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01101,-"5 <br />THIS MORTGAGE IS ALSO TO BE AND CON <br />SUM OR SUMS OF MONEY AS THE MORTGAGEE M <br />EVIDENCED BY A SUPPLEMENTAL NOTE OR NOTES, <br />EXCEED ONE HUNDRED TWENTY'(120) PER CENT 01 <br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY IN.ACCORDANCE WIT <br />THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER <br />That. Ili(- iNIort,,,i,()r will 1my the indel <br />INUE TO BE, FROM TIME TO TIME, SECUI�ITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF SUCH <br />Y FROM.TIME TO TIME IN THE FUTURE ADVANCE TO THE MORTGAGOR, AND <br />BUT THE TOTAL INDEBTE )NESS SECUREDi BY ' THIS MORTGAGE SHALL NOT <br />THE AfPsOUNT NOW OWIN(,- tXCEPT'FOR A"lJY ADVANCES THAT"MAY BE MADE <br />m <br />I'THE TERMS OF THIS 10 )RTGAGE. <br />\TANTS AND AGREES: <br />I.,; hereiribefore provijh�f. j <br />IMS goo(I right and lawful alit'llin.itY to all(] <br />and th"It, Mori-,agor will warr�'I,;Tdalld deforld t Ill" <br />XPSI SPer-iII "sSO. SnIelits, water cliarges, sewer Sor%,- <br />,jed.oll 610 d(4)t ;(Icured hereby, IIIII(I'to furnish the <br />e*N,�()'rt;!,,a;!or ag-ves that there r shall b(" added to <br />.ed lir I �rebv , , I' � <br />; � I' In I'll IOIIIA 0stilil"Ited:bY Iho _klortgagee <br />assi,.-;splellt.s. I id similar chari,��s.jlpoll tile prern- <br />1,11 'I'11ellIS sit III he forfliwith I depo-;ite(I hY the <br />para, raph shall It(, do:' -pined a default it) <br />t f <br />o J)r 'Ind ilIt('I!eA I-P(JI-lired ]let-(,- <br />t;'M1;(',(, o pa is� it IWE-01110S (1110� <br />tile insurance <br />czlust� o� ilit! III: I I' .% <br />-it] lcielw.- of suc.-Il additional pay- <br />Imfa,ind I).% the Z 101-1g."900. '%It , V def,'lult under this <br />the <br />pollcY or p� licies dvpo.�itcd �aro such ;is IlOfile- <br />7 . r I <br />the Alo-lgagleo ril:iy apj)Iy Ille (1(�posij to <br />t I I,:. of.,tion of �Ilc Njortgagev, livid bY it, and <br />Is. 'irld filitil so SIICII j)1'Q'IovIIt,; "are heief)v <br />Ilying III(, fife of! :his illortgage oljginal policies and <br />polit-40S HISU 1*1 to! ;'�,';Iillst fim� aild. other insurable <br />ollill, �p( lal to t le inclobtednesIi SC-ClArod by this <br />. p( I - <br />e in! of"and in form accept�ibje to file �N <br />io 1) q %,I ort;,'� i :CC IININ l)rOCLIr�.' ;ilISIINI'nC(1 oil tile <br />N, (Ille lind payilthle with intent . st at tile rate sk <br />1a:'tj1of the A� i ortgagor to fortlisil'such renewals <br />I I !cq ti,oll of till. Mortgag-ve, (�cjllstihjte :I delault <br />I of Ilef,111111 (-of stituto all assigntilont of tho Iln- <br />i I Is t ni ly he rctailled by the Mort-a"oo <br />of t he lmortga,,, suell sollis '(!illler whollv or in <br />to uild liew blilding., in iheill: place 61. for any <br />oil iho illortga,(: for the fill] 11116116t scclir(�d here- <br />llo%�., ;or <br />I i h( I -rcafl:l r oil ill(, prcinile.s which IM(Y IW - <br />and fret', front ;1 3, IlleclMlliC's libli (or other licnior <br />iwe of or anY nifisallce to exist on <br />erel� ' t w Prow, hereby collvi!.%ed shall becOnle <br />colnplv with ;ill requirements of' law with rvsp(,wL <br />That the Nlorigagor i� the owner of �:Iid �)ropertv in fee simple am <br />colive , v fit(, sallwand that thesanio is free ;Ind clear Of anY lien or ejicinnbrar�c- <br />title to said promises against th!� clainis of all persons wIiOjIjsop�,(-r. <br />'I'll pay illilliciliatek, wlit: �11 due 'Irld axes.tsp 'It <br />pay"Ibloinil ­enerlal I, uci <br />ice chargv_�, and other taxes and :cfiargc�s -IZ ad 's <br />Mortgage'e, upoil reqn,, , linst s, I I propert.