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0110i <br />VIP <br />0 P'_:7 111 `Z N' D I i 0 R T Q A G - <br />V— I —0M57PUC71 110M-171MIVIDUAL <br />18 <br />'i� [1J0N-ASSUiMABL-7_ <br />Loan <br />1-onr.i No. SG3 9-73 E3 1 T y P.�, <br />THIS RTGAGE, inade and executed this of ......... AIPP,�.M.k. 4�',r .......... A. D., iq .... 75.. <br />James ... E....Ross ... and.. Janet.. M.....Ros. s.,...husband.. And.. i-ri, f.e.; ... and..Dolbert ... E�._theas.m.eyer ... and I Lois -A . ..... <br />Theasmeyer.,...husband,..and ... i -rife.; ... .... and --- her ... mm individual.. right,... j pintly and severally <br />. .. .... .... .. ..... .......... ......... .. ....... <br />of ..... . Gran.d',Island ......... ...... ....... , County of Hall State of .............. Nebraska <br />.. .. .. .... .. . .............. hereinafter referred <br />to as the iMortgagor, and FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCTATION 01' LINCOLN, successors <br />an(I assigns. liereinafter'refert-c-d to as T\Iortgagee, <br />WITNE"SSE"I'll: That the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the stim of <br />THIRTY ... THO.U.SAND ... FIVE ... HUNDRED ... AND .... N10121100777-77. -777777777-1 -7. _77 7 77 30,500-00 <br />1); 6d by said 1M.Cirtgagee, does hereby sell and coilvey unto FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />LENCOLIN, Nebraska, as Mork�agce, it's successbri; and assigns. the following described Real H'state.situated ill the County 'of <br />Hall Nebraska <br />........ ............ . ........................ ....... State of ......... ......... I—— ...... ..... ...... to -wit: <br />Lot Four (4), Ross Heights Subdivision, in Hall: <br />County, Nebraska. <br />TO HAVE A1,11) TO HOLD the above described preinises for the us" herehiset forth in(] to secure perfornmncf� of tile <br />obligations contained herein, together %vith all huildimls, improvements, fixtures * and appurtenances and .111 casements therounto <br />belonging, ind it is -mutually covervinted nrid agreed by and between the parties hereto that all plunibin� as. electric and <br />inecliallical. fixtures, appliance.j. equipment, machinery and apparatus, floor coverings, storm windows and screeris. and such other <br />goods and chattels and personal property as are ever furnished by a landlord in letting or operatin.- all unfurnished building, sinii- <br />i ach <br />lar to tile one now or hereafter oil said premises, which are or sliall be , tt, ed ' to said building in any nianner whaCsoever, nro- <br />arld sliall be decined to be fixtures and in accc.��iori to the frechold and a part of the realtY as hetween the parties hereto, their <br />heirs, executors, administrators. successors or assigns, and all persons claiming by, through or under them, and shall be deonled <br />to be a portion of the -security for the indebtednes.q herein mentioned and to be covered by this mortgage. <br />PrzOVIDEIj ALWAYS. and these presents are executed and delivered upon the followill, conditions, agreements and <br />obligations of tile. Nl,lortgagors, to -wit: <br />r <br />The 'Mortgagor agrees to pay to tile Mortgagee, or order, the principal surn of THIRTY .. 7HOUSAND ... FIVJ�.. HUNDRE D <br />AND_ 7n77.7!.— ...................... ) Dollars, <br />payable as provided in a lot . c exectited and delivered concurrently .�lerewitll, tile final pvnient* of principal, if not sooner lmid, <br />oil the ......... lst .................... day of ................. ................................ 12S .. �99� ... <br />