connection <br />with this loan. Alld it is further agreed and understood that if the construction of ;aid building be, at any time, discontinued <br />or not carried oil Nvitli reasonable dispatch ill the judgment of the Mortgagee, flie Xfortgagee or any holder of the said note, and <br />Mortgage may purchase materials and employ Nvork-nien to protect, said buildin.g. so that the same shall not suffer from,depreda- <br />tion or the weather. or to complete said building, So that. it, illay be used for the purposes for whiell it is designed. under the said <br />plans and specifications; that. ill tile suni,; so paid, or expended. ,;hall be deCined to be advances to the Nlortgagor, in(] secured <br />by the said note and mortgage and IllaY he applied, al, tile option of the said i1ort.-Illgee, or any holderofsaid note in(] mortgage <br />to any advanevs thereafter becomin, (III <br />I c. But. in no event sliall tile Mortgagee be liable in any way to complete said building �or <br />to pay for the costs of construction heyond the advances of the aniounts deposHed for said purposes or loaned by the IMortgagee <br />for the construction of this building,. Ali(] it is further vxpressl.y agreed and understood that if the Nlortgagorshall fail to complete <br />said buildi1i,,,, in accordance with the agreements, blue print,,; and specifications filed in connection with this loan orshall negle d, <br />faii or refuse to pay -for the costs and expenses i'n connection flierewith. or sliall fail in anv other of the covenants herein set forth, <br />then, at flic option of tile Mortgagee or of the holder of the note and mortgage herein referred to, the 'i%lortgice'ni�iN,(Ieclare,;,,tid <br />loan to he ill default and tile entire aniount loaned shall immediately become (Ille and payable and the property herein referred to <br />shall be security- for all (if tile advances and expenses incurred anrl made by the Nlort'gagee, in connection with this provision. <br />Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Mortgagee sliall have the right to declare that default has bP(,n made <br />all([ the entire Indebtedness hereunder to be due and payable at once upon the happening of any oil(, of tile followingconditions: <br />('f) The filing of any lien agaiwt III(! property, whether clainied to he prior to the first mortgage or subject thereto; <br />(b) The entry of any jud gment against the Mortgagor; <br />(c) 'I'll(, failure to coniplY strictly with Zoning regulations, the provisions of the city b6ilding code, or if aily stop order <br />is issued by public authorities; <br />(d) Any misslatUrnent in the loan application; <br />(e) Any Illaterial Change ill tile plans and specifications not first. approved in writing by the M'ortgagee; <br />(f) If*work he delayed or susperided for. it period of thirty ' (30) da.y!. without cause satisfactory to the Vlortgagee, or <br />should the i%lortg�agor fail to cause work to be prosecuted vigorously. <br />If the Mortgagee declares Ihe loan to 1)(,. ill defaull under any provisions of thi,, provision, the Nlortgagee shall be tinder <br />no Obligation tf, advance all ' V fUrdwr moneys lwr(.�under vither for payment of work performed and materials already furnished, Or <br />tho.-w to ho furnished later by the <br />it is tit ' iderstood art(] agreed that. the Mortgagor will use all advances made under this mortgage to erect, I buildin., on <br />said prLinises in. aCCOrdance with the plans, specifications and general agre(-nients filed in connection therewith, and heretofore <br />approved by the Mortgagee. <br />It, i.q understood and agrowd that all materials delivered upon said pi'vini,,os for the purpn�e ofbeing incorporated in tile <br />building shall he considered a ])art. of the building. <br />Nlortgagee agrees to make advances under this loan for tho construction of said building front time to time as agre*ed <br />bohveon the parties hereto. <br />'SSLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD that said advances shall be paid only v.,hell in tile judgment <br />AND IT IS F"XPRL <br />of the Mortgagee all work usually done at the stage of Construction when the advance is made payable shall have been donc, in a <br />good art(] workmanlike manner, and all material.,; and fixtures usually furnished and installed at that time shall have been ffir- <br />nished and installed: but the Alortgaget, may advance parts, or the whole, of any installments hotfore they become (tile, if tile I%Iort- <br />gagee sliall beliove it. advisable to CIO So. and all such advances or payments shall be deeined to have been made in pursuance of <br />this agreenient, nothing,. however. ill this agreenietit. sliall b(, construed is a determination of flip quality'J)f the work. labor <br />o*r material.,; furnished hy the i . vlortgag-or or contrador and the Mortgag�o shall bo under no dutY or obligation to zhake <br />such df,terinination. <br />The Mortgagev'shall be subrogated to all of the rights, privileges, priorities, in([ equities of any lienholder whose lion may. <br />have heen di,�charged from the procceds of this loan, or bY any funds hereby paid or furnished by the TVIortgageo. <br />IT IS EXPRESSLY AGREED that if the Mortgagor shall sell, convey or alienate qaid property, or in%, part thereof, <br />or any interest, therLin, or sliall he divested of his -title or any interest therein in any manner or way, whether voluntarily or <br />involuntarily, %vi'thotit written consent of the Mortgagee being first had and obtained, 'Mortgagee ,;hall have the right, at its option, <br />to declare, any indebtedness or obligations secured hereby, irrespective of the maturity date specified in any note evidencing the <br />same, inimediat0y due and payable without notice, and said debt shall thereupon become absolute. If the ownership of the mort- <br />gaged property becomes vested in I person other than the 'Mortga,gor, the TvIortgagee may, without notice to the iMortgaigor, deal <br />with such successor or successors in interest with reference to this mortgage and the debt hereby secured as Nvith the Mortgagor, <br />and may forbear to sit(, or may extend time for ill(, payment of the debt hereby sectired without discharging or iji any way affecting <br />the liability of tile. original Yfortgagor hereunder : or upon the debt secured. <br />lit this instrunient the singular includes flie plural and the masculine includes the feminine and the neuterand this in- <br />strunient. shall he binding upon the undersigned. )iis heirs, person -A representati%, es, successors and assigns. <br />IN WJ'TNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and spa.i, the day and year first above %%:rittell. <br />it the presence of: <br />�e <br />e�;'Ja�me,s E.- Ross <br />Janet/M. Ross <br />. ................. I . . . ..... ............ <br />Delbert D. Thea_sm�,y)er <br />j <br />4� ............. .... . ...... <br />Bois A. Theasmeyer 1�7- <br />