%. ,in([ all tlx( , J( <br />st, with t'lle original or (till) iCIf(- reCCil)k therefor. +1 <br />P111C.11 monthly payment required'heremider or undel tile P%'idVIICV Of debt, SN!u <br />to he sufficient to ellable the Nlortgagee to pay. al the\, become due, all tam <br />isus subject thereto; any deficietw - N, becalls(- of t lie il'SLIffiCielIC3' Of 'I(I(jiti(i <br />Alortgng,or %viiii ill(, �%Iorfgmgce Nillon demand lw'f(�w ,Qortvagcl�. Ally defalill <br />payment of I inxes, (:)r similar charg('Is i <br />IJI-Oilil-Od Il('rQtlIld(�r. <br />The A,lortga"or a!"l-ces hVil there shall als(, iw added to each Illolitf <br />to <br />lInder all aillount estimated bY t1ii, Nlortga;�, )w ��Ilflicicnt to (�nablc the M. <br />premiurn On �IIIY ills" ril"Co ImlicYl' delivered to ill(, 1\110rt­�I,,oe. .\It%- deficiencv :h <br />niclits sivill 1w forthwith deposite"d h% ill,, <br />NIort!,'ngo,- with ille Niort""o"oe 11poll <br />p:lralrmph shall ht'deeniod I def"inIt ill t1l, paylo(,ill ;)f insurance prommins. ill <br />owners or nll risl: and it lo deposits are insli I (ficielit . . <br />to ]):I.\ ilw elltiro;j <br />pay preill i tuns On risks requiroff ip he in,�Ilred,bv thi� fliorl"age. <br />by Ilw �.Iortgmgor llndc� ill � above para"'raphs <br />colliminglod %vith other such funds or its o%vii fim(k.101- ilp, p;lylilent of such ife <br />I flodged ;is socuritY for ill(' 11111m id balmic" Of ill(' it oltt,;we ind(:btedliO�'s. <br />Ti, procure, deliver to, and maillinill for tIJ of ill(. .7\Iort",,agv(! <br />I-enewals therc�of, doliverp(l It 10"IS11 t(�ll (41%`; hJ01-0 Ile of ally stic�'j <br />hazarcl�-, casualties, :111d Coll t i ligeilci es as the Alortga,'et- Inay rNpIlre, ill all :ul <br />Mortg,agc,-and in comp;o1jes I() t,11t. � I <br />Nlortg i­eL,. with lo��s cl�ill <br />g,00- Ill tile V%T'Ilt 111Y I)Oli(-.%' is not, reiit_�vcd oil (jr I f,fore tell &;ys of its expil-Z <br />i In PDATIM-11 is, P;I�� tilt- prernium therefor, and such s nil -�Iizlll hec�wlue imilledia:h <br />forth in said nole until p;ij(I arld.shall ho secured Im tlii:� niort-age. Failure OA <br />-is are In-rcin required or fa.ilure to pay any sunis ad r'llIC"d lic-l-c-611(ler sfmll. zI <br />under the ternis of this niortg:ig(�.. The (k.liver.v of sit( it policies shall. ill tilt - <br />earned premium. <br />Any surns receivocl I)v the �,IorjgjIge(, J)%, of jos, <br />r damage J1 <br />Ind applit�d toward (It(. payment of ill(-' debt herelA, secured, or, al, tile optii, <br />INIrt Illay 1w pnid over to ill(- 'vl.ortgagor to 6c, i1sp(l I to sl'!(,Il Injil(lings i)] <br />Other ptirpom! Or object satisfneiPry to the Nlortgngeo xitholij 'ITecting ill(- li�-i <br />Ily hefore such payment tooj"- place. <br />To proniptIv repair, r(�:'dore or rebuild aliv huildings (;r illiprovelm-lit <br />conle daniaged or clesiroved: to keep s;ji(I promises. it, good condition and repair <br />c lairn of lien not expressiv subor(firiaterl to ill(, liell Iu <br />r(.,of; no( to:suffer oi- perim <br />.�.aid propert', nor to purnlit WI'St-t- On s;lid premises, nor to (to ;jny other act <br />]'ess valliable, nor to diminish or il'-npair it.; value by �111N- act. or orn'issioti to let; o <br />to the mortga"'ca premises and it?-, use thervoi <br />Thid �Ilollld tile prenlis(:!; or aliv pal,� therco� be tllk ir claillaged bv� I asoll�ofl;mv puillic improvenieni Or condellillaii . oil <br />proceeding. or iLnder the right of' emillent donlzlirl�. Or in' allY (o,ithe,r manner, if shall, he entitled to �Ill collipensat ions, <br />awards, aod �Jjly other payment or relief therefor, an(� shall he entitle(j. It its d 1) ioll,� i i I I . . <br />'o collil <br />IlCll, appear Ili aild in its <br />action or proccuding, or to Inake all'! compromise or settlement n connection Nvit I such taking, or dainage. All such <br />O11vIl IMIlle all� , ' ' . i <br />compensation. awards. damages, right. of action :Ili([ proceeds ai:o hervhv as.4g,: ed i(� <br />'It�� Nlort agev, who oj�jy" after: deductine, <br />therefrom all its expenses. release any nioneys so rec(lived I)%, I <br />it Or nppl-, I lie s,,m u, 01) ;111%1 "Idebti (hiess secured ilereby. The Mort- <br />gugor agrees to exectitu such further assignments of lilly coinpensltioll, uld ri" his of Iction al?'d proceeds as the <br />jNlortgagee niaX require. <br />That in case of failure to perfor'll arlV Of the ('6venants ficirvin, the Alorig igce� 111,67 do Oil lie Xlortgagor'sl behalf everything <br />so covelialited; that the Alortgagt'!e Illay also ;to arly a t it mav deern necessary :I(, <br />. 11 - pr(;N�cfl the lien thereof: tliat-tlie Morigagor %%,i)J <br />i�pay upon demand lily moneys',paid or disbursed by the Nlortgagev for ally (;fl he ;iI;ovL11 purpo.lbs. and slich me' <br />I I . I nevs together with <br />interest thereon at the rate provided in said not(' shall become so much additi( ha) ilide,btedriuss hereby securco:'I and may. bc in - <br />1, : �ds I of sale If said prenli5�e if, not ( <br />cluded ill any decree foreclosing this mortgage Lind N, paid olif of file rents Or ro.ce, ktherwise <br />paid;. that it shall not he obligatory upon the Mortgagee , to inquire into ill(- Nia idit�- of�anY lien, enctimbrance"l;, OL r clahn in ad- <br />varicing moneys I.,; above authorized, blit, nothing her ill contained shall be col)s riled nsirequiring the %­Iortg,,Ig(!e jo advance all <br />nioneys for any such purpose nor to do ally act hereurider; and that Mortgagee i sl all I ; to i t i heur any pq�rsonal liabili�v becat'ise of all��- <br />thin!' it Tolilv (to or ornit to (to hereunder. <br />e%1("Ilt Of the (jefinlit h%, INrl ortgagor ill the paylliel)t Of ally as i <br />. I . , reqn1ro.. y the Note .4ecured hereby, Or <br />in tile performance of fit(! obligation in this mortgage or Ili fit(,, 11( -;to secured tlio�rf the M 1 0 sh,111 I)(-' viltifleO 'to declare the <br />ortgag <br />lebt seCUred hereby (Ili(! and paylihle without notice, alrid tile Nlor`tgagee shall 1)(� 'flititied at iLs o <br />I : , P(i III, Without notice, either by itself <br />or by I receiver to 6 appointed Ily the court thereof,jan(I N%,itIIont regard to Nlo! idequac� of ally w!curit.v f(ir thi, inifebt6driess se: <br />cured hereby, to enter upon and . take possession of the morfgag&d premises, and to colleo�!t all(I (I �eivc the reritsjs.�ues zinc] profit� <br />thereof, and apply the sInIv I j <br />less costs of operation ;Ind collection. ,pon j.he ill SCCU ., h. f (I I)v this inortgage:* said rents, <br />is�Sue.,; and profits heing hereby assigned to the Alortgaglee as furtho'�r securitv for I yrnent of all lindebtedness seeu'red hereby. <br />The INIortgagee shall the power to appoint ally 1gelit br lgent.g if 11 v de',sire for t4o- <br />1 s it 1 11 . I . . purpose of -r epa i.ring said prern- <br />ises: rentifg. the saine; collecting, the rents, revenues land incollic.', and it may llal oil I, of said incl-ne all expenses incurred in rent- <br />irogr "and managing the sanie' and , of collecting tile re I ntals thereirorn. The halln . e ren I lai ning, if., iny, shall be Ipplie(I toward the <br />discharge, of the. mortgage indebJeflness. This assignij I lent is to terminate and bdi nil 11 and V( id upon release, of this mortg,,, L ge.- <br />